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Everything posted by wsarah2107

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by CourtneyV I couldn't find a thread like this when I was looking last week, so I thought I'd get one started... feel free to add your unique wedding invitation wording as well!! Beach Wedding Invitation Wording #1 Ocean waves will do the clapping, as our vows we will say. The sky will be our canopy, on this our wedding day. Please join us as we exchange vows on DATE TIME LOCATION CITY, STATE BRIDE and GROOM Beach Wedding Invitation Wording #2 As unique as a seashell as deep as the sea As eternal as the waves our love is meant to be It is with joy that we, BRIDE and GROOM invite you to share in our happiness on DATE YEAR at TIME LOCATION ADDRESS CITY, STATE Beach Wedding Invitation Wording #3 Sea of Love . . . As precious as the ocean's treasures, too strong for anyone to measure. Please join us as we BRIDE and GROOM are united in marriage at an outdoor ceremony on DAY YEAR at TIME LOCATION ADDRESS CITY, STATE Beach Wedding Invitation Wording #4 You are my blue sky, my wind and my rain; to you I pledge my love undaunted. BRIDE and GROOM invite you to share in the joy when they exchange marriage vows on DAY YEAR at TIME LOCATION ADDRESS CITY, STATE Beach Wedding Invitation Wording #5 Love washes in like the tide soothing the parched sand . . . BRIDE and GROOM invite you to share in the happiness as they are united in marriage on DAY YEAR at TIME LOCATION ADDRESS CITY, STATE Beach Wedding Invitation Wording #6 A perfect shell is a gift from the sea as beautiful and unique as our love is meant to be Please join us as we BRIDE and GROOM join our lives in marriage on DAY YEAR at TIME LOCATION ADDRESS CITY, STATE Beach Wedding Invitation Wording #7 A beautiful beach A clear blue sky A love united With waves crashing nearby BRIDE and GROOM on DAY YEAR at TIME LOCATION ADDRESS CITY, STATE Beach Wedding Invitation Wording #8 Each hour, each day, each year We grow as two, yet as one, We grow apart, yet together Forming an eternal love We, BRIDE and GROOM together with our parents invite you to share in our beach wedding on DAY YEAR at TIME LOCATION ADDRESS CITY, STATE Beach Wedding Invitation Wording #9 Love fluttered into our hearts BRIDE and GROOM request the honour of your presence at their marriage under the sun on DAY YEAR at TIME LOCATION ADDRESS CITY, STATE Beach Wedding Invitation Wording #10 His love is the beach sunshine that keeps me warm To me, she’s the lighthouse during the storm His love gave me wings it has set me free And wherever she is that’s where I want to be We invite you to be with us as we begin our new life together on DAY YEAR at TIME LOCATION ADDRESS CITY, STATE BRIDE and GROOM Beach Wedding Invitation Wording #11 Our wedding will be a fairy tale . . . a dream without end. A beach with a beautiful sun . . . Please join us on the sand. BRIDE and GROOM invite you to share in the joy when they exchange marriage vows and begin their new life together on DAY YEAR at TIME LOCATION ADDRESS CITY, STATE Also, I found this short article while searching... Beach Weddings - 5 Musts for Beach Invitation Wording by Renae Judkins Destination weddings to Hawaii, the Bahamas, the Virgin Islands, Maui, Jamaica and more are becoming more and more popular as destination wedding planning online has become easier and easier. The beach is the most popular destination wedding theme these days and many brides want to start their wedding theme off right with a beautiful beach theme wedding invitation. Many beach wedding invitation sites like BeachWedlockInvitations.com exist to offer hundreds of beach wedding invitations, but beach brides aren’t worried about finding the right beach invitation as much as they are worried about their beach wedding invitation wording. Every bride wants her wedding to be unique and her wedding invitation is no different. Finding the perfect beach wedding invitation wording is as important as finding the perfect beach wedding invitation itself, so here are 5 beach wedding invitation wording tips. 1. Know yourself and your spouse to be - Your beach invitation wording should reflect you and your future spouses personalities, love and quirkiness … yes, quirkiness. Wedding invitations have been done for millions of years, if you want to be original, you are going to have to capture what makes you and your beach love different than other couples. 2. There is no wrong wording - Certain wedding invitation wording ethics exist, but most people don’t know them and wouldn’t notice if you went according to the rules or not. Besides, more and more brides and grooms are throwing the rules to the wind these days and just writing what they want. Don’t worry about trying to follow all the rules. The reason you’re probably having a beach wedding is because you didn’t want the traditional wedding ceremony anyway, so have your beach wedding invitation reflect the same free flowing spirit that the beach has. 3. Know your audience - Even though we just mentioned that your beach wedding invitation wording should be about you and your future beach spouse by placing your quirkiness in your beach invitation wording, remember who your audience is. If you are sending this invitation to an 80-year-old grandma, you probably don’t want to use profanity or other inappropriate language. 