We're at Moon Palace - we will be married on the weekend!!
We have been trying to "iron out" our promotional offers since day 1 ie. who is responsible for what - the tour operator or the hotel?? (I do have 20 people, with over 75 nights)
While at our meeting with the onsite wedding co-ordinator earlier this week, she informs us that we will not need to pay for our wedding functions but the credit for the 7 compl. nights will be credited by the tour operator. Prior to this we received notification from our TA that the hotel would be issuing this "credit " onto our master wedding account.
After contacting our TA again, she advises in order to have received this offer, we would have had to book our reservation directly through MP. There is nothing on MP's site about booking directly thru them for ANY of their current promos. If that were the case, then why would I still be eligible to receive the free private functions?? Same promo !!
As a gesture of good will I suppose, the tour operator has offered a small refund of $600.00. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that, rather than nothing at all but when I have to book in my photographer at almost $300/night, I certainly don't think a $600 credit replaces a credit of 7 compl. nights.
Please let me know if any of you have had similar experiences and/or how you've booked your travel and the promos you received. How much was actually credited to your account for the 7 nights