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Everything posted by mbarnes04

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by aimee! We had about 30 guests, and a wedding party of 9, so we had 20 seated guests. I thought that it looked okay. Here's some pictures to help you visualize. i agree with the others on your guests may not feel comfortable sitting on the floor. if you set them up like this, i think it looks great. or, if you have less people you can have one row of chairs slightly angled on both sides.
  2. i think just the person you are inviting is fine... then on the rsvp they can list if they are bringing a guest.
  3. Is this what you're looking for: Capiz Lotus Candle Holders and Cube Lanterns
  4. I can't wait until I have enough posts to open stuff ... i love the idea of the ipod list though... i am doing mine too. music is so important to me so i love the idea of picking songs and saving money!
  5. I agree with the guests can go to the lobby bar suggestion
  6. Tungsten rings are nice! And Overstock.com carries them for a really good price (I work there so not trying to promote on the board, I just know they are nice and inexpensive!)
  7. I don't think there is anythign wrong with having a shower! I mean, I understand people may not be able to make it to the wedding, but what's the difference if it were in another state? They can choose to come celebrate with you or not. And, you could say no gifts or something and still have an intimate gathering, or you can register for things just in case. I don't know... maybe you just not open gifts in front of people... I'm rambling!! LOL
  8. I love the idea of an AHR, but I think I would like somethign a bit more intimate, like the people I really wish could go (like my grandparents) to watch the video and have a nice meal. Maybe a stop by and watch party or something would be more up my alley.
  9. I agree with registering but telling people gifts are not required. I'm planning on saying something like "We want you to join us on our special day so please do not bring gifts to Mexico." You could somehow phrase something like this: We have registered out of convenience for anyone who wishes to purchase something. I don't know... ettiquite for destination weddings is hard!
  10. ...and i don't think you necessarily need to have an ahr just to make it ok... you are perfectly fine according to ettiquite.
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