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Everything posted by 1sunshine

  1. omg everything is super cute, i cant believe its almost time for your wedding!!!! how are you doing ready
  2. omg i so sorry for everything that is happening, i know there is nothing we can say that would make you feel better for now, it must be very disappointing having your wedding plan and then having to go back to square one, dont worry you are going to be able to pull it off.
  3. OMG!! i think all men are like that!!! im pretty organize with my stuff so i never had a problem until FI moved, we been living together for 6 weeks and OMG!!! now im working on training FI!!! my mother has good advice to give all the time!
  4. well hope you get some info tomorrow, and let us now what happened
  5. yeap one hour with my trainer and 30 min cardio!!!
  6. yayyy another Hawaii bride, welcome i am getting married in Maui, happy planning
  7. congrats! n you'll find a lot of help and this site. im getting married in maui november 09
  8. omg everybody has so amazing jobs, some have jobs that i would love to have!! well for the last 3 years i've been working on the hospitality industry, i am the housekeeping manager for a casino-hotel in palm springs, and before that i used to be a kindergarten teacher!
  9. OMG! time is flying i still have a lot of things to do, we just barely bought out tickets! lol and i have a lot more stuff to be done, wedding programs, finish OOT bags, finish center pieces and a lot more!!! ughh i just got tire of typing what i have to do!!
  10. i hope im not missing anything! im in palm springs but ill go anywhere!! im free on weekends afternoon is fine the only weekend i cant do is the weekend of sep 18,19 n 20 cause is my bachelorette getaway!!
  11. yes!!! actually i took a long lunch so i could go n work out w my amazing trainer!
  12. i need like 30 too but ill take pobably the 50!!, how much it is for the 100, pm me if you want
  13. yeap just came back from the gym, after an intense kick on my butt by my trainer and 30 min of cardio
  14. Nov 12, 2009: Karina + Cory @ Ritz Carlton Kapalua Feb 11, 2009: Trish + Bill @ Makena Secret Cove + Kimo's Restaurant Oct 14, 2009: Deb + John @ Kalaeokai'a Estate + Five Palms Restaurant Feb 10, 2010: Laura + Jim @ Maria Lanakila + TBD Reception May 22, 2010: Huey + Isaac @ Honua Kai Lani + Spago June 17, 2010: Krystall + Nick @ Olowalu Plantation House + Old Lahaina Luau Oct. 19, 2010: Amanda + Patrick @ Kula Botanical Garden + Ruth's Chris Steakhouse
  15. welcome and congrats!!, yay another maui bride!!!
  16. ok i have one confession to make.... Im soooo relief that my FI went back home, he was laid off from work he liven in san francisco ca n i live in palm springs ca, so he came to visit for a month he was at home while i went to work, i had no idea how needy he was or became cause was home alone, dont take me wrong of course i miss him but it is nice that im having a week off, before he comes back so i can go back to planning our wedding
  17. kelly i used to take pills for depression a almost 3 yrs ago i put on a lot of weight and a doctor took me off of the meds, he told me to start exercising cause when i exercise my brain produces some chemicals that make me feel better, i been hitting the gym in a regular basis for the last 2 years and i went from a size 22 to a 12 which is my size right now... hope this can help little bit
  18. i am also chanching my last name not cause it was something i wanted to do but per my FH grandma request, so ill be Karina F. (initial of m last name right now) McIlmoil
  19. welcome and congrats! you are going to find tons of ideas
  20. thanks!! i have to update it but im behind!! been sooo busy, how are your wedding plans da.shmoopies?
  21. yes i just got home from the gym! tnks to my trainer he gives me the motivation to go and work out
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