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Everything posted by amybermuda

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd BUT, hubby LOOOOOOOOOOVED the pictures I had printed for him!!!!! I gave them to him in person on our wedding day while we were having breakfast on our balcony. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart The first thing he said to me after we got married and walked back down the aisle was... "OMG, that BOOK. A-MAZING! You are sooooo damn hot!" He was totally blown away. The end of the book was that photo of me walking away holding my bra and next to it I put some Frank Sinatra lyrics that I absolutely love... so I'd say it was a total success! Oh my gosh ladies, I got so teary reading your posts. That must be the icing on the cake man. We stress about losing weight, toning up, looking perfect, and to make such an impact to your new husbands after doing such a scary thing (take pix naked!!!) is so awesome. Congrats girls. I am so happy for you. You are both so brave
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by renee1811 aah, I have one more week before my wedding! I am starting to go into panic mode at this point--my to-do list is two pages long, lol. AmyB, how are you doing?! Hi Renee! I was panicking last week but am much calmer today! I delegated a lot of tasks to bridesmaids and Mom (iPod playlists, bug spray, ring cleaner, and favor candies). So my To Do list is: Figure out which corset to wear under dress Return other corsets Organize taxi transfers from CUN (ours were blank) Get new sunglasses Get false eyelashes (any recs ladies?) WORK OUT Pack Send out AHR invites (this will be time consuming b/c I have to hand address them - going to have my friend help me tonight) All of the extra wedding crap I could have gone either way on doing or not doing --- I am not doing anymore in the interest of sanity! You have all day Saturday and Sunday - 8am to 8pm - Just remmeber that - you will get everything done! And don't feel bad delegating I cant wait to hear all about your day!!!!!!!!!!
  3. AAAAAAAMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY You never told us what your hubbie thought of your BD book! You either Wendy & Katie!!!! What did they say and do they love it or what!!! Go hotties!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by mmzeher Hi Ladies! I can't seem to find info on private receptions, such as cost of add-ons to the packages they offer. They have very limited info on their web site. If anyone has files can you please PM me (I just joined so I can't download yet). I appreciate it!!! Everything is online: http://www.karismahotels.com/sites/d...BanquetKit.pdf Cancun Beach Wedding - Mexican Beach Wedding - Riviera Maya Beach Wedding Package | Karisma Hotels & Resorts There might be the set menus that you need to request, but everything else is on there! You can also check out Lomas for extras: Building your Wedding, planning and ideas for Weddings in Cancun & Riviera Maya by Lomas Travel
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyTrunck Celina has been doing it for 3 days and feels great- I'm starting in the next few days- I'll for sure keep you guys posted. I am 6 weeks away from my big dayand I feel like it's make or break for me at this point!! That's when I did it too Lady. I was 2 months from wedding date and needed a push. I lost 8 pounds in April on this diet and have kept it off in May. I wanted to lose 3 more this month, but I am having too much fun
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd OMG Amy 10 days!!!!!! And 9 for Renee!!!!! You must be jumping out of your skin! Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Thanks Amy!! Yes, Amy & Renee... I have chills for you both! You are going to have the time of your lives! Just enjoy EVERY minute of it... don't rush through everything, just have a blast! I know!!! I am so excited - I leave in 5 days! 4 if you don't count today!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhh I bought some new corsets yesterday to try on under my dress. One has boning which I dont really want but the other one is padded all the way dowen the stomach. Like who wants and extra 1/4 inch on their waist!
  7. Katie, your pix are so good! Looks like it was hot where you and Amy both were! You look almost bashful in the ceremony ones - and so cute!!!! Congrats girl!!!!!!!!!!
  8. Good job Celina! I felt the same way - awful the first few days then a cloud of preservatives lifted from me and I felt amazing! Keep it up girl! Just try not to tackle FI next time
  9. What can I say Amy!??!!!!! I knew it was going to be amazing, but those pictures blew me AWAY! The one of you and Day on the pier with the palapa in the background. Holy cow! Amazing. Well done to Chris!
