I am sad and at the same time kind of frustraded. My dad who was the fist to tell me he was coming to my wedding and would't miss it for anything just cancelled his trip today. He said that he doesn't feel good, that he is afraid of dying if he comes, that he feels like he can't fly so far away (from Canada to Jamaica, about a 5 hours flight). At fist I understood, but then I talked to his girlfriend who said that he is not sick at all, that he went to see the doctor and that everything is just fine with him. So why cancel then? I have a big family 4 brothers and 3 sisters. Only one is coming to my wedding. I knew that not everyone would be able to come, but I never thought that only one would come! I feel like my wedding, my plans and even I are important to them at all. I know that it is irrational to think like this but I just can't help it... I am so sad.