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Everything posted by jstinemari

  1. DF and I are doing the "i've found love" on his in russian "and love is you" on mine in spanish. to represent our cultures and then i think we'll throw in the date somewhere too lol
  2. thanks you! your site's great, it has alot of good info i would have forgotten about, it gave me a ton of ideas thanks again
  3. thanks Krystall, i really like your planning site! i need to make one of those too can i just ask why you choose to go with old lahaina lua? just wondering because I wasnt sure which to choose. We finally just went with Lele because we found out everyone could walk there from olowalu. i'm just curious to see if you had any specific reasons why your going with old lahaina.. i've never been to either
  4. i want to see them too her arrangments are beautiful!
  5. thanks we do feel so much better now We were considering having the reception at Olowalu but it was just a little bit pricey...so many extras we'd need and both of us would rather spend our money enjoying the hawaiin islands. Plus, we're having a reception when we return home for everyone who isnt coming to Hawaii. We're having it at Feast of lei lei instead and i'm sure everyone will have a great time. Your wedding is coming up so soon!! you must be so excited i cant wait to see pics! are you all done planning?
  6. and thank you for sharing the link to this blog! it's great
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by azulskies I agree...it's really cute ditto! what a sweet story, and i love your site..how did you make it? i'd like to put one together
  8. Hi everyone! so it's been a couple months now since i've been on this forum.. I was so depressed about the possibility of not being able to have my wedding at Olowalu and in Maui, even coming to the forum upset me! FI and I gave other locations a chance.. we checked out Florida's islands, the Carribbean islands..St. Lucia (gorgeous) and St. Thomas, bermuda the bahamas, jamaica... and while many of the locations we looked at were beautiful, our hearts were and have always been in Maui.. at Olowalu plantation. So we have decided to go ahead with our original plans! I am so happy and so excited. We do of course hope his mother has a change of heart and comes, but FI and I are both on agreement that this is definately what we want and if his mom isnt going to be supportive of our choice then it's HER problem, not ours. In other words, "It's our day so screw what she thinks" those are FI's words lol. I am such a happy camper right now.. well, a happy bride again and so glad I can move ahead with the planning! i'm just mad i lost 2 months, I feel like it's crunch time now. well, i just wanted to give the update and let you know i'm still here with all of you..and that i'm definately 100% getting "Maui'ed" :)
  9. Hi! i am considering St. Thomas.. i was wondering if anyone has had or has seen a wedding on the beach at Trunk Bay? it looks so beautiful but i dont want too many onlookers.. i spoke to a WC who suggested doing it late in the afternoon, before sunset. does anyone know much about the beach??
  10. Thanks Kristy, I know we should have our wedding where WE want.. but i just feel guilty. i dunno... tickets to st. lucia are half the price and it's less than half of the traveling time it takes to get to HI. I decided to give St. Lucia a good try.. I spoke to Kris at Villa Capri and she said they have 2 villas available that can accomodate our guests. I'm going to look into Pigeon Island and the W/C suggestions. Thanks again
  11. Hi girls!! It looks like i may be a st.lucia bride.. We were planning a Maui wedding, had a location and reception booked and then there were issues with FMIL saying she wasnt going to HI. and I began feeling guilty that it was very far (we're in Boston) a difficult flight for our son and very expensive, maybe too expensive for my closest friends.. We're looking into St. Lucia now.. we are so stressed out about everything though and we're thinking of just going with the original plan in Maui because we're so happy with the location and our planned luau.. I'm really upset about it. I feel ike i'm back to square one. Anyhow, I was wondering if anyone could suggest a W/C in St. Lucia or locations.. I', looking for a private beach with a great view. Also need accomodations.. i'd really like villas or condos for everyone's accomodations. We'll have about 20 people. And something reasonably priced. I dont want everyone to have to spend an arm and a leg. we looked into villas capri and unfortunately i didnt put a hold on the week we wanted, so it was taken today of course uggh it's one thing after another. this wedding planning is stressing me out. shouldnt it be a happy time, fun even everything was going great until FMIL ruined it for us, i'm so angry with her! sorry i didnt mean to turn this into a vent lol if anyone has any suggestions, I would reaaally greatly appreciate it! thanks. Anyway I feel like I'm back to square
  12. So MIL said she'll pay for a deposit elswhere.. IF we decide to change the location. I'm still pretty much in love with Olowalu plantation but i'll keep my eyes open anyway and if we find something that we love as much as olowalu (which i doubt) we'll consider changing the location. This is NOT to please FMIL, but it would be alot easier for everyone if we have it closer. It would be easy on our son, our grandparents, friends who cant afford to get to HI.. so we have alot of thinking to do but i'm sure it will all work out.. thanks again for your advice and letting me release the stress!
