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Everything posted by Vikki

  1. Welcome and congratulations Katrina! You'll find lots of useful information to help you pick the resort and plan the details. Happy planning!
  2. Welcome Courtney and congratulations. You'll find lots of useful information to help you pick the resort and plan the details. Happy planning!
  3. Welcome and congratulations Jennifer! Enjoy your planning!
  4. Welcome to the forum and happy planning!
  5. Wow-you are well traveled! I think a DW is a perfect fit for you. Welcome and congrats. (and the siggy's aren't too hard :-)
  6. Congratulations and welcome to the forum.
  7. Vikki


    Hello and welcome! I'm sure you'll find lots of great ideas for your wedding, I know lots of girls have had or are having DWs in Cancun so there should be a lot of information. Happy planning :-)
  8. Screw that. It's not rude to let people know that THIS IS YOUR WEDDING-not some discount travel opportunity. If he wants reduced travel tell him to get some frequent flyer miles. As for the rest of it just do your best to ignore the negativity. You're the one getting married and if they can't or don't want to be there it will be better in the long run if they aren't.
  9. Ignore him-and try to keep your distance, even innocent interactions can cause the kind of issues you don't want to be anywhere near right now. Just keep your mind occupied with the wedding and your friends. And BDW, I mean come on....you can't be lonely around here!
  10. That sucks! I hate it when I don't have time to do stuff like that. The good news is you should be able to dispute the cc authorizations so hopefully that stress goes away.
  11. I'm so sorry you're having so much trouble. I would be very suspicious of the WC, it seems strange that you can't contact her at all. Silver lining....25 pounds!?! Awesome girl, even if it comes at some extra cost for your dress. Totally worth it.
  12. Sorry for the stress. I agree, a TA that works with DW is the best idea. I know there are several around here with lots of experience!
  13. Ugh. I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I guess I would just tell them if they choose to try and "save" money with a cheaper hotel they will need to make arrangements for transportation, day passes and/or other expenses that would have been a part of the original travel plan. Even though it seems insensative to do that she may not have even thought about the issues that arise from staying in a different location. Could you call and talk to her directly to explain the additional costs and why it wouldn't really save money or if she mainly communicates with your mom can your mom discuss it with her in a way that won't ruffle any feathers and make it worse? I don't know your aunt so maybe she's just one of "those" kinds of people but she may really have no idea what's she's doing is going to create a huge hassle. Good luck
  14. Yay! Brandon put together a monogram for us. Check it out :-) Colors are a little dull compared to what it will print as but this is close enough. I think I've actually settled on colors now....we'll see.
  15. I dunno....that box was pretty awful. I might freak out too. Not quite like that but maybe a little.
  16. Ours came this week. The jacket is too wide across the shoulders so I contacted them to find out if we could send it back. They responded to my email within 2 hours (WOW) and said they would alter it for no charge if I paid shipping. I'm going to check with the shop doing my dress alterations though since it might be cheaper to do that. For the record we did not have FI's measurements taken by a professional, we did it ourselves and I'm pretty sure we're the ones that screwed up. The rest of the suit is in great shape and the pants and vest look AMAZING on him. I'm actually thinking about ditching the jacket idea and just using the vest. I'll try to get a picture up later when I can convince him to put it on.
  17. Cool. FI said no but I think it would be fun to do. We're skipping the sand ceremony, I don't want to haul the materials down there and I think we might do something like that at our AHR anyway.
  18. What fun! I love the sample pictures, you're going to end up with a fabulous end result. You'll be so glad you did this (and so with the FI).
  19. Great invites Melissa. You did an awesome job on them! I need to make something for our AHR later in the year since we didn't invite anyone other than parents to our wedding. I just don't know if I'm that creative!
  20. I am so curious about the origin of that particular "rule". You're right though, it's just so ridiculous you can't help but laughing about it. Even though it's throwing a monkey wrench in the plans. Good luck and make sure to post if you find out where that comes from. You know....that got me thinking, my godfather is one of those catholics that knows EVERYTHING about the symbolic origins and particular doctrines of anything to do with the religion as well as other faiths. I'm going to try and find his email and ask if he's ever heard of that.
  21. Thanks all. I'm still trying to find time to sit down and go through them without FI being right there so I can pick the layout..... Our computers are way to close together and since he works from home he's ALWAYS on his.
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