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Everything posted by amybermuda

  1. LOL awesome. Love fat free pudding with fat free cool whip! Yeah I found that knowing how bad that steak is, is enough to make you order chicken or fish! I can't get away from restaurants (work related) but I can try to do be more diligent about not eating so much. Thanks so much - I'll let you know how I do. I am taking weight, BF%, and measurements every Monday morning. I have them in a book I kept 7 years ago when I weighed 124 pounds and was 21% body fat. That is my inspiration!
  2. Amy, No, I dont count calories daily. If I count calories, I obsess about food and how many calories "i have left". I try to eat the same thing every day for a week that I count over the weekend and plan for. But I have been traveling so much I cant keep up. Plus I drink a lot. Bermuda is a party island! We call it the bermuda 20, similar to the freshman 15! lol I need to change all of that so I can look good for my wedding!
  3. Lindz, how did you make your inspiration board? I tried with Powerpoint and it looks so LAME.
  4. Lindz - Will you send me your weekly eating plan I'd love to try it. I play sports and practice 2x a week and games once a week, then go to spinning 2x a week and lift weights 2x a week, but I think after living with my FI who loves really big portions, I have gotten out of control on the eating side! Thats what I need to work on. Ash - I didn't realize you had changed resorts too. And good thing you got all of your bad luck out of your system yesterday! Now you should have an awesome day today.
  5. Your invites are gorgeous. Seems pink & orange are popular! They are my colors too. If you did them yourself, where did you get that font? Its beautiful.
  6. I have been designing my coffee/travel mugs and totes today at 4imprint.com. I should do "real" work but wedding stuff is much more fun! One another thread someone said to just add waterproof stickers to the mugs, which sounds like a great idea too. I need to find out if its cheaper to get the travel mugs without any printing on them. Now on to Amazon!
  7. Just leave them at the resort. Assign someone your candle transporter so you dont have to bring them yourself! I am sure ppl would be v. willing - Candles aren't that big and if you put your clothes around them, they shouldn't break in your suitcase.
  8. I am bringing those mini boxes that you fold into a box and securing with a sticker/ribbon. Inside will be a types note thanking them and saying in lieu of favors we are donating money in their honor to the leukemia society. I thought they'd look pretty by the place settings & I didn't want to give an actual gift - this way it looks like its a little wrapped present but its not! Yous could be in honor of your father, which would be really touching. I am sure he'll be there in spirit
  9. Marise, they are awesome! You photographer did a great job!!! Congrats
  10. Love it Beverly! "Who Freakin' Knew"!!! Thats hilarious! Congrats a thousand times
  11. Yael, I am so happy for you! I was sad when you had to cancel Azul Beach; I'll be there a year after you were due to get married. Looks like things turned out amazing - the pix, cake, flowers - wow! Congrats!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by advntrs1 I used the P90X about 2 weeks into WW as my exercise and by 10 weeks lost 17lbs!! 5 whole inches off my waist!!! Wow thats awesome. I should look into this P90X thing. My fiance got transferred to Boston 3 weeks ago so we'll be living apart for a few months, maybe even until the wedding. I am hoping that his bad influence (pizza and huge helpings) being gone will help get me into wedding shape. Funny, he said the same thing about me such a good match we are !!! Congrats, seems like WW really works for you that's awesome. I tried it before but fell off the wagon. Do you do online or the live meetings?
  13. Welcome back Amy! Sounds like you got to let loose with your girl friends! I hear ya on the ordering stuff and more stuff. Do you keep track of everything you are spending on your wedding? I started to but now I think I'm going to just pay as I go on a cash flow basis so I don't start freaking out when the big payment is due and I have already spent a ton of $$$...
  14. Hey girls - welcome and happy planning! Thanks for the list Nicole! I am sure you are ready to have the wedding of your dreams. Just remember what everyone else has said - that you don't need too much stuff since the backdrop to your wedding is so beautiful. Plus, your first carved pumpkin is pretty impressive, so I am sure what you have planned is amazing.
  15. Thanks! I forgot to add that we used a tool to Fold the card stock for the ticket jackets. My mom bought it and it was called a Bone something.... can't remmeber the proper name but basically you trace where the folds should be and then use it to create a very harsh fold so the ticket jackets stay closed. We then used glue dots to keep them closed. It was fun!
  16. From what I hear in Mexico, they are not after tourists, its more of internal drug stuff... And Lindz your going to be in Cancun, which is full of people, I am sure there are not kidnappers waiting on the corner to steal your FFIL! so crazy. My sisters husband is afraid if taking their 6 mon old baby- that someone is going to steal him. Do you really think they need some gringo's baby in Mexico??!!! hahaha My sister and I just have to laugh at him.
  17. Mexico wedding - invites to Mexico & stateside reception in Maryland I spent an entire day getting these done and I love them. I have had lots of compliments saying how they are the coolest things anyone has seen. Even a not so close friend said he saw it on his kitchen table (I invited his roommate) and thought they were awesome. I am so happy that no one had seen the Boarding pass before. For my STDs, I sent postcards. I thought these took too much work to just be the STDs, but if you are good with this kindof stuff, by all means ..... I also included a one page detail sheet about the resort. I think we invited maybe 50 ppl so I of course spoke with or emailed everyone individually to discuss the wedding, costs, etc. I used the Sticky note a lot for ideas so thanks to all of the other brides who shared! Purchased: Thick card stock in pinks and oranges for the envelope holder Gorgeous white envelopes - #9 size fits perfectly. I think we used Off White Crane envelopes Glue Dots - to seal one side of the ticket jacket Cutting board with perforator blade Twine stuff to tie it with. WORD OF CAUTION ABOUT FONTS I printed my invites at Kinkos. Since I downloaded fonts on Word that a standard Word user does not have, I had to print my invite to a PDF and have them printed from there. If you upload your word document to Kinkos, or even bring your USB key there, they will not have your font and it will default out. I had to get mine reprinted. It was not expensive - like $50 for nice card stock paper and 50 copies or so. Front: Back - last page is postcard to return RSVP: Ticket Jackets All of my invites ready for stuffing!: Into the Crane Envelope: I printed all of my addresses using my fancy font (from www.dafont.com)onto clear address labels. I printed my own return address labels too. Wedding Invites Final.doc
  18. I am definitely going to be drinking while getting ready for my wedding. I just was MOH for my best friend and had bought 8 bottles of champagne, and had to get my FI to go out and get 6 more bottles for us. The bride had maybe one or 2 glasses to avoid the droopy eye stuff - haha - but the rest of us were drinking a lot. I think it was smart of the bride to stop after a glass or 2. And her pictures turned our beautiful!
  19. I am not sure what the minimum is. I ordered 200 for my rugby team, so I didnt even notice. I love koozies! sorry if thats the case, but you could call them and ask. They were very helpful with my order.
  20. Gorgeous pics! Thanks Matt I would have picked there had it not been so much easier at other resorts to plan.
  21. Hi RR - I have not done a site visit and do not plan on doing one. I like the idea of getting married on a whim, and even though its a lot of work and planning, it still feels free'er (if thats a word) to do it w/out a visit!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Afrommert Does anyone have a photographer list for as? I dont have it on me at the moment - traveling in Seattle right now and its on my personal computer at home - they might be on the AS website. They have really upgraded their wedding info on the website recently! There are 2 photogs now to pick from.
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