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Everything posted by jstinemari

  1. Hey ladies! from the few last posts i read it seems like we have new people on the program! so i just want to stay good luck I posted a few days ago that i was having all my wisdom teeth surgically removed. It was the day after i began the core phase on Monday. I've been in so much pain but i'm trying to stick to the diet, so i've been eating soft scrambled egg whites for the past two days as much as i can.. but i've skipped so manymeals because of the pain. i have to admit i also added had ice cream yesterday.. probably a couple cups and yogurt because it really hurts even eating the eggs. Today my mouth hurt the most and I only ate a cup of ice cream the entire day and just drank protein shakes. It just hurt so much that i didnt want to eat and I slept most of the day. I am feeling really guily though..like i've ruined my diet. Tomorrow I'm just going to deal with it and eat the eggs every few hours like i'm supposed too. do you think I should begin again from day of the diet or should i continue on with the core phase?? I hope everything makes sense lol the meds i'm on are making me so groggy
  2. thanks! your right i'm just going to eat what i can Also...am i allowed to begin cheat day at midnight??
  3. hi girls! hope everyone is doing well. I've been on the diet almost 3 weeks. tomorrow is FINALLY my 1st cheat day and it cant come soon enough.. I've lost about 8 pounds so far and i'm super happy. Now i'm wondering if anyone has any advice... Monday i'm having my wisdom teeth surgically removed. I dont think i'll be wanting to eat much for a few days afterwards, especially 6 times but i'm going to try to stick with the diet anyway. So what would you eat for those days? i'm thinking lots of egg whites, cottage cheese and cut up very soft fruits.. is there any high protein low carb ice cream or soup lol
  4. We're having our cermony at Olowalu and planned on having our reception at Feast of Lele. However I really wanted the cermoney to end at sunset. I thought we could begin about an hour before sunset. We still wanted a little time for a mini reception.. cake and chamagne, our first dance and pictures. Now the Luau is 15 min away and I dont want our guests to miss anything, so our WC suggested begining at 3:30. Now i'm trying to figure out if the ceremony at sunset is something i definately have to have, and if it is then it looks like we should change our reception venue. Does anyone know of a reception venue with live entertainment and great food that I could look into?
  5. yes! thanks for asking. i found gorgeous ellie saab for pronovias gown. It's at the salon still but I havent been able to steal any pics yet. I guess the designer doesnt allow pictures to be taken of their dresses. Next time i go i'm going to try again to get a picture of me wearing it, hopefully they'll let me since it's paid for now. I'll post pics when i can
  6. i have to say my favorites were chelsea and.. i forget his name.. dancing to bleeding love. It has made me tear a little every time i watched it lol i also love the dance about the woman struggling with drug addiction and another living with breast cancer. Sorry i cant remember the dancer's names
  7. ok so I just checked the chart again and it looks like I made a mistake.. my cheat day isn't for another week! I thought it was this weekend but its next. man am I bummed!
  8. this IS a tough one.. let me just say you really do look beautiful either way. but if i could choose for you i think i'd go with the brunette. It does make you look more exotic and it gives you a more romantic, classic look.. and i think it brings out the color of your eyes too. years from now if you go back to your natural color and look back at your wedding photos, would it bother you if your hair was highlighted? hmm.. honestly you cant go wrong either way. good luck with your decision
  9. Hi Everyone! lisa- congrats on the weight lost so far, your really doing great! Since i've been on the diet i've lost about 6lbs i'm really happy. i feel great, my stomach is flatter! My family and friends have noticed too. I'm not having any cravings anymore either. i'm still excited for my first cheat day this sunday, i'm going to two birthday parties..and i'm so excited to be able to have cake lol
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Hoosierfan Loved last night's finale! Shane is becoming one twisted, yet interesting, character. And Celia's imitation of Nancy with her "team" is priceless. haha i agree, it was so funny when she looked around at everyone and said "i have a team" lol I loved the finale! i'm so happy Pilar is gone..
  11. this is a good idea. I'm in too I started hitting the gym and eating a healthy diet probably about 3 weeks ago. But i started the cheat your way thin diet 10 days ago. So my 30-day challenge is going to be sticking religiously to the diet and keeping up my workouts. Right now i do cardio 3 days a week for an hour and strength training a couple days. There are days i skip of course but my goal is to do as much as i can. Lucky for me there's a gym in the building we live in... but it's hard finding time to work out because i'm also a mother and student. So when i'm not taking care of the LO or cleaning or making dinner or studying I am usually exhausted. My goal is to just keep up what i've been doing for 30 days good luck to everyone as well!
  12. FMIL IS unpleasable! that is her in a nut shell. As of now she's not coming. The other day I went to try on wedding gowns and she asked FI where i was, when he told her she said "good for her" lol. whatever i was upset about it, but i'm over it.. she's just plain rude and we're not letting her spoil our wedding. Maybe she'll cave in and come but i just dont care anymore Huey- that's a great idea! i dont know if the management would allow that... but it's something i'd be interested in doing. We've already paid the deposit but maybe someone else would be interested ? you should look into that
  13. i'm working with Lori from Tropical Maui weddings... she is just wonderful, you wont be disappointed and her prices are fair. Alot of woman on this site have worked with her and everyone will say the same. You can check out her packages on the website. GL
  14. whoops i looked for it, guess i missed it! nevermind the post then lol
  15. Anyone watch?? it's great show! unfortunately last night was the season finale but it was awsome! If you've never watched i suggest catching it on demand it's on showtime
  16. i cant wait for GG! FI is a little upset about it coming back though LOL it's the only show i watch that he hates but he'll sit through it anyway anyone know when the new season starts? it's september right?
  17. oh and how creepy was that big egg tara and eggs were watching over?? maryanna lays eggs? wierd! that's not in the book either
  18. last night's episode was OK.. it was a little on the boring side and Evan Rachael Wood was just ok too.. but i still like her The finale should be amazing but i'm so sad the season is over and yeah i hate that we have to wait 2 weeks! wth lol
  19. did anyone hear Anderson Cooper's thoughts of her and the performance?? Hilarious!!! he said it all, you have to you tube it!
  20. i'm sorry that your having to deal with all of this. when you should be being happy about your upcoming wedding, your having to worry. It's just unfair added stress.. I can definately relate. My FMIL is horrible, she's refusing to come to our wedding. She hasn't liked me from the first moment we met either. I wasn't was she had always envisioned for her son...because i'm not russian, she was VERY disappointed about that lol She ONLY spoke in Russian around me for maybe 6 months and she knows how to speak perfect english. She plays nice now after many talks with DF.. (it was probably more of him puting her in check) and after our son was born because she adores him. but she doesnt want to come to our wedding. I let it get to me at first but i decided to just be happy and brush her off. remember, it's your wedding, you and your FH love each other and you should be happy. Try not to let them get to you or push you apart. He should know what they're doing is wrong and you should both be there for each other. I hope everything goes well with a mediator. hopefully you and you future in laws can end up on good terms. best of luck
  21. so apparently I'll be reading the new sookie stackhouse book on my honeymoon LOL i think i'll check out House of Night i might even try.. (GASP) the vampire diaries?? i saw them at barnes and nobles but i'm scared that it's too "tween" for me.
  22. thank everyone for the support i made it another day! i'm really looking forward to sunday, my first low Gigl day.. i cant wait to eat fruit!
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