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Everything posted by Vikki

  1. Not sexy....a couple of those pictures are hot. All of them look really good. So glad she was able to work with you, it must have been such a relief. Congratulations!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride I wouldn't worry too much about it Vikki!! I'm sure there are still a lot of people going to Couples - they just may not be on this website!! I know that there was only one person getting married before me at the RIU Bachata...and it was only like 2 weeks before. There are a couple more now, but still not many! We still had a fabulous time! I know what you're saying though! I wish I would have found this website before I booked & planned my wedding too! There are so many great ideas here that I would have liked to incorporate! Regardless, I'm sure you will have an amazing wedding!! The sky could fall and I would have an amazing wedding as long as Brandon is there with me!
  3. I've seen so few Couples brides I'm starting to wonder if there's a reason.... I didn't know about this forum before I booked and so I didn't realize there were so many options out there. Couples still looks like a good choice but it makes me a little nervous to see no other upcoming Couples brides. I know there have been some in the past and I have read those reviews. I'm sure it's not a big deal I just wish there were more reviews to read or pictures to see. Either way I'm going to make it a perfect day and enjoy every minute of it. And I did meet another bride on the Couples message board getting married 5 hours earlier than I am so I can swap ideas with her too. Anywhoo...just some random thoughts. Anybody that looked at Couples have any input on why they didn't go with it? Just out of curiosity.
  4. I have no idea what colors or how to incorporate them into my ceremony. I don't have a wedding party and the reception is just a small resort included package. Everything else is pretty much done now. BD photos in July (go go BL6!), Brandon's attire and wedding band and final payment for the plane tickets are the only things left to go. We get to watch prices until September then grab them if they drop or if the go up take them at the price they were when we booked. Kind of a cool deal. 5 months and 4 days. Whew-it's moving quickly but it still feels like forever.
  5. It's your wedding and if you would like that to happen I think it's a wonderful idea. Just because it's tradition to have your dad doesn't mean you can't change it up. I think it would be really cool to see and it makes total sense. For me the special inclusion with my mom is the time before the ceremony. I'll be getting ready, sharing memories of her wedding and her mother, taking pictures ect with just her before I walk down with my dad. I do like the idea of having both walk me down though. I might kick that around a little. Let us know what you decide.
  6. Wow-what a beautiful tradition! I can't wait to see the pictures.
  7. Vikki


    Welcome Alena-you'll find lots of good info here. There's a whole section about Sandals you can check out as well in the Jamaica thread. Enjoy your planning!
  8. Welcome and congrats. Sounds like a beautiful place to be married. I hope you have a great time planning!
  9. Welcome and congratulations. I think Jamaica is a great choice! You'll find lots of great info here.
  10. It was just bath time so they're still a little damp. Thanks for letting me share-I've never actually fostered before, I usually just help out so it's kind of exciting
  11. Vikki

    Hi Everyone!

    Hi MK, Welcome to the forum and congratulations on picking a destination wedding! You'll find lots of great ideas here. Enjoy!
  12. Hi Hélène and welcome to the forum. Congratulations on your engagement, I'm sure you'll have a great time planning and find lots of ideas.
  13. Vikki

    Newbie Hello!

    Hi Amanda! Welcome and congratulations. My FI would die of jealousy if he knew you were getting married at Disney World :-)
  14. Vikki

    Hi Everyone

    Hi Jenna, Welcome to the forums! Enjoy your planning and congratulations on your engagement. Vikki
  15. I'm being a foster mom to a small litter of kittens for the weekend. (The shelter I work with doesn't have a permanent foster until Monday.)We think they're about 3 weeks old. They are sooooo incredibly cute! I'll post a picture in a little bit.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by estella1007 So I'm having trouble getting motivated. I get myself all excited about eating healthy and working out, I lose a few pounds, and then it just stops. I know it's because of my thyroid problems. Here's my dilemma. I can eat WHATEVER I want, and I won't gain any weight, or if I do it takes a very long time to add up to a significant amount. At the other end, I start working out like crazy, and cut calories by at least half and barely lose anything. No Joke. I used to eat absolute crap every day. I have lost 15 pounds in 4 months. Only 10 during this contest. It sounds pretty decent, but you have to take into consideration that most weeks I have had 0 change at all. I lost 5 the first week, then 3, then 2, with weeks in between of 0. I feel like, why should I deprive myself of yummy food, and kick my own ass working out, if I barely get any results. Does anyone have a similar issue? Any secrets that can help me lose this weight? I'm sorry you're so frustrated. Just keep in mind the actual number on the scale doesn't always reflect the changes going on in your body. As you workout your body will "lose" body fat but you will also build lean muscle (LM) which is a "gain". There will be times when your LM gain is more than your fat loss. It does suck on the scale though. Just keep going and try to find a way to make it a lifestyle you can keep up with instead of something so miserable you feel like you're killing yourself trying to keep up. And maybe try tracking your bodyfat. There's a spreadsheet that was posted a while back that gives you a rough estimate of your bodyfat and LM based on measurements and weights. I would recommend trying this on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. Include pictures if you like. It won't be 100% accurate but it might help you see some changes that are taking place off the scale such as the number of inches you are losing instead of pounds. There's also numerous sites you can find if you google it that will give you directions for at home bodyfat calculations. I hope that helps!
  17. Awww. This is how memories are created though :-)
  18. Ouch. I never even thought about that. I wonder how that would work? I mean the randomness of locations people live in would make that difficult to do-but, criminals are sneaky. Good advice.
  19. One thing to check off your list. And a million more to start working on :-) I'd just give your WC a call if you can, the WC at Couples was really quick to respond to a HUGE laundry list of questions I popped her with. I think the Couples/Beaches coordination setups are kind of the same in nature even though they're different companies.
  20. I'm going out on a limb here but could you just 'fess up? You're going to carry this weird guilty feeling around for a long time and it's going to eat at you, even if your relationship disolves completely you'll still have that monkey on your back. And...if something changes and the relationship turns around for the better guess what....monkey's still there. I guess my point is if your going to feel so bad about what you suspected, what you did and how you feel now you might consider clearing your conscious. It may blow up and make you look bad but eventually that will all blow over where as guilt can eat at you forever and if you do slip up and say something and get caught you'll look even worse. It sucks. I've been tempted to do this before and did actually read an ex's notebook one time when I was younger-found out what I suspected then didn't know what to do with all the information that I couldn't confront him with. It ended badly. So good luck, keep us posted.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Jacilynda I'm in on the challenge! Although if I might mention, w/ the fruits and veggies try and have all fresh fruits and veggies if you can! Its much much better for you than anything processed! Yup-fresh is always better! And the more colorful the more good stuff they have. If you have trouble eating raw veggies you can steam them (Not in the microwave). It won't hurt the nutritional value but it can be easier on the stomach. Just don't smother them in cheese sauce! And YAY Maria! You're kicking some serious tail girl. I'm so glad this is helping keep you motivated.
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