  10. Man I wish people would stop spamming this thread! I hope it works for you brides out there that are good forum members and getting ready for your DW!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by rkf1046 How long did you notify your guests of your activites before you booked the vans? Did you have everyone confirmed or are you basing it on an approximate number? I still have quite a while (December) but have been struggling with how soon before the wedding should I start asking people if they are participating in any activities we have planned. So excited for you - you are sooooo close!!!! I sent the brochure in November and I booked in January. You dont need a final count until 24 hours before the events. The vans I guessed on how many I needed.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by taylorwd Oh yeah, AmyB, but you can play music through the TV's. Sweet flatscreens. We had all our wedding music backed up to CDs so we just listened to that in our rooms. Through the TV by using CDs or iPods? I might have my brother bring some speakers if thats the case then! And I need to make some "girls getting ready" CDs if the iPod dock is not going to work!
  13. Amy was supposed to have the donkey - I am supposed to have him too. I picked the resort based on # of rooms, allowing children, and having a donkey w/ barrels of beer at the cocktail reception - and not necessarily in that order! HA!!!
  14. I know! Its so exciting when someone comes back. Its awesome that everyone lately has been over the moon. Are there iPod radios in everyone's rooms? I think I read that on Trip Advisor and I am telling everyone that they dont need to bring their speakers but.. OMG Amy - 4am - thats awesome! Did you ever have a late night session on the beach drinking? Wondering if the resort is cool with that?
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart I'm itching to see my pro pix... I can't wait! Amy - what was the weather like? Was it chilly at night? How was your cigar roller?? Didn't you surprise DH with it? I am itching for your pro pix too! Who took the one of you as your FB profile? It looks totally professional - and amazing!!! When does Katie get back!!!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by amandamarieb I was also planning on getting a couple of vans and taking a group of 30 or so. (Wow, maybe even more than that now that I am thinking about it) to Playa for the night. Would you mind telling how much it was for each van and how many people fit in each one? Thanks so much! Our group is 28 people - we have 3 vans which fit 12 people each. 3 vans in at 7:30pm 1 van home at 11pm and 2 vans home at 2am - total cost was $336. I dont know what the price per van would have been though! I used the same company I mentioned in my earlier post today.
  17. Ladies, I am seriously balling my eyes out right now everything seems to be working out so perfectly. My coworker thought something was wrong but they are tears of joy. My step mom speaks Spanish so she called the hotel about babysitters, etc. She said she spoke to each one individually and was very impressed by all of them. They said the hotel was not filled with kids the week of our wedding (next week) so everyone will get the cribs and strollers they need and they can get babysitters or play time any time they want during the week. She also said they knew about our group and are all expecting our arrival!!! Then she also called a restaurant the hotel recommended in Cancun and made the reservation for 28 of us for the Thursday clubbing tour we are doing. They are going to put us in the best spot by the band and dancers and will have pitchers of margaritas and munchies for us when we arrive. She said they were pleased our hotel recommended them and they will do everything they can to accommodate us and make sure we have a great time. SERIOUSLY - how can i NOT cry with all of this? I am crying just typing it! Who knew weddings were so emotional??!!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by chong I am planning to do a OOT bag and include the details about the wedding. What are you all doing? What have you done? I included a schedule with "date" "time" & "place" for every activity in my OOT bag. I even broke out the ceremony, cocktails, & dinner reception on wedding day so every one knew there were 3 things and know where they are being held. Quote: Originally Posted by amandamarieb I wanted to include a card with things to do off the resort and the corresponding websites but there wasnt an option with the invite package i choose to add the extra card. I figured I would do one of two things: 1. email people as they book to say thank you and send along the information. or 2. make a "thanks for booking" card and mail to folks when they book ...it will include info on what they should bring, things to do in the area, etc... I used Publisher to create a brochure thanking people for booking and list of what we were doing and websites for them to check out. It was cute and got people very excited. I also sent it to slackers who had not booked yet but were definitely coming to get them excited to book. