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Everything posted by Vikki

  1. Well Done! Beautiful pictures. Thank you for sharing.
  2. Vikki


    Congratulations on your engagement! I know you'll feel more confident after spending some time on the forums-welcome!
  3. Welcome and congratulations! I'm sure you'll find tons of useful information here.
  4. Hmm. Good question, I didn't even think about that. I'll have to make sure to add that to the ever-growing list of things to worry about that I thought I was avoiding with a DW.....
  5. Vikki


    Congratulations and welcome!
  6. Congratulations and Welcome! I don't know about the photographer but I'm sure somebody here does or can point you in the right direction. Happy planning!
  7. Must haves: Happy tears while my Mom puts on my grandma's pearls My Dad to walk me down to the beach My fiance waiting barefoot in the sand An amazing photographer Don't Cares: Everything else
  8. I'm in the same boat-my e-ring is not symmetrical and has diamonds facing out on the sides of the ring so finding a wedding ring that compliments has been really tough. I finally opted with a really thin band I can wear in situations where my e-ring isn't practical. I think adding much to your ring would distract from how unique it is. If you feel compelled to have separate band I think the idea of wearing it on your other hand is fitting.
  9. Vikki


    Congratulations! Welcome to the forums, it's great to see another Jamaica bride.
  10. I love it! I am so going to borrow your idea for the next baby shower gift I need to make.
  11. Hello and Welcome! Congratulations on your engagement and choice of a beach wedding. You'll find tons of information here to help you plan.
  12. Those are great! I wasn't planning on doing any kind of STDs or invitations because only our parents are invited but now you've got me thinking of some kind of announcement or something to all the other family.... I'll look around and see what others in the same situation have done.
  13. Congratulations! Welcome, you'll find a ton of great information and ideas here!
  14. Welcome and Congratulations!
  15. Vikki


    Welcome and Congratulations! I'm a pending Jamaica bride as well-Nov 2. You'll find a lot of great information here to help as you get closer.
  16. Vikki


    Yay! Congratulations and welcome. I'm new to the forums as well but so far I'm really enjoying the community and have already gotten lots of great ideas. I know you will as well.
  17. Welcome and congrats! I think I like Vegas....I can't ever seem to remember much of the trip after I get back home...I guess that's the sign of a good time since I keep going back. Good luck with your planning!
  18. Vikki


    Welcome! I'm new to the forum too and haven't taken the time to play with some of options but for the most part I think you'll find it pretty easy to navigate and use. From personal experience....read the section on how points work :-) Hope to see you around and congratulations!
  19. Welcome and congratulations. I'm sure you'll get some great ideas here!
  20. Welcome :-) You'll find lots of great advice and ideas-I know I have!
  21. Welcome and good luck! There's so much good information here for both of you. Be sure to update us on what you decide.
  22. Ok ladies (and the random significant other that might be playing along): The big challenge is balancing what you eat with the exercise you do right? So how many of us have a personal chef to make sure we don't live off of microwave dinners and Tortino's Pizza....?? Yeah, me either. Check out this website All recipes ? complete resource for recipes and cooking tips. I met with a nutritionist last year and this was a resource she showed me. It's a free community where you can find and use recipies posted by other uses. Go to the section marked Healthy Cooking. I like this site over the others I've found for two reasons: One, it allows you to view the nutritional content of the meal (calories, fat, carbs, sodium, ect). Two, you can throw together a list of 4 or 5 meals for the week, change the portion size down to reflect how many people you're cooking for and it puts together a grocery list. You can modify the list to add different items or remove items you already have. Besides saving a ton of money (by not buying more than I need or getting food that doesn't get used) the quality and variety of food we eat so good! Some of our favorites: Winter Fruit Salad with Lemon Poppyseed Dressing (with grilled chicken added) Chicken with Asparagus and Roasted Red Peppers Raspberry-Glazed Rosemary Chicken Basil Chicken over Angel Hair I would love to see what meals you all are cooking so if you have an easy, light recipe to share please post it here!
  23. I bought it on iTunes but looked it up on youtube so I could post a link here.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Alyssa is it really obvious when you where it? can you always see it?? Yes - it is visible. I think they have a newer model that's a little smaller but it's hard to hide. I was conscious of it the first month or so but after that it was just like putting on my shoes. People ask what it is sometimes and it's a great conversation starter but for the most part I forget it's on. If you have approximately the same activity level at certain times - like at work if you sit a lot - you could probably get away with wearing it once and after that just estimating that you burn the same amount of calories during that time frame each day. I don't wear it 100% of the time anymore. Especially now that I'm closer to my goal weight. After a while you train yourself to estimate about how many calories you're burning depending on what you've done for the day automatically. Sorry for all the lengthy answers....
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