That's a bit unprofessional from their side,but it happens quite a bit.
There were times when I'd reserve a hotel,come and and found myself without a room,because they don't have my name and the hotel is booked. Basically, they would just give it away. Of course I will never stay in those places again.
I've also heard about vendors booking better paying clients and canceling the old contract,just to get a bit extra $. The whole wedding business is built so much on referrals and those who don't know this find often find themselves with no business and and clients. A Toronto photographer for example, stole a images for his online portfolio from about 10 other local photographers. We all found out and blogged about it. Now anyone who will google for their name will have those blogs come up way before his website.
Good for you for posting this! It's sad that managers of Majestic didn't want to take care of that.