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan This is Meghan's fiance, I wanted to get information on day trip/excursions while we're down there. What have you planned for excursions? What company was it booked through? For those that did Catamaran/snorkeling, what was the package like-cost/#people/inclusives? thanks. I used a company that works with lots of tour operators to do a day trip: zip line, ruins tour, and snorkleing in centoes. Its $93/pp and includes lunch and transport. I think its 5 or 6 hours. Her email is Susan Vincil_CancunAndRivieraMaya.com I also used them to book 2 vans to take us into Cancun one night to go clubbing. They are picking us up at 11pm and 2 am (depending on when people are ready to go back to the hotel) . I also used Paradise Catamarans - if you are booking this I would call/email right away. A ton of girls on this site are using them. Just to be safe to get your date. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Hi girls!!! I'm back a Mrs.!!!! CAN'T even believe it, it's been bliiissssssful <3 I got back Friday @ Midnight and have so much to tell you all. I have a few days to catch up, haven't even unpacked yet, yikes! Just wanted to give you AS brides a quick little.... OMG, my day was PERRRRRFECTTTT and just like all the past AS brides are right, once you get there all your worries will be alleviated, the onsite coordinators are amazing and bend over backwards for you. I felt like royalty, they treated me unbelievably well and seriously it was a better wedding than I ever could have expected. I am soooo excited you upcoming brides!! Any questions, ask away I just got teary reading that! Welcome back Amy. You were dearly missed!!! Congratulations. You deserved to be worry free and have the best day ever!!!!
  19. Margie, wow I am sorry! An ex boyfriend so kindly told me years ago when he broke my heart "its not always about you!" And you know what He was right. It rarely is about you. People have issues man, and thats why they are not telling you why they were total disappointments by not attending your wedding. They dont want to tell you their issues. People let you down and you can either tell them they let you down or you can just accept it and move on. If you want to, I would tell them you felt let down/disappointed/sad/etc they did not attend the wedding, and leave it at that. Asking for an answer why they did not go from them seems like you'll get lies or defensiveness. If they want to talk about it and explain they can. Its really nice though that you and DH are able to talk about it and he doesn't get defensive or upset like you are attacking his parents. I really think there is more to the story you don't know (like they really dont have the money and are in serious financial troubles OR have issues with weddings esp b/c the other son, or some other reason). I typically take this view point on issues - just like that ex told me - its not about me - and that makes me feel better!!! I hope you guys can find some closure soon xx
  20. Trip Advisor is really good too. Tons of positive reviews and the negative ones you can tell are from people who are msierable anyways - haha! Wendy - great review and awesome pics with it!!!
  21. Wow congrats Shannon. I loved your first part where 70 people had the time of their lives. Its so scary having this many people rely on your choice to have fun and spend their money and vacation days! No wonder you feel the luckiest girl in the world. I am using Claudia for my wedding May 29th and I am so excited after your post about her! I really want a photographer to tell us how to stand and what to do - I have no idea what looks good! Anyways, thanks for posting such a great review
  22. OMG horrifying as to what can happen but wow W &S, sounds like they really clear the area for you. And the fact that we are all at very nice resorts, I guess it follows that the clientelle are respectful of your wedding. A colleague got married in Vegas last week and she was watching her wedding video and she could hear some drunk guy yelling out during their vows "Happy F***ing Wedding Mother F***kers!" from his balcony!!! She said her guests heard it during the ceremony but they didn't until they watched the video! This girl is cool so she didn't care too much, but how disrespectful is that??!!!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by cjb0arder13 That is SUCH a relief!! Not that I'm thinking of anything other than beautiful blue skies, of course Is it private? I really hate the idea of looky-loos staring at the ceremony. The whole point of a DW for me was not having a bunch of people I didn't know very well gawking at me and making me break out in hives, so it kind of defeats the purpose if it's not private! Oh, and I'm so excited for your review!!!! Yes its private - its like an open air hallway with white marble floor. I have seen gorgeous pix online of it. I think in Google photos.... I made 2 CDs for ceremony songs. 1 for rain and 1 for shine. The rain one, we walk down after the ceremony to an acoustic version of Rhianna's "Umbrella" song. At least then I wont be totally devestated! Here is one pic I found: Picasa Web Albums - mandy - Azul Beach
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