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Everything posted by Vikki

  1. Sweet! I've been trying to figure out what to do about Brandon's attire since I've just gone from a really casual dress to a much more formal one and the cargo pant clam diggers and cotton shirt I promised him weren't gonna cut it anymore. I'm so glad those of you that have ordered are satisfied, makes me feel a ton better about ordering :-) I'll post pics when it gets here!
  2. I should not have started reading this thread-I have a weekly grocery store trip planned for tonight.
  3. Congratulations Jeff. This was a great week for a lot of folks, way to step it up!
  4. Thanks everyone-I feel much better about the purchase now. I think I probably ought to buy that TiVo HD to go along with the BD photo album for the FI's gift huh? I'm just worried which one he'll spend more time looking at
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda Vikki there is a confirmed case up in Coeur D' Alene, a 60 yr old lady who just returned from Texas Oh yeah, they were saying that on the news. But that's pretty far away...I actually work in Meridian lol.
  6. I maintained this week. Literally-my weight was exactly the same and my measurements changed by a 1/2 inch or so. I thought I did a lot better than that, added 3 really long evening power walks with the dog last week in addition to my normal 7 workouts. I guess I need to step up the cardio next week. I lost 2 pounds a week for the last two so seeing a 0% change kind of sucks. Cravings are the enemy!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Oh, and my train is "chapel length" (think that's what it's called??). It was longer but I had her take it in about a foot, but it still has a decent train, and that's what I'm using for my TTD. Mine has all sorts of delicate beading that I'm worried about messing up... I have to wear mine again for the AHR! I really hope I don't mess it up... Hmmm. Mine has a some beading too, on the bodice and the skirt, I didn't think about that.
  8. Wow – this is long! But it’s been the funniest 2 hours of my day catching up on it lol 1: What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be? I’ve been a private banker for a national bank for 8 years. I really don’t like it. My dream job would be building trails for the forest service. 2: What is your favorite hobby? Ummm, I play World of Warcraft-I know, I know-GEEK! 3: What is your favorite holiday, and why? Thanksgiving. I always spend the night before with my Mom trying to learn all her secrets for putting on a wonderful meal. It’s a special tradition. 4: What is your greatest achievement? Buying a home by myself when I was 23. 5: What is your favorite animal... and why? I love monkeys. They’re fun to watch. 6: What is your dream trip? Hiking the Centennial Trail. (Northwestern US) 7: What is your favorite food? Sashimi – specifically Ahi and Unagi 8: Who has made the biggest impact in your life? My Mom 9: If you were a crayola crayon, what color would you be, and why? Olive Green. Dunno – just love the color. 10: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? A cabin in the Sawtooth Mountains. 11: How many siblings do you have? 2 – 1 older half sister and 1 younger brother 12: What is your biggest fear? Rejection. 13: What’s your favorite holiday dish you make for your family? Bacon wrapped lil’smokies drizzled with brown sugar. (Or meat wrapped in meat as my FI refers to it) 14: Do you have a nickname? Pen 15: What causes do you support? I volunteer at a cageless, no-kill cat shelter. 16: What is your guilty pleasure? Disorderly, irresponsible weekend partying when my best friend comes to visit once or twice a year. I don’t think I’ll grow up until he does. 17. If you could have one Special Power..What would it be & Why?? Hmmm. I would control weather  I love a well-placed thunderstorm or sunshiny day. 18. How old are you? 29 as of last week! 19. If you won the lottery (hundreds of millions) what would you do? Create a family foundation supporting humane treatment of animals and spay/neuter programs-especially in developing countries. 20. What gadget do you not need, but still want? GPS 21. What is your favourite T.V. show? Charmed. 22. When did you know that FI was "the One?" The second time we met in person. 23. What is your favorite item of clothing? This pair of skinny black pants I’ve had for 8 years (seriously!) I don’t know what I’m going to do when they finally fall apart. 24. How many or do you want children? At least 2 25. Have you ever met anyone famous? If so, who? Depends on the definition of famous. I’ve partied with DJ Dan a couple times (my best friend works with him) 26. If you could be someone else for a day who would it be and why? I don’t always like being me but it sure beats being anybody else… 27. Is there anything that you regret doing? Not staying in college the first time and getting a degree in a field I loved. 28. What is your worst bad habit? I still like to party a little too hard sometimes. 29. What's your middle name? Does it have significance? Lee. It is my Mother’s middle name as well as a variation of my Grandfather’s name (Leon) 30. What's the craziest thing you've ever done? Moved my FI 3000 miles across the country to live with me after we had only met twice. 31. What is the one thing that your significant does that drives you CRAZY? His posture bugs me sometimes. 32. What’s your favorite movie? The Lord of the Rings or Riding in Cars with Boys 33. What's your least favorite food? Steak 34. Why did you choose a destination wedding? I saw a movie once where the dream wedding was described as “six people on a beach†and it stuck with me. I don’t like stress and I would be a bridezilla with a traditional wedding so it fits perfectly! 35. How long were FI and you together when you got engaged? 2 ½ years 36. What person in your life really gets under your skin, and how do you know them? My uncle. 37. When and how did you and your FI meet? In Molton Core…… (If you get that you’re as big a geek as I am!) 38. Even with all the ups and downs along the way, would you still go through with your DW knowing what you know now? In a heartbeat 39. Do you have any pets? Some people call them pets, I call them children…3 cats and 1 dog. 40. If you could hook up with a celebrity for one night, who would it be? Hmmm. Maybe someone naughty like Chris Corner. 41. What's your sexual fantasy and have you ever played it out? Mile high club baby! And yes.... 42. What's the one thing other than FI that you would bring to a deserted tropical island? My IPod 43. Do you have any tattoos? No-but the bridge of my nose has been pierced for 10 years. 44. Chocolate, vanilla or strawberry? Strawberry. 45. What season do you enjoy most and why? Fall-I love the colors and the refreshing cool weather after a long hot summer. 46. What is your favorite book? Can’t choose between the David Eddings series and Harry Potter. 47. What astrological sign are you and does it represent your personality? Taurus – I don’t follow my signs but I’ve been told I’m representative of my sign. 46. What did you do with all your time PRE-BDW? The gym 47. If you could choose the gender of your future children would you? I’d like one of each-but my priority is healthy kids. 48. If you could change one thing about your wedding what would it be? My Grandfather would be alive to see it. 49. What do you prefer on your FI/DH? My opinion doesn’t matter lol. 50. What was the last meal you had? Grilled chicken-prepared by the wonderful FI. 51. Did you hint to your FI what you wanted for an engagement ring, or did he choose it on his own? I totally picked it out but left the final choice up to him. 52. How did you decide on a wedding date? After summer, before the holidays and not smack in the middle of hurricane season. (Nov 2) 53. How are chores divided in your relationship? Pretty even-he loves to cook so I clean. We share laundry and most other stuff. 54. If you were forced to leave your house for good and you were only able to take one personal belonging, what would you take and why? My laptop – it has all my family photos and memories stored in it. (I don’t consider my pets personal belongings but they would definitely be the priority) 55. Do you wish your FI was an only child? It doesn’t really matter – I don’t really know his family. 56. If there was one thing in your life you wish you could go back and change, what would it be? I would get my degree in a field I enjoy rather than one that was convenient. 57. If you could pick one thing to see in the future would you and what would it be? No. 58. Did you go to college? Yes. 59. What’s your favorite music artist? IAMX 60. What is the first vacation you remember from childhood and what made it memorable? Backpacking with my Dad and little brother when we saw a bear 5 miles into our 3 day trip! 61. Is your current hair color your natural hair color? Wait- hair has natural colors!!! 62. What is your most persistent worry? Feeling like I’m not good at what I do. And finally my question: 63. Did your FI/DH ask you or your father first? (Mine asked my dad!)
  9. So...I'm officially a 2 dress bride. My first dress just doesn't feel like a wedding dress (I posted my other one in the show us your dress thread) so I found this one. I'm going to wear the original dress for the reception. But...I want to do my TDD pictures in this dress, is it going to be too big and goofy looking? I don't have a picture that catches it all but the train is fairly long and even though it's pretty light it is bulky. In this picture it's kind of twisted around me, it naturally fans out quite a bit more. And this picture doesn't show how long the train is.. If I buy a 3rd dress for TDD I think my fiance will take the ring back. He's comparing the cost of my dresses to the TiVo HD he wants for upstairs...."you know, that dress costs as much as 4 Tivo HD's honey"
  10. We have one also in a suburb of Boise-and get this: it's an 8 month old baby....apparently her local tests showed it and the CDC tests are now in progress. I'm tired of H1N1-I'd rather watch the economy tank, at least that was interesting.
  11. Depends on how much time you spend in the kitchen. If it's just the two of you most of the time I'd stick with the little one. Down the road when your family grows (if you go that route) it might make sense to upgrade. If you love cooking and spend a lot of time in the kitchen with adventurous foods then I would go all out girl! My FI is the cook in our house and he makes all sorts of things just to try them out. He would love it if we got a larger one. Also-would you stay registered for both and if so do you really want two appliances that do the same thing? Sounds like something might just end up collecting dust. Hope that helps!
  12. Vikki


