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Everything posted by McToasty

  1. Wow thanks so much! FI and I are getting married there in August and have so many questions. Your review and the one Foxytv posted really paint a picture of what we can expect and look forward to! Thanks again and congrats!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by jt20 Does anyone have RECENT experiences considering all these NEW security screenings and restrictions? I am a little worried about this too. We were going to fly direct, but found a cheaper flight with American Airlines that stops over in Miami. I heard that there's a no-carry-on-allowed rule going around. Anyone know anything about this?
  3. Hey, sorry to hear about your FMIL. I hope she feels better. Weird coincedence tho. I just posted about this a couple days ago. The resort we chose is a bit pricey for FI's family, so we looked into the webcast option too. We looked into IdoStream live wedding webcast, broadcast and video streaming. Share your wedding live online for friends and family who cannot make it to the event. and they emailed me back with some info. For the $199 package, you would need wireless internet, a camcorder + laptop. I can send it to you if you like! They even have an option that enables chat after the ceremony and stuff. With a huge resort like the ROR, i'm sure they have wireless + would be able to work something out for you.
  4. I'm planning on wearing white flip flops. Last year when I was in the Dominican, the sand would get so hot I could barely walk on it! I haven't found a pair I like yet tho. Hehe. So I guess we'll see. No matter what you choose, I'm sure you'll look stunning.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Oryx Hi McToasty, Yes I agree, it is quite pricey. Although I still have a valid student card, so I want to purchase more classes before that expires! I go to the North York studio near Yonge & Sheppard -- you? Haha omg that's right by my house. I live 2 blocks north of there. I've been there 2-3 times. The classes get so busy! If I had $, I'd suggest we meet up. We should definitely organize a Toronto girls get-together tho!
  6. Wow. those are amazing!!! I want to do my own invites for our AHR but i'd have to make too many. We already ordered Message In A Bottle invites for the DW. At least I can ogle at yours!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Angela~ Yay!!! So exciting!!! We just secured our group rate today as well. Now, we'll see how many people actually book! Is PPC charging you for the webcast? If so, how much is it? you guys are so sweet. I knew if there was anyone who would appreciate the stress + the final relief, it would be you guys!!! haha yay! congrats babe!!! how many ppl are you estimating? our is a small party... maybe 12-15? I emailed IdoStream live wedding webcast, broadcast and video streaming. Share your wedding live online for friends and family who cannot make it to the event. and it's $199 for the basic package if you have a camcorder + laptop. If you want, I can email you what they sent me. lemme know.
  8. omg. i'm still hyperventilating. so FI and I decided to do the webcast thing of our wedding, so a lot of family + friends backed out. I was a little sad that some ppl really close to us wouldn't be able to make it, but it's a lot of money, so it makes sense. FI's brother went online and did some research. PPC, which we've been seeing prices go around $1800-2000pp, had a sale today and tickets were $1545pp!!! So in a frenzy of motion we called my brother + sister in law, interrupted their cake-cutting (b/c it's her bday) and asked them if they were in, called my mom, called our photog. Now we're all booked! It's really going to happen! haha... just wanted to get it out. i'm so thankful for BDW or else i'd go crazy. time for a shot. who's in
  9. Ack i'm so excited for you!!! Promise to let us know how it goes!!! I'll be going later this year in August!
  10. Hi girls, I'm trying to tone up for the big day too. Unfortunately, my bank book is as skinny as can be, so I can't afford to go to classes. Anyone have any yoga videos they can recommend? I like the ones that are a good work out but also have that spiritual/calming side to it too. I'd also like recommendations for good pilates videos pleaaaase! Any ideas would be welcome. Thanksthanksthanks!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Oryx Has anyone tried Moksha yoga? It is fairly similar, from what I understand. I just started and hope to go at least twice a week, along with the gym twice a week. I've been to Moksha yoga a few times and I loved it. Haven't been back awhile, but want to get back into it. It's just a bit pricey, esp with saving for the wedding and stuff. Which one do you go to?
  12. Hey gals, I have the memory of a goldfish so I'm hoping someone will know something about this. I saw awhile ago something about... live streaming of your wedding so people who can't make it can still celebrate with you in real time. At the time I didn't think I was interested, so didn't pay attention. But I think some of our close friends might not be able to make it b/c it's so expensive, so want to look in to it. Thanks so much!
  13. ambeato, i'm sort of in the same boat as you, only i've already paid the deposit so have no choice. >< I don't fully regret it, b/c it IS a beautiful resort and from foxytv's pics, the gazebo and everything look amazing. It's just sooo expensive. For us and for our guests. foxytv, we've already signed the contract and said that we were going with the aqua packages. do you think they'll let us choose a la carte instead? that *might* be cheaper, as we do not need a lot of the extras. As we get closer to the date I may be msging you more about how you made the decorations and stuff if you don't mind! i LOVED the set up of your wedding, and if it saves money, that's even better. thanks in advance!
  14. ambeato, i'm sort of in the same boat as you, only i've already paid the deposit so have no choice. >< I don't fully regret it, b/c it IS a beautiful resort and from foxytv's pics, the gazebo and everything look amazing. It's just sooo expensive. For us and for our guests. foxytv, we've already signed the contract and said that we were going with the aqua packages. do you think they'll let us choose a la carte instead? that *might* be cheaper, as we do not need a lot of the extras. As we get closer to the date I may be msging you more about how you made the decorations and stuff if you don't mind! i LOVED the set up of your wedding, and if it saves money, that's even better. thanks in advance!
