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Everything posted by sunnyee

  1. I paid for everything using my credit card, which I would recommend so that you don't have to take large sums of cash along with you. Having said that, make sure that you call your credit card company before you leave and have them put a "travel flag" on your account so that they are aware that you may/will be using your card while out of the country. If you don't do this they can freeze your account and not allow the transaction to be processed. This happened to my husband once, now we always call. They ask you where you are travelling and your dates of departure/return. Should you decide to go the cash route, I would still recommend that you travel with at least one credit card just "in case". I'm from Canada and always carry US cash for tipping, collectivo/taxi and other small purchases as well as a credit card. One other note about your wedding bill at the Bahia...it is a good idea to ask for a copy of your bill the day before you check out. This will give you a chance to look it over and ensure that it is correct. I'm not saying that there have been issues, just that it would be better to address any questions you have the day before vs the moment you are checking out. I did this (my bill was fine) and it made check out the next day a breeze knowing exactly what to expect.
  2. It is definitely safe to drink the water/use ice cubes in all restaurants/bars at the Bahia. They provide bottled water for use in your rooms. As Trish mentions, do not use the faucet water in either your room or in the public washrooms for anything but showering/washing your hands. I have never gotten sick in the 14 times I've been there over the last 8 years...like Trisha, I trust their water implicitly.
  3. Symbolic Ceremony It's been 3 years but here's what I remember. The ceremony was performed in English. There was no rehearsal and I had no idea the order of the ceremony nor the wording beforehand. This didn't really concern me as I had been so reassured by all the brides on this forum that the WC's would take care of everything...and trust me they did!! I wanted a Sand Ceremony and I wanted it performed by a dear friend of mine so I simply told my WC and she made sure the officient knew about it. The ceremony itself was really nice. I don't remember everything that he said but I can tell you that there were what I would consider mild religious references - symbolisms of two becoming one, the bond of marriage, the gift of love and that sort of thing. I remember afterward thinking that it was the perfect ceremony for us...simple, with just a touch of religion, to help pass the symbolic ceremony off as a legal one. (We married at City Hall when we returned to Canada) The Sand Ceremony was performed by our friend after the officient finished but before the signing of the certificate. Because we didn't know the order of the ceremony, we just followed the officient's lead and everything worked out beautifully. With regard to the wind at the Akumal Hammocks location...yes, it can be windy but you and your guests will be grateful for it on a HOT day! Hope that helps! Sunnyee
  4. It's a personal choice whether to do the symbolic or legal ceremony. For us the symbolic ceremony really made things easier for us...no paper work, no blood tests, no waiting for the marriage certificate for months...especially since I had the same issue with changing my surname years ago. We didn't tell anyone that our wedding in Mexico was symbolic only and no one knew the difference. We even went so far as to stay away from our guests a bit longer the day we met our wedding coordinator so they thought we were getting our blood tests done! We went with the 4 'witnesses' and had the ceremony 4 days after our arrival so those 'requirements' were covered as if we were doing a legal ceremony. We also signed a 'certificate' during the ceremony and no one questioned it. Just tell your wedding coordinator that you don't want anyone to know the difference and she will make it happen. They do it all the time. As for when you get married at home, you can do it before you leave or after you come home. It makes no difference to anything that is done in Mexico. We chose to get married privately at the court house upon our return from our wedding...and we definitely consider our wedding date to be the one that was witnessed by our family and friends on the beach...we merely made it official in private when we got back. Doing this also made changing my name so much easier having a marriage document registered in my own country...not to mention the cost was significantly less and making this decision really took some pressure off of us because it was less complex. Hope this helps you decide...either way, you are getting married! Enjoy the ride! Sunnyee
  5. Mikado Japanese restaurant at the Coba section of the resort seats 12 around the show table. Be sure to ask for the show table when you make your reservations because they also seat regular tables in the centre of the restaurant. Start to finish is about an hour to an hour and 15 minutes. We took our boys there last week and they loved it! Sunnyee
  6. Megz, I tipped our WC and her assistant two days after the wedding. I was so thrilled with how fantastic they were...paid attention to every detail...made me feel relaxed/calm...had everything organized...even worked to get a special request honoured for me...I had nothing to stress about! I don't think the tip was expected...although they may have thought they weren't gettting one at all since I tracked them down two days after the wedding. Both seemed genuinely surprised and grateful to receive a thank you card with tip enclosed. I tipped the WC $75 and her assistant $30...totally forgot about the Officiant though. Felt bad about that... Hope that helps! Sunnyee
  7. LindsayDS and others looking for updated maps, Attached are photos of the map I just brought back from Bahia a couple of weeks ago...hope this helps..happy planning! Sunnyee
  8. wesjor17, I know it's disappointing that they changed your restaurant however, Don Pablo is excellent! It will be a great place to have your wedding dinner. Cheers, Sunnyee Quote: Originally Posted by wesjor17 I'll be so mad if they changed it due to maintenance and then i find out that it was double booked and i got booted!