    Hello and congratulations on your engagement. Welcome to the forums, you'll find a ton of information to help you plan!
  13. Love the other dresses on the thread! erinleigh I like dress number 1 - the high waist creates such a smooth, slimming line and the detail is beautiful on you! I think I'm about to join the 2 dress club. I bought the second dress and now I'm having second thoughts about the other one. My mom suggested I wear the white one for the ceremony and TTD then change into the second one for the rest of the evening. What do you all think? I'm torn between the traditional princess feeling of this dress (haven't purchased yet): And the beach goddess feeling of this one: (don't have pics on me yet as the dress is at the alterations shop but I did buy this one) So...both?
  14. Be careful who you ask....there are multiple dress brides around here. *sigh* and I think I'm about to become one of them. I am completely torn between two dresses, one is traditional and the other is exotic. I think you need to wear whatever will make you feel like a princess. First, second, third wedding, whatever-your wedding day is your day to feel like a million bucks. Don't worry about what is appropriate or what you should or shouldn't wear. Good luck - I hope that helps. Now, if I can only follow my own advice.
  15. I think your email is great-keeping people informed is the best thing you can do. Stay positive!
  16. Ugh. Not a great week. I made it to the gym everyday but I don't think I made much progress on the scale. I'm hoping my measurements will help me feel a little better tomorrow when I have to send in that scale photo. Good luck girls (and guys!).
  17. Vikki


    Welcome Diana, Ooh you're close! You must be so excited. Congratulations girl! From one Jamaica bride to another
  18. Welcome and Congratulations! I hope you have a wonderful time planning your big day and I know you'll find tons of information here.
  19. Do you have a contract that states she can do that?? That almost sounds like a small claims issue.... Good luck.
  20. Welcome and congratulations! I know you'll get lots of questions answered here.
  21. Kara I am so sorry. I've got you and your FI in my prayers over the next couple days while you figure out what happens next. I hope you find a silver lining somewhere.
  22. Congratulations on your engagement and welcome-you'll find tons of ideas, advice and help here.
  23. Vikki


    Welcome and congratulations on your engagement. My fingers are crossed for you as you plan, hopefully everything will have calmed down by then!
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