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Everything posted by Vikki

  1. Yay! Great thread. I have the same issue, either deodorant doesn't keep me dry or it leaves white marks. Ugh. I'm definitely going to have my doctor get an Rx for the drysol and try that out.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Vikki Should we start a separate thread for that perhaps? I just went ahead and started one-I'd really like to keep up the challenges, they're really fun and motivating for me!
  3. I know we're at the end but a couple people have really enjoyed the daily challenges and I think they're a great idea. Unfortunately they're kind of hard to pick out with the other conversations in our contest thread. I thought I'd start one just for that. Maybe other non-participating members would enjoy following along too. I think the best thing would be to post a challenge the day before so we know what it is at the start of the day (nice for those of us who try to get the workouts done first thing in the a.m.) So ladies-we need a daily challenge for today and tomorrow! Today: Walk, jog, or run 2 miles. Indoors (treadmill) or outdoors! Tomorrow: somebody else gets to pick...
  4. Hmmm-on a positive note do we have a daily challenge going anymore? Should we start a separate thread for that perhaps?
  5. I love her new website! Can't wait to see your pictures and review-I have it on my calendar to PM you :-)
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 Congrats Jill! I don't know about seeing the list. It definitely didn't work out for the group last time. And, I'm not sure about a pm either. I feel like that could give some an unfair advantage, knowing what they would have to lose to beat someone else. I guess a pm telling you your own percentage would be good, but not where you compare to others unless everyone gets to see. I see the point...but some of us would like to know. It's not an unfair advantage if you opt out of wanting to see the totals is it? It's not like anyone would be denied the option to see-a PM would just be allowing that choice rather than forcing the group to look since it didn't work out well last time. Anywhoo I think I might be able to just spreadsheet the numbers over the contest and come up with a number thats close so if it looks like there's a majority that want a suprise I might do that.
  7. Here's a couple things we did: Do you use a monthly expenses budget? It doesn't have to be really formal but if you sit down and list out what you spend money on and how much you need sometimes you can squeeze out some extra savings. We put one together and realized we were spending almost $300 a month on eating out, latte's, the bar on weekends ect!!! So now we try to plan ahead for lunches and snacks. We still go out a little bit but we were able to put that money somewhere else. We also shop weekly with specific recipies in mind and buy only what we need then pick up the fruits/veggies as we go. That put our grocery budget down by about $150 a month. It's another $400+ to save! Get a savings account at another bank and use your current bank's bill pay system to send money to it. Anytime you have an extra little bit just schedule a bill pay and forget about it. Just make sure at some point you match up the deposit records. Not having that savings where you can get to it helps more than you think. Hope that helps!
  8. Stacey-your puppy is soooo cute! Mine won't ever hold still enough for me to get a picture!
  9. That's a good point. I guess I'm just curious where I stand-if I'm anywhere close to the top 5 I can do a short-term push, I just don't want to do it unless I actually have a shot lol. It's not all that fun. If not then I'll just keep up the light work-out schedule I'm on now. Would anyone mind if I wanted to have Ann PM it to me? If not it's all good-the point of this isn't to win it's to have fun getting in better shape.
  10. Nice job all! I'd be curious to see an update of total % for everybody so far? Is that allowed in our contest rules?
  11. Kelly; I am so sorry for your loss. It's easy to justify that it's "ok becaue they're old and have had a good life" but it doesn't take away the pain you feel about losing someone you've known your whole life. I lost my grandfather in April. I think your decision to keep your memories of her before the end was a good one. I was with my grandfather when he passed and I have trouble getting some of those last images out of my mind when I think of him, even though his passing was more peaceful than I every could have expected. I'm still not sure I made the right decision being there or not. I hope you and your family are able to find some ways to celebrate her life even as you mourn her passing.
