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Everything posted by BlakleyBrideToBe

  1. Congrats and Welcome! Happy Planning!
  2. Hello Crystal Congrats and Welcome! Happy Planning!
  3. You're in my thoughts & prayers! Good Luck
  4. Hello Raeshri Congrats and Welcome
  5. Hello Misty Congrats and Welcome!
  6. Hello Amanda Congrats and Welcome
  7. Congrats and Welcome! Have you done a Seach on the Maui Wedding Planner yet?
  8. Hello Brenda Congrats and Welcome
  9. Hello Jennifer Congrats and Welcome
  10. You get point for viewing and posting to threads.
  11. Congrats and Welcome. Check out Punta Cana Dominican Republic. It's not that expensive it's compairable to Mexico.
  12. Hello Annie Congrats and Welcome
  13. Hello Edy Congrats and Welcome
  14. Hello Ashley Congrats and Welcome
  15. Hello Elvis. Welcome...
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