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Everything posted by wsarah2107

  1. wow! sounds like you have everything in order I cant wait to see your pics!! Our colors are turquiose and choc brown as well! Also with green
  2. Hi! We're in Apple Valley About 20min south of the cities! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!
  3. Hi Girls!! I can't get enough of this thread!!! :) Its like instant stress-relief during mini breaks at work!! Thank you past-brides for all of your tips and help!! It is so much appreciated and makes everything so much more exciting!!! December 2009 Melissa & Bryan 12/21/12/27 (Vacation!!!) January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 Magalie & Travis (mlabbe) - May 16, 2010 June 2010 July 2010 - Resort closed - August 2010 - Resort closed - September 2010 - Resort closed - October 2010 November 2010 December 2010 Shreeti & Jon (shreets) - specific date undecided March 2011 Sarah & Noah (wsarah2107) 3-8-11
  4. everything looks sooo great!! I want to do this for our thank-you notes I think! I have a few questions I hope you can help me out with!!! *How did you do the tea staining? *Where did you find that size box? *How''d you get the Bud printing stuff off the bottles? Thank you!! They look amazing!!
  5. everything looks great!!! I love the design you chose for your website:) STD pics are super cute!!! Glad to hear you got everything going!! Yeah!!!!
  6. no way! My favorite part is when the groom sees the bride for the first time when shes walking down the isle!! I'm gonna start crying just thinking about it! We're def going to do photos after...but I think its good to get some formal shots done before hand...like groom with his guys & bride with the bridesmaid ect
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by stina76 I feel your pain and I am not even having my wedding outside the US! But you would think I am with the grief I am getting from having it in Florida. I just don't get it!! For example, I was in Target yesterday and ran into a good family friend. She asked how the wedding planning was going and I said great and then made the mistake of saying, "hope you guys can be there." She then started calculating the cost of the trip (out loud like "at least $500 for airfare and at least $400 for the room) and was just like "you know that's quite a bit and I just don't know if we can do that." Wouldn't it have been nicer to just say, "I hope so too" and leave it at that!! So then I felt bad! But then this same person goes to Mexico once or twice a year. Why don't you just be honest and say, I would rather not spend my money on a wedding, we have other things planned. I don't care anymore, well obviously I do since I am venting! : ) It just makes me mad because I feel this is like will be a fun vacation for people. I would love it if one of my friends were to have their wedding in a tropical location!! I mean, I have travelled all over for weddings (some really boring) and haven't complained! Ughh! Anyway, I completely understand how you feel!! ohmy gosh! I can't handle that lady figuring costs out loud to you!! AHH!! I don't know what I would have done! But, yes, we've had our fair share of naysayers and people who try to sway us to have a regular wedding here...I just get stressed out thinking about it so I'm not going to say much more about that....we've just decided that the people who are questioning/pushing for something else/not being supportive/making us feel bad... (even though some close family) whatever...we'd like them to be there but if they aren't going to be excited about it and really want to be there--we don't need any negative ppl present on our special day--stay home!!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by amybermuda Mexico wedding - invites to Mexico & stateside reception in Maryland I spent an entire day getting these done and I love them. I have had lots of compliments saying how they are the coolest things anyone has seen. Even a not so close friend said he saw it on his kitchen table (I invited his roommate) and thought they were awesome. I am so happy that no one had seen the Boarding pass before. For my STDs, I sent postcards. I thought these took too much work to just be the STDs, but if you are good with this kindof stuff, by all means ..... I also included a one page detail sheet about the resort. I think we invited maybe 50 ppl so I of course spoke with or emailed everyone individually to discuss the wedding, costs, etc. I used the Sticky note a lot for ideas so thanks to all of the other brides who shared! Purchased: Thick card stock in pinks and oranges for the envelope holder Gorgeous white envelopes - #9 size fits perfectly. I think we used Off White Crane envelopes Glue Dots - to seal one side of the ticket jacket Cutting board with perforator blade Twine stuff to tie it with. WORD OF CAUTION ABOUT FONTS I printed my invites at Kinkos. Since I downloaded fonts on Word that a standard Word user does not have, I had to print my invite to a PDF and have them printed from there. If you upload your word document to Kinkos, or even bring your USB key there, they will not have your font and it will default out. I had to get mine reprinted. It was not expensive - like $50 for nice card stock paper and 50 copies or so. Front: Back - last page is postcard to return RSVP: Ticket Jackets All of my invites ready for stuffing!: Into the Crane Envelope: I printed all of my addresses using my fancy font (from www.dafont.com)onto clear address labels. I printed my own return address labels too. oh my gosh these look so great!! I Love the colors of the ticket jackets you used--big fan of metalic/pearl paper!! Where did you purchase it from?? thanks for sharing! Glad everyone you sent them to loved them!
  9. omg!! You are a DIY genius!! I LOVE that! & Thanks for sharing the how-tos!!!!!!
  10. I've let friends try it on....i think its bride's choice but would be kinda rude if someone you'renot really close to asked to try it on...I dunno. I think that if Fi would have let other ppl try in on after he bought it, before giving it to me...that would kinda bother me. I dontreally believe in those superstitions...but I get nervous when its not on me and want it back right away!! ha
  11. Hi Ladies, for those of you who did your DIYs and used Paper and More...which type of paper did you use for invites/STDs, ect? Their Cardstock or Text paper? I do scrapbooking and usually the papers I get are 80# cardstock.....but on this site their text paper is 80# so I think that would be good enough...bt I don't want cheap/flimsy paper if it isnt like that cardstock I am used to...!
  12. good luck! I wanted to do the same thing for mine, and had to do it in photoshop--wasn't difficult...if you decided to use photoshop and need more help, you can PM me!
  13. I forgot to add-I think its really cool your main pic is the place you are having your wedding!!!!
  14. I think I'll print them at home...I did a sample and it turned out ok...FI thinks that up close they look a little pixelated, but I dont know that that would improve if we ddi them at kinkos or something....but maybe we'll do 1 sheet there to see. they print 3 to an 8x11 page....after making them in photoshop I saved them as .jpg and imported image to mircosoft word x3 I was worried that kinkos or similar wouldn't let us bring our own paper in...but I plan on printing them on a metalic paper...?
  15. thank you guys so much your feedback is really appreciated!!! I think that I used alyee's template, but if you need, I will e-mail you the blank template I used!
  16. eek sorry! The pics turned out kinda small! I saved them as jpegs in photoshop and I guess that's how they turn out...when I start to make them I'll take some real pics and upload! Man, it took A LOT of time to make those!!!
  17. Hey girls, I finally got done designing/creating (haven't done any of the printing & assesmbling yet) my save the dates!! I did the boarding passes & I am super excited about them!! Let me know what you guys think--I'm super open to feedback, I want them to be awesome so please let me know if anything needs to be changed/adjusted. The bottom pic will go first/on top, and then the top pic following I made them in Photoshop & it was lots of fun!! I couldn't have done it without this site!! I love BDW for all the ideas and help from other brides!!! THANK YOU GUYS!!! I used ideas and bits and pieces from lots of people, so I give credit to seriously everyone who has shared on this site If anyone needs any help at all with theirs, please PM me and I'll be happy to assist as able!!
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