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Everything posted by josee

  1. OMG, my prayers are with that little girl and her family!
  2. So good to hear from you and know you are ok. Good luck with everything.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Maureen DJ's and Musicians=CASH Wedding Package adn reception costs+Credit Cards (expect an international fee) Flowers-if using Tai Flora through the resort can be credit card Thank you Maureen!!!!! You should be the wedding coordiator there... everytime I need an answer you are the one finding it for me!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you
  4. I completely understand how you feel and can relate. My brother won't come to my wedding because guess what…. There is no fancy Casino in Jamaica!!!! I just could not believe it... But at the end, people who will go will be people who will be happy to share that special day with you and your FI no matter when and where you choose it to be. Hang in there and don't let anyone change your mind. It is YOUR special day.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Andilea Hi! I was hoping you guys could fill me in on the "poolside reception". I was wondering what the $15US includes and the details of the reception. Thank you so much! Hi Andrea, You have to pay $15US/person to get an open bar for the night. Meaning they will se your own little private bar with a bartender.
  6. I asked Chandlyn about the DJ and she said that I can book him when I'm at the resort... so I don't even know if I will have a DJ or not!
  7. I am getting married in ROR in 15 days. I emailed Chandlyn on several occasions about extras for the wedding and I just can’t get a straight answer from her!! One day it is something and another day it is something else. So I’m turning to you fellow brides… can anyone tell me without any doubt that I can pay credit card for extras or if I have to pay cash for some and can pay credit card for others? Meaning… Flowers for the BM Aisle runner DJ Pool reception Chairs with sashes Extra bottles of champagne Thanks for all the help you can provide.
  8. That is very rude!!! Did you try to remove the comment? Try not to let it bother you and focus on the warm wishes you received. Hope your week will get better!
  9. Thank you Kayte. I send the originals yesterday. Hope everything will be fine!
  10. Thanks Maureen, I will send the original then. I did not think of it this way. I guess I was afraid they will loose everything!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by TA Maureen Send notarized copies of your documents: Notarized copies of Birth Certificate (full name of the couple and the parents) Notarized copies of Passports or driver’s license Notarized copies of divorce papers (if applicable) Notarized copies of death certificate (if applicable) Notorized Documents stating name changes (if applicable) Notarized, written parental consents (if under 21 years of age) Thanks Maureen, I already have all my notarized copies but what I am wondering is do I send my original copies (from the notary) or do I have to send copies of my origanal copies?
  12. I send an email to the WC a couple of weeks ago... still no answer!
  13. I am getting married January 13th at Riu Ocho Rios and it is time to send my legal documents but I am all confused now. Can someone tell me if I have to send my original certified/notarized copies or do I have to send copies of the certified/notarized copies and bring the original with me? I looked everywhere for this answer and can't find it anywhere! I am desparately waiting for someone to answer me since my documents have to leave tomorrow to get there in time. Please help!
  14. Never mind... I finally foud it!!
  15. Hi everyone, I am getting married January 13th in Jamaica at the Riu Ocho Rios. I have to send my documents as soon as possible as it have to be there 30 days prior to my wedding date. I went to Post Canada today and they said that I need a phone number to be able to send my documents!! I know how busy Chandlyn is and I don't expect her to answer my emails in a day or two...that is why I am turning to any other Canadian bride that can help me figure out how to get that phone number. I already tried the Riu Wedding site and no luck so far! Please help if you can!
  16. I am getting married January 13th 2010 and it is time to send my documents to Chandlyn. I am sure that it is on the site already but I can't find it! Can someone tell me if I have to send our original copies of our notarized documents or copies of the notarized documents and bring the original with me? Thank you all in advance!
  17. I am so sorry to hear about your dad. I honestly don't know what to say... I am sure nothing we can say will really help you go through this. You will be in my prayers.
  18. Wow 9 years! It it time girl. Try making a list of everything you have to do and want to do, it might make you feel more in control. As for you sister.... I really hope she was joking as well!! Good luck planning.
  19. I am so sorry to hear that. It is hard to lose a pet. Hang in there, it will get better. Big hugs.
  20. I am getting married in January 2010. The semi-private dinner is at an all inclusive restaurant, meals for your guest are already paid for. You will pay extra if you want a private reception for 2010 it is $50.00/pers. Extra is charged for almost everything, different flowers, more decoration, more wine, bigger cake, white chairs, etc... you can find all the prices for 2010 on the Riu Wedding site. You can expect to pay at leat 10 or 15% more in 2011 if I compare prices from 2009 to 2010. We did have a discount for multiple booking, to get it though you have to have at least 10 rooms booked. Hope this help. Have fun planning!
  21. Don't know what to say... except how sorry I am for both of you. I sure hope that even if she's pregnant that she will allow you to have your DAY!!
  22. I totally agree with Melidell... Quote: Originally Posted by Melidell I'm so sorry that you're having a hard time- starting a new job can be stressful and it's even harder when it effects your home life too. It's hard to weight in on this with only one side of the story, but to be blunt it sounds like FI is being a jerk. Saying that he's not sure about marrying you is either a very cruel way to hurt you, or a big red flag. Blaming you for a crappy weekend (that sounds like it could have happened to anyone) is not fair- you were tired, he was cranky and these things happen. I think writing it off as "he's a man, he can't communicate" is BS- he's a grown-up and needs to learn to communicate with you in a grown-up way instead of bottling things up and then lashing out at you. When things calm down a bit I think you guys need to have a long talk about stress, your new job, and fighting fairly. Sorry if that comes off a bit harsh to your FI- but he's really hurting you with this behaviour and while I'm sure some of it goes both ways I'm a big believer in "you never hurt the one you love." Good luck, feel better and I hope it all works out.
  23. I am sorry you have to go through such an issue! Your mom really sounds like a spoiled child. You should not give in to any of her stupid ultimatums. I would tell her, either you come and keep your negativity for yourself either you don't come at all. It is YOUR day not hers, she should respect that!!!
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