  12. I do it too. I'm afraid I'm going to have horrible, blotchy red eyes for my pictures. I don't wear tears well lol. But at least they are all happy tears I guess :-)
  13. Wow-I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I'm glad someone is finally noticing what needs to be done and I hope it happens soon! Good news though that it's such a non-invasive proceedure. Heart problems are so scary. Brandon (FI) got a call from our next door neighbor last summer, she just wasn't feeling well and so he took her to the ER-she had suffered several mild heart attacks over the previous day and a half and they had her in for open heart surgery the next morning. It took her a while to heal and she'll have a scar-but the good news is she's doing great now. She said she hasn't felt this good in years now that her heart is functioning properly. I hope your mom has the same experience (minus the open heart surgery and scar part!)
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by stacey Wow Vikki thats great. Do you have a before and after pic? Hehe-unfortunately yes. I'll post one of my "fat" pictures with my BD shots in a couple weeks after my pictures get back. Thanks all! And as for secrets....I've raved about it before somewhere on the forums but the one thing I can say made 100% of the difference for me was my bodybugg. I still use it for a couple of days here and there when I'm feeling like I'm straying off track.
  15. Woot! So when I weighed in today I hit a new low (in a good way!). But it didn't click until a little bit ago that it marks the 50 pound mark for my total loss. I'm down from my all time worst weight of 208 to 158. Granted, not all of that is BL6 but it's a nice encouragement to keep going. That's about 25% of my bodyweight. Thanks all for the help and motivation that has helped me drop the last 10 pounds of that over the duration of the contest. I think I can still lose a little more but this is a huge milestone for me. Good luck this week to everybody else.
  16. Welcome and happy planning. The time will just fly by but there is a lot of helpful information here.
  17. Nice job this week! I'm traveling and couldn't get a picture taken so I don't know where I ended up. We're close to the end-how does everyone feel about the progress they've made vs the goal they set?
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by JoLo908 P.S. just wrote FI a letter for when he wakes up telling him how happy I am to marry him, and how sorry I am that everyday I am stressing out over travel... I think this is great. Sometimes when you can organize yourself and write it down it's almost as good for you to do as it is for the other person to read. It's ok to stress a little but there are some things that will be out of your hands. Try to fix what you can and let go of what you can't-all that matters is you getting to marry the man of your dreams. All the rest will eventually end up being a story to tell-even though it doesn't seem like it now. Good luck!
  19. Congratulations and Welcome! Have a wonderful time planning your wedding :-)
  20. Sweet - I'll check out those links. Umm, for the leopard corset-I haven't gotten that far yet. Probably either a thong with that print or a color that compliments it and garters. I looked at leopard fishnets but it was too distracting. After the white set I need I think I'm going to find a feather boa and thong set for the last group of pictures. A nice pair of platform dancer heals and I'll be all set :-) And I asked my photographer if I could bring drinks and beverages and she said no problem-she promised to put some teasers up for me as soon as she could after the shoot. I'm getting super excited! I'll update after the next shopping trip. Oh....and the boots.....in college my best friend worked at a gentleman's club and when it was slow I'd dance a double shift with her for something to do. Tons of fun-If you ever get the chance it's a pretty empowering experience. And the workout is much better than high impact aerobics!
  21. Ditto-all of it. My wedding was going to be so simple and cheap before I got all these fabulous ideas. But I know that my wedding is for me (and FI) and no matter how much or little I take away from what everyone else has done it will be perfect! That being said....WOW there are some amazing, creative and imaginative minds at work on these forums. I'm excited about some of the things I never would have thought about doing and happy I will be including them in my planning.
  22. I'm super stoked and I know everybody here loves pictures so here are a couple of the outfits I'm building for my shoot in July. I think I need a total of 4 so I still have some work to do. I want a "bridal" one but it's wedding season so most of the adult stores are low on whites/ivory sets. I'm thinking of ordering on line.....but knowing how different something can look on a hanger vs on me I'm a little nervous to do that. So...what do you think? I'm still trying to figure out what else to get for this one. I'm thinking some platform black shoes. I'm going to have my hair/make-up done then half way through the shoot throw the wig on. (I hate to admit I already owned the boots and wig-don't ask)
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