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Everything posted by Norma83

  1. So sorry some of you aren't having a pleasant experience with your coordinators. If you're thinking switching coordinators, I had a great experience with Ana Perez. She was my coordinator up till I was switched to my onsite coordinator -- Elizabeth Sotelo. I was planning for about three years with Ana, and she was awesome to work with. She responded to emails quickly and was super nice. There were a few things they told me no on, but I was super nice and kept pushing and all worked out. I kept every single email and referred back to them when I needed to. For example, we brought our own photographers and when it was time to tally up the cost for everything, I saw they added a $350 vendor fee when I was told that as long as my photographers were staying at the hotel and counted as our guests, that the fee would be waived. I brought it to her attention and attached my email showing where it says the fee would be waived, and they waived it. With Elizabeth, I had no issues at all. The day of the wedding, she had everything under control. I was worried because this was all new to me and I didn't know what to expect. She was there during the ceremony, after the ceremony, told us where to be, when to meet, and was there the whole time during the reception. When we arrived at the hotel, she sent us flowers. The day after the wedding she sent us a huge fruit basket, and she had all of our things boxed up (all the things we brought for set-up, marriage license, etc.).
  2. I also forgot to mention that the ceremony is a full mass - 1 hour. When you attend your pre-cana classes/weekend retreat...you'll be given a book that you can choose which prayers you want read and how the mass will play out or you'll be given a web address (www.catholicweddinghelp.com) with the complete step-by-step guide on prayer selections, gospel readings, etc. There is also a book you can get online. You can find the name of it in the link Lori provided in a prior post. I used that book as well. It's pretty much identical to everything that is on the web address. When you meet with the priest, he'll ask you for your prayer selections and will take the book/or whatever materials you have. I would suggest creating an outline (the book has a great form to follow) and have it handy for the priest. Also, music is played during certain parts of the mass. We chose a violinist (part of our package) and he played while guests were waiting, while the wedding party went down the aisle, and certain parts of the ceremony. Communion is also part of the ceremony. We also kept with traditions and did the unity candle, lazo, arras, and the bible/rosary. If you choose to do these traditions, I'd let the Priest know so he can work it into the ceremony.
  3. Oh, 2014 will be here before you know it! I booked my wedding in 2009 and we didn't get married until May 2012. Haha! It seemed like an eternity, but honestly, the more time you have the better it'll be organizing your time and planning things out. Plus, you'll enjoy the process a whole lot more.
  4. Hi ornxoxo - You both will need your baptism certificates in order to marry in the Catholic Chapel. If you don't have those documents, with your permission letter, they will not allow you to marry in the church. The rules are pretty strict about that, and when you meet with your coordinator in person, that is the first thing she will ask for. Your baptism certificate also has to be dated within 6 months from your wedding date in order to be valid. The same goes for the church permission letter. If you are Catholic, the parish you belong to may have some sort of pre-cana classes and marriage preparation you'll have to go through in order to marry in Catholic Church. If you've already consulted with your parish, I would tell them that your fiance is non-catholic and you'll probably have to go through an additional process for him to convert or get permission from the Diocese for you guys to marry in the Catholic church. What the Parish in Cancun cares about is that you follow all requirements with your parish and you get your permission letter from the Bishop of your Diocese. When we started the process with our parish, my husband had not completed his Sacrament of Reconciliation so he had to attend a three month, weekely class. After that, we were able to start our marriage prep. We attended a pre-cana class which was a weekend retreat. Afterwards, we met with the Father at our parish a few times, we filled out paperwork. Then we were assigned a sponsor couple to meet with once a week. We met about 6 or 7 times and were given a certificate of completion. Once we received that, we were able to have our final meeting with the Father and then he signed off on our paperwork and sent it to the Diocese. Within two weeks or so, we received our package from the Diocese with all our paperwork and a letter to the Church in Cancun from the Bishop of our Diocese giving us permission to marry in Cancun. This is probably more information than what you asked for, but I hope it helps.
