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Everything posted by Vikki

  1. Beautiful pictures! I don't how I missed this thread-I was looking at a bunch of them for ideas. You look amazing, your FI will be floored. I love the veil pictures! Ha-I'm not good a secrets either-he knows something is up since there's a piece of luggage shoved under the bed with all my BD remnants and chalk full of lingerie.
  2. We're not going to have a legal day. Most (all I think) states accept a wedding license from Jamaica so you shouldn't have a problem changing your name or social security card/DL.
  3. Too funny! I always do that after a while when I'm backpacking because my hands start to get stiff, it helps get the circulations going again. I hadn't thought of doing it before the wedding pictures though. Great idea.
  4. At first I planned on a second dress for TTD but have decided against it. I'm never going to use the first one again, it's absolutely gorgeous and I want as many pictures in it as possible! So why not in the water or where ever we end up. Part of me is a little nervous after all the money I spent but it's not like I'll ever have a reason to put it on and who knows, it might survive and then I can give it to someone else for their TTD. Oh...and my mom's reaction to the idea of TTD was classic. She almost fell out of her chair and asked what on earth would make me want to do that in my wedding dress.
  5. Congratulations! Even though it seems overwhelming now picking a DW will be such a relief for you in the long run. There are lots of good ideas here and several travel agents on the forums that you might check out to help you decide. Good luck and happy planning!
  6. Welcome and congrats! Happy wedding planning.
  7. Welcome and congrats. November is sneaking up! I can't believe how many newbie posts I've seen that are looking for a November 09 wedding. Check out the thread for November that's going to count down with us.
  8. Vikki


    Hi Jessica and congratulations on your engagement. You'll find a ton of great advice and ideas here so happy planning!
  9. Vikki


    Hi Judy and welcome. November is getting sooo close! Check out the November brides thread that's going and you can count down with the rest of us :-) Congrats.
  10. Congrats and welcome! Happy planning.
  11. Hi Nicole! Good luck choosing a resort-once you do that the rest is simple :-)
  12. Hi Sabrina and welcome. Don't stress, you've got plenty of time and there is a lot of great advice and ideas here to help you plan your dream DW. Congratulations!
  13. Vikki

    Phuket Wedding

    Congrats and welcome. You're super close so enjoy these last few days and have a wonderful wedding.
  14. Vikki

    I'm a newbie!

    Congrats and welcome! November is sneaking up on us! Check out the November Brides thread so you can count down with the rest of us :-)
  15. Vikki


    Hi Shirley, congrats and welcome! There's tons of great advice and ideas here so happy planning.
  16. Vikki


    Hi Samantha! Welcome to the forum and congratulations. Happy planning.
  17. Congrats and welcome. Check out the DIY forum for some ideas on your STDs. Happy planning!
  18. Hi Lara and welcome. We're also getting married in Jamaica although it's on the other side of the island :-) There are lots of posts with information though that will help you out while you plan. Good luck and congratulations!
  19. Vikki


    Welcome Tanya. Great choice! Congratulations on your engagement and happy planning.
  20. Vikki


    Welcome Katrina-immigration rules can be a mess! I'm glad you're going to be able to start planning your wedding though. Congratulations and enjoy the process.
  21. Hi Julia, welcome to the forums. There's quite a few girls that have had or are planning a DW there and probably a TA that specializes so you should have no trouble getting information. Happy planning and congratulations!
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