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Everything posted by josee

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by SgtPepperette Congrats! Thats awesome. I love how you had everyone dress in white, and included them in the ceremony. I agree it is absolutely beautiful!! Congratulations!!
  2. Congratulations and welcome to the forum!!
  3. WOW!!!! You look absolutely beautiful! Your bouquet is amazing!!! Thanks for posting those pics.
  4. I'm so sorry for you. I hope you can find another photographer within your price range!! If it can reassure you, resort's photographer are very busy, that is probably why he did not respond to your email yet. Good luck with your search!!!
  5. Aww, I'm sorry for you. You will see that once you will find a resort everything will fall into place. Call a TA, they will help you find a place that everyone can afford. Good luck with you planning!!
  6. I would be hurt too, but you should not let it get to you. Remember that the most important person to you will be standing next to you the day of your wedding. Sorry you have to go through this.
  7. I would love to do it but just can't find anything old!!! And unlike J&MWedding I can't rely on a grandmother
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by kurz04 Hello, I am getting married at the ROR in Jan, 2010 and I actually just recently had inquired about the free package and cost if over 20 people and Chandlyn the wedding coordinator e-mailed me saying i couldn't get the free package and just add on if i had more then 20 people, i have to then upgrade to a package that is suitable for the number of guests. So we are now getting the royal package b/c it accomodates up to 40 people. Hope that helps! I booked a free wedding package for January 2010. They told me that it wasn't a problem even if we were more than 20 people. They said I just had to pay for the upgrades...Thank you for the info Kurz04!!
  9. Congratulations!!! Thank you for sharing your review with us.
  10. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!
  11. Hi Marie, I travelled alot and can tell you that I saw many women with very young babies. Like jawedding said, I don't see any problem for your sister to bring her baby especially if she is breastfeeding.
  12. Hi Jean, Welcome to the forum!!
  13. I feel so bad for you!! I know how you feel, I am going through the same thing and it hurts to bad!! Try to talk to your sister and convince her to change her mind. Good luck to you. I am sending hugs your way.
  14. I had to change my wedding date twice already because our flight dates keep changing!!! Good to know I am not the only one going throuhg this!!! Now it looks like the flight date won't change anymore but the hotel decided to change my wedding time without us having a word to say about it!!!
  15. If you like the set take it!! There is no such thing as bad luck, you do you own luck. Let you mom worried about stuff like this and enjoy your new brand/used bedroom set!!!
  16. Same as Shapphire 723, my FI didn't ask and I'm kind of disappointed that he didn't.
  17. Once a week... Hope that's enough!!!
  18. Wow, what a touching story. Congratulations on finding true love again and on your upcoming wedding!
  19. Thank you all so much for your support. I needed that. I know that my father won't change his mind. Like Zethers said, I have to remember that the most important person will be standing next to me that day. Again, thank you all.
  20. I am sad and at the same time kind of frustraded. My dad who was the fist to tell me he was coming to my wedding and would't miss it for anything just cancelled his trip today. He said that he doesn't feel good, that he is afraid of dying if he comes, that he feels like he can't fly so far away (from Canada to Jamaica, about a 5 hours flight). At fist I understood, but then I talked to his girlfriend who said that he is not sick at all, that he went to see the doctor and that everything is just fine with him. So why cancel then? I have a big family 4 brothers and 3 sisters. Only one is coming to my wedding. I knew that not everyone would be able to come, but I never thought that only one would come! I feel like my wedding, my plans and even I are important to them at all. I know that it is irrational to think like this but I just can't help it... I am so sad.
  21. Well... I booked my trip April 2009 for a wedding in January 2010 with Sunquest as well and still don't know the exact date of departure. Now, I am getting worried that there will not be enough seats available for our group of 30 people!! Sure hope that everything goes well for everybody. Hope for the best!!! Is't it suppose to be "stress free" when you decide on a destination wedding?
  22. Hi everyone, Thank you so much for your understanding. I took blushingbride advice and put my foot down. I just told him that if his friends wanted to come, there was no problem but to remember that they wouldn't be included on my guest list and therefore would't get the same price we all have. The problem is resoved, they won't come. P.S.: Sorry that it took me so long to respond to all of you... I had some computer problems. Again, thank you all, it really help me.
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