  15. Welcome Lindsay! Nice to see another girl from Toronto. Lemme know if you have any questions.
  16. That sucks. lol. I'd be so tempted to tell her to take the 10ft pole out her a$$, but of course, we can't. All we can do is try to be patient. I feel bad for your FI too. It's such an important day, he would obviously want them to be excited for him, and her attitude just puts a whole downer on things. Eh. What can you do. My dad actually asked me if I was sure that we wanted a DW (this was just last week - we booked the resort last June and he knew about it), and if there are "only" 20 people coming, maybe we should just cancel it. I just explained that it's what we really want, and even if it was just us two, we wouldn't cancel. Maybe just choose a smaller package. Lucky for me tho, he's the type to just be quiet about it after. Sounds like your FMIL is the type to go around yapping to everyone about her qualms. Wish you all the best!!! *hugs*
  17. That sucks. lol. I'd be so tempted to tell her to take the 10ft pole out her a$$, but of course, we can't. All we can do is try to be patient. I feel bad for your FI too. It's such an important day, he would obviously want them to be excited for him, and her attitude just puts a whole downer on things. Eh. What can you do. My dad actually asked me if I was sure that we wanted a DW (this was just last week - we booked the resort last June and he knew about it), and if there are "only" 20 people coming, maybe we should just cancel it. I just explained that it's what we really want, and even if it was just us two, we wouldn't cancel. Maybe just choose a smaller package. Lucky for me tho, he's the type to just be quiet about it after. Sounds like your FMIL is the type to go around yapping to everyone about her qualms. Wish you all the best!!! *hugs*
  18. wow just reading all that already gave me a headache. My heart goes out to you!!! I hope it all works out. Update us!
  19. When i first read this thread, i kind of understood where your cousin was coming from. it *is* unfair of her to do that, but in the end, she's going to be a bride too and i can see how waiting an extra year to be married to the love of your life seems too far away. plus, as other girls said, maybe she doesn't even expect that many people to make it to theirs. But your SISTER! ohmigooooooooooood! i don't think they would even do that in a MOVIE b/c it's so unbelievable. how was your relationship with her before she dropped the bomb on you? when she said the "don't tell mom cuz i'm not sure" thing, it sounded like she just wanted to really annoy you and f*k up your mood, but knew that she wouldn't go thru with it b/c everyone would be so pissed. B/c honestly, it would not look good on her AT ALL. and it doesn't make any sense - for her, for you, for her guests. Wouldn't she want some time to bask in her own wedding rather than rush back from yours, then have a superspeed wedding right after? Anticipation is a big part, and for her to get married days after yours, a DW, who's gonna be paying attention? dumbdumbdumbdumbdumb. good thing you have a supportive family. i have a feeling she's gonna have to change her date, whether she likes it or not. *hugs*
  20. omgggg i can't believe all this stuff you're telling us. it's HORRIBLE!!! i mean, i've seen movies and heard stories about monstrous MILs, but yours truly takes the cake. i don't get how people can be so mean. my FI's family all treat me like family already even though we haven't even been together that long. I love that.. as wonderful as i am (haha jk), i know the reason they're so good to me is b/c they love HIM. and as your FMIL "loves" her son, how can she bear to put him thru so much turmoil before his big day? if not for your sake, at least for his right?! it's unbelievably selfish. Ugh. *Do* keep us posted. Be calm + try not to let them get to you!!! *hugs*
  21. Holy crap you guys are having a HUGE DW!!! i was hoping to get a good group price, but we only have about 30 people going so i guess that's down the drain. hahaha.. i totally know what you mean tho. 30 is a comfortable number for me... but it might approach 40 with FI's family inviting friends, and that's already pushing it. i totally picture DWs as really intimate ones... and the AHRs are where the big gathering would be, if any, right? At least we're not alone.
  22. I BOUGHT MY DRESS TODAY!!! hehe. Tried on a few other ones at random places. Didn't like them as much as the one i saw @ Bridal Desires, so went back and got it. Joanna is very helpful and doesn't pressure you into buying anything. She also helped me choose a veil, tiara and jewelry to go with it so i'm all set to go!
  23. hey guys, thanks so much for all your support!!! hehe. sarah310, i love your monogram too!!! haha.. i've thought about it, but no conclusion yet.. i'm so bad at colors and stuff like that.. what about you?! how's planning going?? OchieBride, i actually haven't gotten my book yet. i'm REALLY bad at surprises, so i asked Kathy to hold on to it for me. if it was in my hands, there's no way i'd be able to keep myself from showing FI! I'm giving it to him for his bday at the end of august, so i'll probably pick it up from her the week before. i'll definitely show you then! when i was doing the BD shoot tho, i saw a sample of the book and it was beautiful. you totally get what you pay for. i'd go for it.
  24. Heather, I looked on the Ritchie website b/c they carry so many dresses, but they seem to be on the higher end. well, higher in my books. if you don't mind me asking, how much was your dress? how's the service there? do they cater more to the >$1000 range? K, so i checked out Bridal Desires today. It's at 11 Harwood Ave. They had a rack of DW dresses which were ok. Generally under $1000 i believe. The owner, Joanna, was pretty helpful. Their BM dresses were kinda hideous though. Ugh, my BM who came with me actually backed out of being a BM b/c she didn't like any of the dresses and didn't see any prospect of finding a dress with a unifying theme as the other 2 BMs. Hope that helps. Will update if i see anymore.
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