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Everything posted by amybermuda

  1. I know - you gotta pick your battles with so much going on !! I am sure they look fine!
  2. Was anyone looking for blue shoes? I freaking love these: Alfani Shoes, Miya Sandals - SANDALS UNDER $69 Sandals - Shoes - Macy's
  3. Here is the Word document I used if anyone wants to use as a template. labels for glasses RB.doc
  4. I think other hotels do start talking crazy about work permits but how will they know if he photog isn't your uncle or aunt!? I would use a photog whop has done mexican wedddings before so they know how to get into the coutnry. Beleive me, Claudia is expensive. You should use Wednys photog! Oh with Jennifer you are in good hands! She will get you the best deals I am sure!
  5. Hey Erin thats the same weekend as my bach party too! We are just having it in Bmore since the wedding is a destination, but should be fun. Are you doing anything particular for theme? My sister is having me dress in a wedding dress and all the girls in bridesmaid dresses - how hilarious! I am going to salvation army this saturday to look for a 1980 besuty Just had a 45 min convo with travel agent who almost cried. Turns out my friend was a little harsher than she admitted to: demanding who her boss was and who owned her company.... Lovely...... Don't you just love wedding stress ??
  6. Thanks Erin. I qualify for another promotion which is not as good. It was called "Its all about the bride" however it is for room upgrades and resort credit of $1k (which is less than 20% of my reception costs). Since my hotel is booked, there would not be any upgrades, so I am going to see if I can switch to the promotion you are receiving.
  7. I wouldn't hate you - I'd high five you for making a good choice!!!
  8. Wow I dont think I am close enough to know all the small details I am forgetting. Just spoke to the hotel - as long as the room is reserved for one - an additional person can show up and pay the rack rate the day of. Good bye TA! I dont want to rock the boat with this unstable lady now, but as soon as the wedding is over there will be some back lash. RACK RATE... thats what we are all paying anyways..... Its crazy - I got NO deal for booking 20% of the resort. Its my fault for picking her, but boy do I ever regret it. Oh, I had one dress and then bought another. They are both from nordstrom so returnable at full price so its not a huge deal. I just need to pick one when I am home for my shower over Easter weekend. I just got white dresses. Knew if I stepped foot into a bridal salon I'd fall in love with a $5k dress....
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart Why do you need to pick another dress? I like the dresses you picked, I can only remember what the first on looks like though. Are you looking for another option? Oh no the 2nd one I bought which is one shoulder I haven't tried on yet (April 2nd I will!). And the first one I have decided I dont like anymore. Remember, wishy washy Libra! hahaha
  10. Oh thanks Ginger - that's good to know. The set menus are the better deals. Yeah - I know - imagine me telling one of my clients that I dont tolerate rudeness and I refuse to work with them. I would be out of a job in no time. I picked a small business owner, so that's her prerogative, but seriously unprofessional.
  11. Right now I am in TA hell - again! My TA told my bestest oldest friend that she did not want to work with her and would not complete her reservation! OMG I am not kidding. My friend may have been a little rude, but the TA is so inept and stupid at her job. Anyways, I am having my Step Mom call the hotel (she is Latino so I thought fluent spanish might help) and see what would happen if this girl just shows up - which would make 1 reservation for 1 person now 2 people. I dont think it'll be a big deal - she can just pay then - does anyone know? Anyways, I need to call my TA and tell her that since she will not work with my friend she needs to refund her deposit. Waiting to hear what the hotel says. Can you believe it! UGH Oh and the winter has been crap here too! Gale force winds are expected for the rest of the week - yes its low 60s - but the wind with 80% humidity makes it feel really cold. I drive a scooter to work and almost get blown over! LOL I think the only thing I am stressing about is my dress. I have to pick one of the 2 or find one off the rack in one day. I am sure it'll be fine, but everything else on my to do list I feel like I could leave un-completed and the wedding would be great. I have my To Do list on an excel spreadsheet and have it categorized and due dates. It has kept me sane.... Oh besides the hotel selling out and my TA refusing to serve my guests.... hahahahahhaha
  12. Oh yeah that's so handy! Claudia for 8 hours is around $4k. Eh, I'll find a way. Her work is amazing.
  13. I got Claudia RIGHT AFTER they changed their procedures. Tiffany sent me all of the info with Claudia then told me I could not have her. But once they realized they sent me the wrong info, they let me keep her. This was May 2009. I bet flying in your photog is cheaper - I cant now that the hotel is booked!!!