  9. Crystalz, I'm leaving Saturday for Akumal for a much needed vacay...have been watching the weather too and it has been all over the place. I have included links below...one for the National Hurricane Centre and the other for the Akumal Beach Web Cam (5 minute drive north of the Bahia)...you can see for yourself what the weather is doing! http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ Cheers, Sunnyee
  10. Your wedding coordinator will set up your centerpieces and any table decor you have. Just give it all to her at your meeting. I also gave her a picture of the set up and it was done exactly as I wanted. Good idea to provide a seating chart with your place cards as well. Sunnyee
  11. I took individually wrapped candy down in my checked luggage so you should be fine to do the same. I used them on the tables as part of the decor. Sunnyee
  12. Trisha, Thanks for taking the time to do this...tons of info condensed into one place! Good work! Sunnyee
  13. I would have to agree with waybuloo on the lanterns. I doubt they would allow it...they are beautiful but require pristine conditions to safely and successfully launch. Lovely idea though...maybe you could incorporate this into an at home reception if you are having one. Cheers, Sunnyee
  14. Cdunn514, My pleasure! Let your wedding coordinator know that even though you are having a Symbolic Ceremony, your guests think it's the real deal...she will also reassure you that your secret is safe with her and she will look after all of the details. No worries! Sunnyee
  15. For those who are doing Symbolic Ceremonies instead of Legal Ceremonies, let me assure you as KRama has that they look exactly as the legal ceremonies and no one will know the difference. We chose to get married back home in Ontario after our Mexican wedding and just did it very quietly at City Hall. We still consider our wedding date to be the day we 'married' in Mexico. The Symbolic Ceremony was performed in English (at least it was for us) and the Minister spoke about love and devotion and all of the wonderful things that go along with weddings. Although I can't remember exactly what he said, I remember coming away with the feeling that his ceremony wording was perfect for us...simple and sweet. We worked in a sand cereomony as well and even had a close family friend 'perform' it instead of the Minister. Rest assured...no one will be the wiser! Sunnyee
  16. funinthesun2010, I am not sure why you would want/need a marriage certificate from Ontario if you already have a legal marriage certificate from Mexico. If you were legally married in Mexico and have the legal marriage certificate from there, all you have to do is have it officially translated from Spanish to English. Once that is done you can use that to have your name changed on your drivers license etc. The only way to obtain a marriage certificate in Ontario is to be married in Ontario. Hope that helps....Sunnyee
  17. Waybuloo, A Golden Club upgrade will get you seperate checkin at the Golden Club lobby, Junior Suites in Akumal, one extra a la carte reservation (total 4 per week), robes/slippers/beach towels and additional toiletries in your room. Golden Club guests have free access to computers/internet in the Golden Lobby. The Junior Suites in Akumal and Coba are larger than the rooms at Tulum. They have a seating area with 2 couches and a small table and 2 chairs. If you have children along, we found that the extra space (for sleeping and luggage and such) in the Junior Suites were wonderful. As far as quality of decor and layout they are pretty much the same at all three of the resorts. I hope this helps...if you need more details, let me know!! Sunnyee
  18. Melmed, You can pay your bill at the end of your stay by credit card. I went to the front desk the day before we left and asked for a copy of our bill to date so that I could check it ahead of time. I didn't want any surprises and there weren't any. We settled the bill when we checked out the next day. Easy peasy!! Sunnyee
