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Everything posted by josee

  1. WOW what a stroy!!! I don't really know what to say except how sorry I am for you. I hope that the package will turn out soon and that everything will be fine! Sending big hugs your way!!!
  2. I am very sorry to hear about your sister. Hope all will be better soon for her.
  3. I know how you feel as I am living the same thing. Big HUGS to you.
  4. I would just ignore her. I believe that a best friend should be there for you, no matter what. Be happy, move on and forget about that so called "best friend!
  5. I am sorry you are going through this. I hope you will get over all this drama and be able to plan the wedding of your dream with a big smile!
  6. I am glad to see that you ex husband agrees with you. I have a daughter and I will be very hurt if she was calling someone else Mom. If I were you, I would not wait and see though, I will have a chat with my kids and explain to them that only you can be called Mom and maybe even try to find a name that they can call you ex husband's wife. Good luck to you and big hugs.
  7. Sorry about FI's company . You are right though a DW can be cheaper than a local one. Let us know what you decided.
  8. OMG!!! I am glad you are safe. What a great reaction you had! Can't wait to see those pictures!!!
  9. Oh I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I am keeping my fingers crossed and praying for you. Hang in there and keep us posted.
  10. Oh I am so sorry that you have to go through this. I am keeping my fingers crossed and praying for you. Hang in there and keep us posted.
  11. I am so sorry to hear that. I wish you a fabulous wedding at home. I am sure that you will be able to plan everything and that it will be all you wanted it to be!!!
  12. Congrats!!! I will go read your review!
  13. I am sooooo sorry you have to go through this. My heart goes out to you. I also agree with Michelle suggestion. I hope everthing works out.
  14. You have such a great attitude about all of this. I honestly can't say that I would be as nice as you are. Hope everything works out for the best. Keep us posted. Good luck.
  15. I honestly wouldn't be concerned at all. They still have a lot of time left to book and some people like to wait just to see if they will get a better price with last minute deals. We did not received any RSVP but 25 booked anyway. My advice... take a deep breath and enjoy the ride!
  16. I know exactly what you mean, I have kids but was considerate enough to know when to leave if my kids were screaming and disturbing everyone. Unfortunately, not all parents think the same way. Sorry your special night was ruined.
  17. WOW, that is great news!!! I am happy that everything worked out for the best.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride I'm sorry you are having to deal with this - one question though. How is your relationship with the girlfriend?? Is she being honest with you?? Could she be trying to cause something between you & your dad?? (ok...so that was three questions!!) Just trying to see another side of it - look at all angles..KWIM?! My father's girlfriend is a very nice person and I have a great relationship with her. She's been in the family for years now and she would never do anything to hurt me or someone else. It is not a financial problem, health problem or personal problem; my father decided that he just does not like Jamaica and does not want to come. I am trying very hard to accept his decision and thinking about who will be there instead of who won't be!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ Sending you hugs.... The one person in your life that you never amagine letting you down is Daddy!!!!! Stay strong and put it behind you. One day he will be sick and want you there for him, plan a vacation!!!!!! Thanks Suzie, you made me laugh. I just love the way you think!!
  20. I am sure my dad won't change his mind. I did not talk to him since I learned the truth; I think it is the best thing right now. I know it will be difficult facing him for a while and frankly I prefer not to see him until I learn how to deal with this. Just didn't figure out how yet
  21. I must be one of the lucky one!!! He knows exactly where everything is. He even makes a point of telling me that he is more organize than I am which I have to admit is true .
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