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Everything posted by Norma83

  1. Hi Gujarwala - I just got back from Playa and I can't confirm if the prices are cheaper on 5th Avenue but I can confirm that the price to Chichen-Itza was about $100 with going through our travel rep at the resort. We stayed at the Gran Porto Real and the tour group was Best Day. They are really nice to work with. Gran Porto Real is litterally less than a block from 5th Avenue. I don't think I've ever booked outside from the resort so I can't say what's a better deal. I will say that when we booked Chichen-itza with Go Natural Tours (through Best Day), we definitely got our monies worth. They picked us up at our hotel at about 7 in the morning and drove out to Chichen-itza which is about 2 1/2 hours from Gran Porto. The $100 included pick up/drop off transportation, lunch (which was really good), 3 hours at Chichen-itza about an 1 1/2 was with a tour guide and the rest you were on your own to look around, a stop at a Cenote (sinkhole) that you could swim in, a stop at a historic little town (I can't remember the name) but it was pretty cool. After that we were taken back to our resort. We ended up getting back to our resort at about 7, close to 8 in the evening. To me, I thought the tour was well worth the price. I don't know what all the tour comes with if you purchase off 5th Avenue but I hope my info will be a good comparison. I hope this helps!
  2. We aren't having a wedding party either. All we're having is my Matron of Honor and Best Man. Like you, we didn't want to trouble anyone and we wanted to keep it simple as well. I don't think you are wrong at all. I guess you get the "deer in the headlight" look cause they might be used to the "traditional" wedding party. If your friends don't seem offended by it, then I wouldn't worry about it.
  3. Hi Nadenne - Thank you for the information! I have not been contacted by Rebekah or anyone else from GC to let me know that I'd be getting a new WC - not sure why. I will call Monday and see what the deal is. I really appreciate you letting me know!!! -Norma
  4. Norma83

    I'm new!

    Hi Paige - Congratulations! I'm glad to see another 2012 bride join the forum. You will definitely get some great ideas and information from this site and everyone is very helpful. Have fun planning and welcome to the forum!
  5. I really like the first one! The second is pretty too but the first one just pops.
  6. Wow, that's awesome! Very cute idea. I'm sure your guests are going to love them.
  7. This is such a cool idea! Are these pretty heavy?
  8. Hi Jaime - Welcome to the forum! Once you start navigating the site, I'm sure you will get tons of ideas. Have fun planning
  9. I agree with Courtney. I do not think that you are being a bad daughter. I think she is the one that is being a bad mother. You are doing all that you can to include her to be a part of your wedding. You offered to pay her way and she replies with all the negativity. I say you give her a deadline like Courtney says and be done with it. I also have a similar situation and it is difficult to deal with but as long as you are at peace with your decision and accept the fact then she may not be there, then that's all that matters. It's her loss not yours and she is going to have to live with that. It is unfortunate that it has to be that way but in the end it is probably best and less stress to deal with. Good luck and I hope all goes well!
  10. Hi L&C In Love - I'm also getting married on Cinco de Mayo but in 2012. When we went to do our site visit, I asked the coordinator if it was going to be a big deal to have our wedding date on Cinco de Mayo because it's a Mexcian holiday and she said no. That we would be able to have our wedding on that day and there would be no problem. I don't know which hotel you are thinking about getting married at or are getting married at but the coordinator told me that although it's a Mexican holiday it is not recognized in Cancun. That Cinco de Mayo is celebrated in Puebla, Mexico. That led me to believe that it's just any regular day everywhere else. Now, if you were getting married on Mexico's Independence Day, I think that would be a different story. I hope this helps. -Norma
  11. No problem! Glad I could help LOL a Dallas thing! I hope you have a blast at your wedding! Let me know how your music turns out -Norma
  12. It really sucks that you are dealing with all this drama but to be honest, it seems like you have such a great attitude about it all. I say, if people come, they come, if they don't they don't. It is their loss! Same goes for your sister...she is going to have to live with the fact that she was not there for you. At least you should be content and satisfied that you have done your part and have tried with her. That's all you can do. I'm with you, just call the non-responders to see if they are going to attend, no big deal if they go or not and in the end, party it up and dance till your feet fall off!! I hope it all turns out well
  13. Hi Eden - You will find tons of wedding ideas here on the forum. It really is a great site! Happy planning!
  14. These are too cute! They made me laugh. You did a great job! Theres a great story behind them being made too. Cute!
  15. Norma83


    Hi Maritza - Welcome to the forum! You'll get so much information from this site. Have fun navigating the site. Happy planning
  16. Oh, that's a toughy! I would maybe just start doing process of elimination and see which type of music you have the most and then cut some out OR if all else fails just flip a coin! LOL Since it's a list of all of your favorite music already, I'm sure the 2 hour list you come up with will be just as great. Sorry I'm not much help!
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