  19. Waybuloo, Sorry, I don't know if the dophinarium is open...it was still being built when we were there in March. Based on the progress at that time, I would be surprised if it was up and running by now. The most recent brides would be best to answer this. Congrats to all the recent brides and best wishes to all of the upcoming brides!! Sunnyee
  20. Waybuloo and all concerned about US dollars... Rules have changed regarding amounts that can be EXCAHANGED...US dollars can still be spent/accepted in Mexico...we purchased items in US dollars, dined in restaurants/bars using US dollars, paid for the Collectivo/taxis in US dollars, tipped in US dollars....so unless you plan to exchange more than $1500 US per month into Pesos all is good....no worries! See the statement below: MEXICO BANKING SYSTEM CAP ON EXCHANGE OF DOLLARS FOR PESOS OFFICIAL STATEMENT September 13, 2010 In order to regulate the quantity of dollars entering the Mexican banking system, beginning September 14, 2010, the Mexican government will cap the amount of dollars foreigners can exchange for pesos in Banks & Money Exchange Establishments to no more than US$1,500 per month. The measure WILL NOT AFFECT purchases made with credit cards or debit cards in Mexico. The measure WILL NOT AFFECT the amount of CASH (in Mexican pesos) an International Tourist can withdraw from an ATM machine on a daily or monthly basis. It is recommended that all travelers bring Mexican pesos as well as their credit and/or debit cards to minimize any inconvenience the exchange cap at banks may cause. Hope this helps!!! Sunnyee
  21. futurewifey2011, If you are having a legal ceremony, your witnesses will attend your meeting with the WC, otherwise, it is just you and your fiance. There are no rehearsals...but don't be concerned. Your WC will guide you along the way and everything will be fine. Have all the info for the WC ready for your meeting. She will have a file with all of your email correspondences and decisions and will go over everything with you. If you have photos of your desired bouquets, decorations, cake toppers, place cards, seating charts, music, sand ceremony kit, whatever...bring it to your meeting. Save your music on a CD...be sure to test it in various players just to be sure it works. Label the CD and the case! Email your WC and ask her to reserve a place in the Buffet for your welcome dinner. Confirm that she has done this at your meeting. Happy planning!!! Sunnyee
  22. melady24, Koozies are great for the cans of pop and beer that are in your fridge but, for bar drinks I would highly recommend insulated travel mugs. They keep your drink cold and are environmentally preferable to the disposable cups they provide at most bars. They may be a bit more expensive if you order them customized but totally worth it. If you want more economical, most dollar stores carry them and you can personalize them with a label maker. Another note...if you decide on the insulated travel mugs, bring along some straws. They are not available at the beach bars and we find they work well with the mugs, especially for some of the slushy blender drinks. People always ask me where I got the straws and I end up giving a bunch away. Sunnyee
  23. Babyshaws, My husband and some others went golfing at the Bahia. For us at the time (some promotion or something) the green fees were free but you had to pay for the cart, which was $65 and the rental clubs were $35. They paid $20 for a sleeve of 4 balls, and my husband said in future he would bring his own. The course is beautiful and they enjoyed their game. They transport you from the lobby to the course and back again. Hope that helps! Sunnyee Quote: Originally Posted by Babyshaws Has anyone ever been & been or had hubbys go golfing? My hubby to be wants to know how expensive etc etc Thanks! Xx
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