  5. Yeah, you are right, Lori. I think it's more of a formality than a "requirement". Like you say, if you are way revealing they can come to you and say you signed the form, yada yada. I hope you have a great experience planning your wedding! I truly enjoyed planning mine and it was the best day ever! I'm sure your wedding is going to be just the same. Enjoy every minute of it and if you have any questions, please just ask. -Norma
  6. Hi txbrideinmexico - I gave out my welcome bags a week or two before our actual departure. My husband's family threw us a wedding shower before we left and all the guests going to the wedding were there, so to save all the hassle of keeping receipts, packing, and lugging all the stuff with us, we just gave it to our guests then. It worked out great for us. I don't think you are crazy trying to do everything there. We had our wedding programs made and the person that made then was cutting it really short. She ended up having to send it via FedEx to the hotel and it was a hassle -- just for some programs! If you can somehow give them to your guests before hand, I would do that. If not, try to take a little as you can with you in your luggage/carry-on or just buy stuff at the mercado/markets around there. I'm from Texas too, and DFW is always packed so we took some stuff in our carry-on with no issues. I hope this helps! And please let me know if you have any other questions. I'd be happy to help! -Norma
  7. Hi Neena - My dress was also a strapless and I had no issues. My coordinator, nor the Father, said anything to me about it. Some of my guests wore strapless dresses and no one told them anything either. I was a little worried about this as well, and I just took a shawl just in case they told me anything -- and I never had to use it. Since they didn't bring it up, I didn't either. I hope this helps! -Norma
  8. Hi Saso84 - My husband and I just recently married at the GCR in May. We scanned and sent our permission letter, along with a copy of each of our baptismal certificates as soon as we received all our paperwork back from our Diocese. I was told that the permission letter is only valid for six months so it should be dated more than 6 months from the date of your wedding. Once you receive your letter and other paperwork (baptismal certificates) you should send it to your wedding coordinator and also to the parish in Cancun. Your wedding coordinator will also send the documents to the parish as well. When you arrive in Mexico for your wedding, be sure to have your original permission letter and baptismal certificates. That's all we had to give our coordinator in order to marry at the chapel. I hope this helps you. If you have any questions, I'd be glad to help!
  9. Hi Calicat - My husband and I got married in May and had a symbolic ceremony. We actually applied for our marriage license a week before we left for our wedding. We took our marriage license with us to Mexico and ask the priest to sign our marriage license. He signed and when we came back we went to the clerk's office and filed it. We said our vows only once. The thing we did at the courthouse was apply for the license and then filed it. We filed it with no issues. I do know that you need to comply with the laws of your State and in Texas (where we live), a symbolic ceremony counts as your ceremony and is not legally binding, which is why you need to file your marriage license to make it legal. Our marriage license is from the State of Texas and on it, it shows that we were married in Mexico on May 5th, and the clerk signed and filed it. I double checked and our license is recorded that we're legally married. Each county is slightly different so you may want to call the clerk and be sure that you comply with the laws of your state. I hope this helps!
  10. Hi Brianne - I got married at the chapel in May and had to sign the same guideline form. I was a little worried about the no strapless rule but it was all fine. My MOH, Flower girl, and several of our guests wore strapless dresses and they had no issues. I didn't even bring it up with the coordinator because I didn't want to call attention to it. I just played dumb and never brought it up or asked about it. I did buy a shawl and took with me just in case it was an issue, but luckily I did not have to use it. The coordinator saw me in my dress and she did not bring it up either. I think it's just a formality with the church that if some people look way inappropriate, they can tell you that you signed and acknowledged the rules. If you want to be safe, I would just have your BM's buy $20 shawls at David's Bridal and pack them in case there's an issue. If they don't ask, then I wouldn't say anything and go on with the ceremony. At least this way, you have a back up plan and won't have to worry if the issue arises. I know it's extra money to spend but maybe if the shawl's aren't used you can sell them or return them! I hope this helps!!
  11. I totally know what you mean! My husband and I are the same way. We try to make everyone else happy and accomodate them. But the more we did it, the more they expected it until we just said enough is enough. Everyone thinks of themselves and they never stop to think about your feelings and how you feel. It's hard because you would think that they'd see things the same way you do, but sadly, they don't. For our wedding, we had issues with our families but we just said ok, whose wedding is this? and we took a turn and did what we wanted. It sounds harsh but really, no one else cares. They say they do, but they don't and it sucks because it is family. I had to learn that the hard way. Just do what makes you guys happy!
  12. Along with all the other brides, I think you should go forward with having your DW. You've already done everything you could do to make it happen for your FBIL to be there, and that is all you can do. You shouldn't feel guilty or feel bad at all. This is his brother that is getting married and he should know how much it would hurt if he couldn't be there. Now his wife, well she's just going to have to get over it. If she wants to go, then she can maybe think about leaving her baby with her parents or someone she trusts to watch her baby for a 2-3 days. If she doesn't want to leave her baby, then she should stay. If it were her sister and her sister were getting married out of the country, I bet she would be there in a heart beat. In any event, you shouldn't let them be the deciding factor if you have a destination wedding or not. At the end of it all, this is YOUR wedding day, not theirs. It's unfortunate that sometimes peoples true colors come out when you are planning a wedding. This is a huge day for you guys and it should be about you and don't live with any regrets! You shouldn't have to worry about everyone else. Yes, I know your FI and his brother are super close BUT for that very reason, the brother needs to make every effort to be there for his brother. If they come to you guys and say they aren't going to go, then say ok, well sorry but we're going forward with the wedding. It's going to be hard but maybe you and your FI should have a long talk about what you guys want. I know he wants his brother there but let's be real, it's a possibility he's not going to be there. You guys will only have this day once! It really needs to be about what ya'll want...not what everyone else wants. These are your memories...how do you guys want to remember your wedding day? You can't make everyone happy. I hope everything works out for you guys!
