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Everything posted by Vikki

  1. Beautiful! I love the flowers and the color of the water together. You look amazing, congratulations.
  2. I think it looks great as is-and it's always easier to take a dress in than it is to let it out. Just schedule a fitting as close to your departure as you can for the alterations shop to get any changes completed. They should be able to work with you to find a timeline that will make sure it's ready by the time you leave but still allow for any last minute changes. Congrats on the weight loss too!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Vikki, I am going to merge your boudoir threads into one, there isn't really a need to have more then one. Then I'll update the thread title with the post # of your last post with the link. Thank you-I thought about that after I posted it but didn't know how to do it. :-)
  4. I have been there! Same thing, worked out twice a day, 6 to 7 days a week-lifting in the am then an hour of cardio after work-for 4 months. It was insane and totally impossible to keep up. I lost between 25 and 30 pounds doing it then I hit the wall. I couldn't figure out what it was. My diet was really strict-1400 - 1700 calories a day max. So...I took a week off, I didn't go crazy with my food but brought my calories up to around 2400 - 2700 and didn't work out very much. (Maybe 5 times as opposed to 12 or 13). After that week I kind of kept up the slower pace. Once in a while I'll hit the gym twice a day but it's more like 6 days a week now. I alternate lifting and cardio and spend about 90 minutes each trip. It totally worked! My total loss is just over 50 pounds. I'll probably never drop that last 5 or so pounds - I seem to have a 7 - 10 pound range I move around in depending on what time of the month it is but I'm really at a great weight and size and if I did a body fat measurement I expect I'd be hovering around 20 - 22%. My conclusion is that the closer you get to your goal the harder it is. When your body get's so used to all the hard work sometimes it just stops performing and you're overtraining. For long term maintenance it's hard to keep up a crazy workout schedule so eventually you'll want to find a routine you can incorporate on a regular basis in the future. So don't beat yourself up-you've lost a lot of weight already girl!!! Just don't give up, you'll make it. Congratulations on the progress so far.
  5. My last post regarding my boudoir pictures. These are the final 45 we narrowed it down to. I now need to decide how to lay them out for my book. I have 10 pages, 2 sides however I can choose several page configurations and have more than 1 photo to a page for a kind of series look. There are so many poses that are similar in a couple of the outfits I think I'll play with that idea on a couple of pages. These are not yet edited, I have to decide if I want any color changes or manipulations and they will also touch up any obvious flaws, smudged make-up and my legs (I lost an argument with some rocks while hiking the weekend before my pictures). Enjoy! O2 Photography - Fine Art Wedding, Senior & Family Photography! Under "Clients" password is vnesbitt
  6. Wow-that's just around the corner. Welcome to the forum and congratulations in advance on becoming a Mrs.!
  7. Oh my gosh...I might have picked my colors!!! This is the one decision I have been incapable of making the whole time. Even harder than choosing a resort! They're a blue/golden yellow combo. Kind of a cornflower blue and pale yellow. I'll post pictures shortly. These are two colors I never would have imagined liking but the colors I liked just don't look right to me. Now I can start on the rest of the things on my list that required knowing my colors.
  8. Welcome and congrats! You'll find lots of info here, happy planning.
  9. Congrats and welcome Amanda! Don't worry, there's lots of ways to plan the perfect wedding on a budget. You'll find a ton of ideas here.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by lisaloo79 i'm still shocked about that. now I can't wait to watch the show! That's what the producers are counting on.
  11. You did a great job-I wish I were that talented. I put my FI in charge of ours, he's a wiz at that stuff.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Tonir Thanks for the reviews! Any updates would be greatly appreciated. I'm thinking of getting one too. I'm still a big fan of the bugg!
  13. Hiya-congratulations and welcome. I can't give any advice on either choice but there are plenty of others here with some great insights. Happy planning!
  14. Very nice! I love it. I've been procrastinating on my welcome letter also. This helped me start thinking about it again.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Erika J Seriously... is it REALLY nessicary to have a weight with the persons name at the bottom of the screen, this show seemed ok until seeing that. REALLY?? Wow. Just wow. I really don't know what I think about that. I guess it's meant to be inclusive to an audience that is rarely positively represented in media but I'm not sure if it's a good representation or not.
  16. Heya Tina-welcome to the forum and congratulations on your engagement. Happy planning girl!
  17. Hiya Jen, You'll have waaayyy too much information here to help you make a decision! Congratulations and happy planning.
  18. Vikki

    Newly Engaged

    Welcome to the forum-let the planning commence! Congratulations girl!
  19. Awww. What a sweetie. I just poured some future guilt down on my FI telling him about your special day. What a sweetheart your hubby is girl!
  20. Rosa-it sounds like you've done all you can to try and fix it. Just be there for him and try to focus on the positives, the people that ARE coming, the special things you'll have to look forward to with a DW-instead of spending time fretting over the immature reaction of his brother.
  21. Vikki

    Hi from Scotland

    Welcome and congrats! I think we're all a little manic some of the time. You'll find lots of ideas here that should help out. Happy planning.
  22. I like the back on #4 and the front on #7 best. All the pictures are beautiful though. I don't think you could go wrong.
  23. BD pictures are so much fun. A good photographer WILL make you look and feel like a million bucks if you're willing to be open and creative and you may find it helps you feel better about yourself. Remember our FI's don't see us through our eyes (thank god!). All the flaws you think you see he's blind to and I know he will love the result! But if thinking about doing them adds stress right now don't feel like you *have* to do them. There's always the 1 year, 5 year, ect..... Being a bride is supposed to be fun so try to enjoy.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by marak Alright, my fiance is really starting to think I am addicted to this forum. I just can't stop reading, but the more I read the more indecisive I get! Haha-my FI says this forum is adding "extra expenses" but I just keep telling him it's adding "extra perfect". He's not convinced. Also....I may be wrong but I believe in it's illegal to be gay in Jamaica. I doubt it's a problem at the resorts (money is money to them) but if your group is out in public it's something to be aware of. The last thing you want is your guests to feel awkward or worse. We tend to take it for granted in the states sometimes but I think it's good you are thinking about that as you book because sadly not all places are welcoming.
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