  13. thank you all for your advice.. There's definitely a part of me agreeing completely with everyone. I want to say "Screw her, this is OUR wedding and we'll have it when and wherever WE please!" But another part of me is thinking that its his mom after all and it's very important she be there. So i'm hoping we can come to a compromise (even though she doesn't deserve one). I'd like DF to speak with her calmly about the situation, tell her its very important to us that she'd be there. however, we've put a non-refundable deposit on the location in Maui, actually my mother paid it for us.. I'd like him to ask her if she's willing to reimburse the deposit or at least pay for a deposit at another location. I think that's only fair. $1500 is a lot to throw away and i'm not letting my mom get screwed out of her money.. If FML willing to compromise then great. If not then it's the absolute last straw, i'm done trying with her, done trying to make her happy... can it ever be about US for once?? I really dont think she deserves the option but maybe it would be easier for some people if the location was closer, financially speaking. DF really doesnt even want to speak with her about it anymore, he says she's no longer welcome at our wedding.. but i think he's putting up a front, i think he's hurt by the situation. I'll try to get him to speak with her one last time about it i guess. then again, i'd hate to keel over and let her have her way.. oh she is such a headache.. i guess we'll just see what happens... but i'm seriously at my wits end with the woman thanks again and i'll update when i know anything else
  14. nevermind! the deposit is non-refundable.. i'm so angry with her!
  15. My future MIL is a real pain.. i'm always so nice to her and very respectuful. But she's been out of line since day 1... She wouldnt even speak in english around me for maybe 6months lol she'd only speak in russian and ignore me. She's nice when she feels like it and completely rude other days for no apparent reason at all.. so anyway, she's being a real jerk about the wedding. She doesnt like that we're getting married in HI..we're from boston, she doesnt want to take the long flight. Her 50th bday is also a few days before the wedding so she got mad because we were planning on leaving that day.. because by all means her party is more important than our wedding. So we told her that we'd change the wedding date so we wouldnt miss her holy birthday party and so she wouldnt have to worry about leaving the next day. she still complained and said she wasnt going to Hawaii.. DF asked her one more time tonight and asked her to give him her final answer if she was going to be at our wedding or not... she said flat out "NO" i dont get it.. why wouldnt you want to be at your only son's wedding? who cares if its a long flight.. she's only 49, she has no health problems... its not like she cant make the flight, she just chooses not too. still, i feel like she should be there.. she is his mother (unfortunately lol). So i'm considering moving the wedding somewhere closer.. bermuda, mabye jamaica or the bahamas.. the thing is, we've already given our W/C Lori a deposit for Olowalu Planation.. does anyone know, if we decided not to have it there can we get the deposit back? or at least some of it??
  16. i'm either wearing my hair in a half ponytail, or a loose pony to the side.. similar to estella's inspiration pics above
  17. thanks for posting! i love the birdcage veil too and was thinking the same thing, they are so lovely!
  18. loooove #2! but as said before, you look great in both! it's a tough call really and you'll look gorgeous in whichever you choose
  19. oops i posted this somewhere else, i didnt know it would get moved.. thats ok, i ended up with 2 sets of ideas lol thanks
  20. thanks for the ideas! i didnt think it would go so well with brighter, tropical colors, but looks like champagne works with plenty
  21. thanks everyone. and yes i think the flight from here is closer to 12 or 13 hoursl holy cow. i'll actually enjoy a layover or two on this trip
  22. I think a colored gown looks great against my dark olive skin color, i really like champagne. Now i'm having trouble finding colors that go with the champagne color. Does anyone have any suggestions? or if your dress is champagne (or was).. what are your wedding colors?
  23. I'm from Boston MA, so Maui is quite a trip away (10 hrs flight i think). I have a wedding planner helping me, and we're flying in a weekend before the ceremony to sort out any minor details, but do i have to go before that? Is it practical to plan a wedding without actually seeing things 1st hand? like fabric for example, or what about sampling cake? i'm just wondering what your plans are? are you taking a trip there before the wedding?
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