4. Beach phrases - Find a single beach phrase that fits you and your spouse but also suits the beach setting you will be married in. “Once upon a time on a beach …†or “What happens on the beach … stays in our hearts,†are just some examples. More examples can be found at BeachWedlockInvitations.com. 5. Match your wording to your invitation - Simple beach weddings with simple beach themes should have simple beach wedding invitation themes as well. A beach wedding with 10 - 50 people is an intimate setting and the invitations should reflect that. Don’t bi og down the wording with a 20 line poem to begin the invitation. A beach wedding with over 500 people can be reason for the 20 line poem. thannk you for posting these!!! i like the 2nd to last one--ive seen another bride on here use that one!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by MAK I was going to make mine as well, but it was going to be much more expensive than buying them. But I wasn't doing special pattern with a cohesive theme : ) I helped my sister-in-law make hers and we used the iron on stuff. It was super easy & probably faster than sewing all of them. I actually just purchased mine today so I have no, idea how great(at least I'm hoping) they are. They were less than $3.00 a piece so I guess we'll see! Elegant Perspectives - Wedding & Event Table Runners - Canada & USA Good Luck!!! Mona oh boy! just saw this post--these are even less expensive!! plz let me know what you think of them when they come! great thread--thanks everyone
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Simistar Sorry -- I don't have any advice on making table runners -- BUT i would recommend you check out this site: wedding linens direct home page (just click on 'table runners" on the right-hand side menu) I just checked quickly and they range in price from $3.10 to $6.99 depending on type of material and size. I ordered our chair bows off this site (and I know lots of other BDW brides have ordered stuff off this site as well) -- and they were great! And they came really quickly (like in two days I think!) Anywaaay...maybe you really want to make your table runners, in which case ignore this post:-) But for the prices on this site you can just buy them for not that much money and maybe save yourself some hassle :-) thanksfor posting that link!! I think I'll prob order mine from there...was going to make own with FMIL but I already have such a long list of DIY stuff!!!!
  4. Hi guys....I'm working on my save the dates and I am bewildered at how you guys get that little dip/groove on the right-hand side separating the smallest section from the main section...anyone know what I'm talking aboutt?! I've tried cutting it out by hand, but it looks TERRIBLE!!! Is there a die-cut that people are using? I have a corner-punch to round the edges....but can't figure out this peice. Thanks in advance!! PS--aside from this...I am sooo happy with how they turned out!! Can't wait to post some pics!!!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by KimmyG I didn't see a thread dedicated to this, so I'm starting one. I LOVE the idea of doing Message In A Bottle invitations but they can be very expensive so I'm considering making my own. Has anyone done this before? Where did you buy plastic bottles/corks? Any advice in making these? Here are some websites I found helpful in gathering information: Message in a Bottle Invitations: Perfect for Your Beach Wedding HOW TO MAKE YOUR MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE INVITATION I've seen quite a few girls on here make these--they always turn out so great! Thanks for posting those sites...I think we'll do our thank you notes this way...I'm hooked on passport invitations already! Too many cute ideas!!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by itsfinallyhere Hi everyone, I was trying to find some ideas to include in the childrens booklet I wanted to make and include in the oot bags or on the plane. Anyway I can across this really nice booklet that you can print ready make with all kinds of activity for the kids to do. It uses 12 pages to make ant turns into a 22 page booklet. http://www.loveflowers.com.au/domain...n_for_kids.pdf Hope you find this useful this is so cute & fun! thanks for sharing!! Great addition to OOT bags for the little ones!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek Shutterfly free 8x8 20page photobook code is TA05-C5KY-2XMM-A17YD6 Be great for your wedding pictures or vacation pics. expires Nov 15th oooooh i'm excited about this one!! thanks !!!
  8. they look great!! thanks for posting!! I will def check him out! Which is the one on the left--blue or teal?
  9. I love this!! Thanks for sharing....I think I should stop looking at this site....my OOT bags are going to kill my budget!!!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Michelle613 Pictures by mflikshtein - Photobucket omg they turned out soooooooo great!! thank you for sharing!
  11. wow!! those look awesome!! I can't believe how inexpensive they turned out to be! Thats great !
