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Everything posted by indy_chic

  1. I'm selling a David's Bridal BR1010 ....not sure it's as poofy as what you're looking for. David's Bridal - Satin Pick-up Ball Gown with Sash BR1010
  2. Hello all; My wedding has since come and gone and I no longer need the following; 9 turquoise round paper lanterns - paid $20.00 50 brand new small organza bags - paid $29.99 @ Michael's. 30 straw (raffia) fans - 18 handles are wrapped in turquoise ribbon, others still remain with original stickers as I didn't need them - paid $40.00 (includes cost of ribbon) 35 white LED battery operated tea lights, blow on, blow off. - paid $35.00 12 brand new turquoise tea light holder plus tea lights -paid $2/3pack 36 turquoise linen dinner napkins - paid $55.00 100 brand new turqoise beverage napkins (disposable) - paid $3.99/pk. 50 turquoise organza chair sashes - paid $55.00 David's Bridal BR1010 size 12 with white beaded sash and "homemade" turquoise sash. Dress has been altered in bust. I could fit into size 8 & 10 , but both busts were too small. Dress was worn for wedding & TTD. Will require dry cleaning. - paid $327 ( Shipping/duty were costly ordering direct from DB) We just arrived back home so we are still settling, going through photos. Please let me know if you are interested in seeing additional photo, please include your email address Also, it would most feasible if you lived in Canada. Alot of my costs were associated with shipping costs because I ordered alot of items from the US.
  3. I will upload some pics next week.....taxes in, we paid $499 for a 15 minute show.
  4. A rep. from Palace Resorts had sent me an email that indicated that the credit was issued directly to the tour provider. But my TA was telling me that Palace Resorts wasn't offering the credit. Was it issued or wasn't it issued??!! When I contacted Palace Resorts to inquire if the credit infact had been issued and for how much, she directed me to contact my TA?!! The last 6 months has been frustrating for similar reasons....I can NEVER get an answer from Palace Resorts. They always redirect me to my TA. In anycase, I advised my TA that I would be seeking legal advice to verify I did/will receive the promotions that I am due. The next day I received an email from my TA letting me know that the tour operator had doubled my refund. I still have no idea what the 7 day credit should equate to but I'm feeling a bit better now.
  5. We hired Zuniga for our firedancers. Our guests were in awe during the performance and 3 days later, they're still talking about them. If you were thinking of doing fireworks, this is a much better option and one that will make a lasting memory. THANKS ANA & CREW !! Zúñiga Productions | Special Event Services for Groups and Conventions
  6. We're at Moon Palace - we will be married on the weekend!! We have been trying to "iron out" our promotional offers since day 1 ie. who is responsible for what - the tour operator or the hotel?? (I do have 20 people, with over 75 nights) While at our meeting with the onsite wedding co-ordinator earlier this week, she informs us that we will not need to pay for our wedding functions but the credit for the 7 compl. nights will be credited by the tour operator. Prior to this we received notification from our TA that the hotel would be issuing this "credit " onto our master wedding account. After contacting our TA again, she advises in order to have received this offer, we would have had to book our reservation directly through MP. There is nothing on MP's site about booking directly thru them for ANY of their current promos. If that were the case, then why would I still be eligible to receive the free private functions?? Same promo !! As a gesture of good will I suppose, the tour operator has offered a small refund of $600.00. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that, rather than nothing at all but when I have to book in my photographer at almost $300/night, I certainly don't think a $600 credit replaces a credit of 7 compl. nights. Please let me know if any of you have had similar experiences and/or how you've booked your travel and the promos you received. How much was actually credited to your account for the 7 nights
  7. I'm not concerned at all- you can get food poisoning at your local McDonald's or Subway not to mention any other local establishment or even in your own home. Yes - Mexico is a riskier locale, I've only been to Mexico 2 other times and I've never had a problem.
  8. We leave on Sunday ...at first I was wondering how everyone would handle this. But it hasn't seemed to bother anyone - I guess because of the circumstances surrounding it.
  9. The 8 has been sold - I also have a brand new 10 (same style) - with Tropic sash
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by tonyandtricia hi ladies, i hope that all of your planning is going good! I'm super slow on my review i know. I keep thinking i'll go in and edit it to make it more reaonabe, but i've been so busy i may just post as is. do it!! Do it !!! Do it!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by alison15 Are you having an indoor reception or are you playing extra for the plated? They only offer plated service indoors. Outdoors dinners are buffet style.
  12. We stuck with Italian - It was the safest option that all our guests will likely enjoy.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Jodimichelle How many guests are you having? And where did you order them from? how much were they? One person told me 90 cups. I feel like that is soo much and it will be expensive. I ordered from Fly Boy Naturals - buy 30, get 30 free - my order was 52.99 plus shipping. Depending on the colour/blend you get,they often have specials.
  14. Sorry - it won't let me upload a pic If you go to Wedding Dress, Bridesmaid Gowns and Accessories from David's Bridal search item # BR1010
  15. Not sure what the aisles measure but I ordered 60 cups of petals assuming that would be plenty. Once I received it, I was disappointed as it doesn't look like enough. I'm just using it to outline the aisle and going to give a few to guests depending on what's left over.
  16. I know this has been posted but for the life of I mean I can't remember when/where....are there "standard" plug outlets @ Moon Palace??
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by bride2b10 where did you get your turquoise chair bows? I found mine on Ebay - I bought organza @ 39.99 for 50.
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