  14. Hi girls! I have had clients in all day Mon & Tue and have to work today (boooo) so I'll try to catch up soon. Andrea, welcome back! You are gorgeous and you and your hubbie look so great together. I am so happy the day looked beautiful - blue skies and all. Cant wait to see more.
  15. No, I have Tiffany as my WC. I am using Claudia for the extra $500 and now that I am getting closer to the date (and when the money is due - haha) I think I might be paying too much for pictures. They are amazing, but really, how can you screw pictures up there? I am doing a beach wedding, private reception and cocktail hour - for about 40 people its less than $10k. The hotel is more expensive, $3k for a week per couple, so see if you can get some good deals for your guests and room prices. I liked the small inimate property but also loved Hacidenda Tres Rios as well. They have some good deals going on now too. Good luck!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by KittenHeart So ladies, tried on my dress yesterday after 8 months of waiting and it doesn't fit. It's too big... I'm disappointed I need alterations. At least it's not too small! Amy I cant say I am surprised. You were thin when you tried it on, but now you are super buff! Must be a little bummer that it didn't fit like a glove, but too big isn't too hard to fix! I can't wait to see pix of you in it fitting perfectly. Think your FI is going to pass out when he sees you coming down the aisle!
  17. Celina - If you have not used a TA yet, I would defo put her on your short list to consider.
  18. Vday bride, your pictures are amazing. Your dress and flowers look so great together- your whole look was amazing - congrats!!!!!!
  19. Lolo - have fun! I am counting on your adrenaline to carry you through - I can't imagine sleeping knowing you'll be on the plane so soon and in Mexico with all your close friends and family. Your wedding will be absolutely amazing and congrats on being a secret Mrs
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by japonick 1) The wedding coordinator who has been in contact with me is Cecile Alix--has anyone had any experiences with her? 2) Did you arrange all of your extras through the WC or through Lomas? 3) Has anyone used an outside florist? or have a good experience with the resort florist? I looked at the Lomas site and didn't see anything I liked. Do they take photos and make you what you want? 4) Does anyone have any experiences with the Kids Club or Teen Club? 1) No, sorry 2) Wedding Coordinator works with Lomas; you just refer to their website for info 3) I gave pictures of the flowers I wanted to my WC and they price that out and tell you how much it will cost to duplicate (and I think the other brides on here did as well). Past weddings at AB/AS the flowers looked amazing so thats probably the least stressful part! 4) No, but check out vacationkids.com for review of the Kids Clubs. Oh and I have been You Tubing the heck out the resort and other beach weddings. Its amazing how much STUFF is on the internet.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by shortnsweet7675 Do you have a template you could share with us? I dont think so but let me check my work computer and see!
  22. I think a page or a couple posts are missing b/c I cant seem to find where Taylor (who is Wendy, right?) says what the outcome of the Terrace was or the post where Amy says brides with upcoming weddings don't have to worry about the price increases.... whats the story? I know I shouldn't get worked up but its sooo hard to stay sane. Thanks Amy & Nicole! I actually had a mini bridezilla attack last week. So, FI and I are staying 1 extra night for alone time after our wedding. Turns out one of the GM (the one who did not book the hotel until it was sold out) are bringing their girlfriend now to the wedding and staying 3 extra nights. I told him that we are having alone time and will not be talking to them after Monday. Anyways, I have never met this girlfriend before (its a 3 month relationship now). She is coming to Mexico on Saturday, the day we are getting married, so I am not even going to meet her before she sits at my wedding ceremony. I asked GM to have her come friday b/c everyone will already know each other and she might feel left out, especially when he is doing wedding party duties before the ceremony and she is staying at AS not AB so wont even get to mingle before the wedding. I know in the grand scheme of things this will not matter, but I am having a hard time getting over it.
  23. Oh yeah the new menu options are soooo expensive! I saw them yesterday. I think I am going to call Monday and make sure my sheet is still in tact. I have a couple lawyers in the family I will have to get involved if I start getting screwed. I read my contract with them last night, and in no way did it say terms and conditions and offerings were able to be changed.
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