  12. Hello! We did a taco bar for our engagement party--we thought, we got engaged in mexico and are getting married there--so its perfect! We had tacos with all the fixings, chips, salsa & gauc, and margaritas...I'm not sure how expensive it was it was a few months ago--but bought pretty much everything at sam's club and it wasn't too bad It was fun & people seemed to really like it!! Good luck
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by jenniebey yay! i almost forgot about the anniversary trip. something else to look forward to... also, just wanted to say we finally had our last room booked today. all 20 rooms are booked. such a relief! now i just have to finish all my diy projects before i leave in exactly 24 days. woot! YAY! What a relief having all the rooms booked--sheesh people realy do wait until the last minute to book!! :)
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by mlabbe Hi! I haven't read all the post yet, just wanted to say hi first! I'm Magalie, I live in Vancouver BC and Travis and I are getting married at PF on May 16 2010. We've put in our deposit for May 14-18 and we're just working over the details of the contract right now. Can't wait to get the whole thing actually started, it feels like I haven't done anything yet. Crossing my fingers that we can fill the rooms - doesn't look very good thus far with the economy Hello!! Welcome Congratulations!!!
  15. oh my gosh! Thank you!! I Love this!! Looks extremely time consuming--but soo cute~!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by finzup It's early this year Sephora Friends and Family 20% off: Oct.19-Nov.2 code: FF2009 I think it's online only, so get to Sephora and try on what you like then order it online during the F&F ooooooooooh, thank you thank you thank you for posting this!!!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyTrunck I finally finished my STD's! They were fully FI's idea- and I got to design them and put them all together. Let me tell you, it was quite a project! I got the shot glasses from discountmugs.com and my monogram was designed by ayleebits. I absolutely love how they turned out, but it has been exhausting! Here is the final product, and we shipped them in little white boxes w/ cute Mexico stickers to decorate the outside. lohttp://www.americanpregnancy.org/pregnancycomplications/bleedingduringpreg.htmle love this idea!!!! they turned out great!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by beau286 Hey Y'all. Newly engaged here. Only about a month. Got a quick start on this all though. Have a few places I'm considering, but at this point Playa Fiesta is the only destination I'm considering. I have a few questions i would like to ask all you past playa brides. Really wanna make this affordable for the guests so that everyone doesn't hate me. Haha. the partial room takeover rate is quite a bit more than the full room takeover. I really want to make it affordable for my guests but at the same time, i dont want to pay 1000's for unfilled rooms. Trying to weigh the pro's and cons here. Right now I have 120 people on my list, so im confident i can fill the hotel for the 4 nights. But then you have to factor in last minute cancellations. ...which is apparently likely. Has this horrid thing happened to anyone before the wedding? I really like Playa Fiesta, but its only possible if it is affordable for me and my guests. And if i wind up spending thousands on cancelled rooms....that could really ruin my special day. Thoughts? feedback. Pros? and cons? Hello & Welcome!! I won't be of much help to you since I havent gotten married there yet (March 2011) and haven't even sent out my STDs yet, so I really have no clue how it'll all turn out....BUT I wanted to let you know you're not going through all this alone....we were in EXACTLY EXACTLY the same situation as you....its been pretty stressful, but we absolutely don't regret booking Playa Fiesta...even if we have to pay for some rooms, I don't think there is a better place to have our DW!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Bianca I used the 100lb card stock for the folder thingy and printed the actual boarding pass on 80 lb paper (text weight according to paper and more). The 110 paper is VERY thick and would not feed in my work copiers so for the fact that color laser copies are at least $0.50 a piece, I saved some $$$ by using the 80lb paper that I could print on at work. I took the 110 lb paper to kinkos to print out my folders. To answer the q... using the 110lb paper for the folder and 80lb for the boarding pass (I had 3 pages that printed out on 1 sheet of paper) and the envelope that used the same 80lb paper, it weighed exactly 1 oz, so I only used a $0.42 stamp... using the 110lb may have pushed it over and costed more in stamps, idunno, maybe becks can say. I would have prefered to use the 110lb all around. Its nice and thick. I like it. I will use that for my invites. I think the original q was what "weight" means... Its just the thickness of the paper. I think 110lb is hardcore thick. Thicker than regular scrapbooking cardstock. 80lb is not exactly really thick, but its good enough. Not recommended for invites(unless you back it or something)!!! Regular printer paper is 20lb or 24lb. THANK YOU for posting all of this!!! I have been wondering which lb paper to use!!!!!!
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