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Everything posted by MayBride2010

  1. kate...where did you find the sand dollars and star fish?
  2. Aww that is so sad I agree with the others, don't cancel the wedding. He would want you to go ahead and it gives the family something to look forward to. I'm sorry for your loss.
  3. you girls in the U.S. are so lucky. I never see any good deals like that in Canada.
  4. good for you Lisaloo! (the fresh start I mean)
  5. It sounds very stunning. And I think anything is appropriate as long as you love it
  6. Hi ladies! Its been awhile. Things have settled down a bit. I graduated, got a great job and booked my wedding! So I am bakc on track with WW. I lost 1.8 last week and 2.4 the week before. I hope this week is good as well
  7. do you have a picture of this dress on a model or on yourself? I love it but I am trying to picture it on a person....
  8. This might sound terrible, but I am actually not that picky. i just don't have a fortune to spend on a photographer (student budget).
  9. I'm just using the resort photographer for my wedding day because its included in the package. I don't really want to use them for my TTD.
  10. I need a photographer for my TTD session the day after my wedding which is in April 2010. When should I start trying to book someone?
  11. Tara, I am the exact same way as you. I spent many nights crying, getting frustrated, or dealing with headaches because I was trying so hard to make everyone happy. It just won't happen. You just have to make sure you go to where you want to go and put yourself and your fiance first.
  12. You ladies have me worried. my TA has also let me know that our flight date could change a few times. ugh So frustrating.
  13. We were having the same problem with resorts being too expensive from Canada. Check out the Grand Sunset Princess, Sandos Playacar or one of the Rius.
  14. I wanted to wear a simple sundress. My mom said absolutely not
  15. I have been trying to decide on a resort since February. We finally decided to go with the Sandos. I am super excited!!! Getting married April 2010.
  16. If they really do work I want to order some!
  17. ugh. I was up 1 lb last week and another 1lb this week. I need to get myself under control. I just feel like giving up.
  18. (this wisdom comes from me going to my brother's PV wedding) -bring several cans of spray on sunscreen for your scalp. Ouch, we all burnt ours and it was so painful -bring immodium or a dr prescribed upset stomach remedy. Mexican food does not agree with everyone. Don't overpack! remember that you will be buying stuff there! I wore 1 pair of shorts the whole time I was in mexico, the rest of the time i lived in sun dresses and bathing suits. Make sure you bring a few cute dresses as most of the ladies wear one to dinner each night.
  19. i want the large for myself but shipping would probably cost as much as the dress lol
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