  13. I also had Elizabeth as my coordinator and she was awesome! I took a few things for decorations and I didn't get charged a fee either. She's super nice and she know's what she's doing. I saw another coordinator attending to another wedding and she was a little mean. Not sure what her name was but I was so glad to have Elizabeth!
  14. Hi, Fellow Real Resort Brides! My husband and I had our wedding at the GCR Catholic Chapel and private reception at the Albatros Terrace on May 5, 2012. Everything was awesome! I'm in the middle of writing a review, but it's been crazy since we got back! I will get the review up as soon as I can. In the meantime, if you guys have any questions, please feel free to ask. I know that when I was planning, I had a lot of unanswered questions. It all worked out in the end, but I hated not knowing! Anyway, if I can answer any questions, I'd be happy to! Norma
  15. I hear you, Sharon! I'm feeling the same way. I'm so sad it's over! At least we aren't saying the opposite, "I'm so glad it's over with".
  16. Hi Leigha - Welcome to the forum and congratulations on getting engaged! It's never too early to start planning!!! I'm going on 5 years being engaged and have been planning since, and seriously planning two years ago. Time goes by super fast!!!! Good luck and happy planning!
  17. Hi Jaime - If it were me, I'd want to have pictures documenting my day but I also see your concern. Depending on how much photography services are at the resort, you might compare the price with hiring an outside photographer. Instead of doing "formal wedding shots", you might ask the photographer to do more of a "day in the life" type thing. They would still document your wedding day but it would be more candid and a story of your day, sort to speak. In my opinion, wedding photography is a story of your day anyway. Your day would be more intimate. I hope this helps! Norma
  18. I agree with Erica. You shouldn't rush into anything that you aren't 100% sure about. If you guys are happy with living together and seeing what happens, then I say go for it. The last thing you want to do is get married because others think it's the "right" thing to do. You and your BF ultimately know what's best. I get married in a few weeks but let me tell you, my fiance and I have been together for 11 years and are barely getting married. We've been together ever since high school. We were 16/17 and we're now 28. Of course, since we met, we have both grown so much. We always knew that if we got married, we would do it on our own terms and when we were ready. Everyone that we know would always ask us why haven't we gotten married, why are we waiting so long, why not just go ahead and get married because we act like we're married already. I mean, we would get asked all the time and it got pretty annoying. It just wasn't what we wanted and we aren't the type of people to do something just because others are doing it or tell us to. We had a plan and we stuck to it. When we finally got engaged, we had been together for 7 years. My fiance had just gotten accepted into law school and although we got engaged, we decided to wait 5 years to actually get married. Everyone thought we were crazy but we didn't care. Well, 5 years later, my fiance graduated law school, and we get married in just a couple of weeks. To me, waiting this long to get married is the best thing that we could have done. Yes, maybe we waited longer than most but who cares! It worked for us. Although we aren't married yet, we don't see "married life" defining our relationship. A lot of people have told us that things are going to change when we get married. We always say, why does it have to be that way? Everything that people have told us, has been the opposite for us. So we just take it with a grain of salt. Everyone is different and we all do things differently. Just because one person has had trouble, doesn't mean that the next person will. I'm sure your parents would love you guys to get married but you have to remember that you are the one getting married, not them. You will have to be the one to deal with things, they don't. Your parents might mean well but really, you have to do what works for you. When my fiance was in law school, I was always told by so many people that I was an idiot waiting for him. That when he got done with school he was going to leave and it just was not going to work out. If I were to have listened to every single person that told me that, I'd be missing out on the love of my life. People will tell you a lot of hurtful things just because they don't want to see you happy. You just have to focus on what matters to you and do what makes you happy!
  19. That's a bummer! I think this is a new charge they've implemented. Honestly, I never even asked about having a time gap. I just told my coordinator that I wanted my ceremony at 1 PM and our private reception at 6 PM - 10 PM. When we received our final invoice I didn't see any extra charges and our times were what we wanted. It could be that I didn't get charged the extra fee because I booked my wedding and reserved our times back in 2010 - I know, a long time ago!!!
  20. Welcome back!! I can't wait to read your review. I've been assigned Elizabeth as my onsite coordinator, too. So glad to hear you had a great experience with her Just by looking at your pictures, it looks like you guys all had a great time!
  21. I'm a little concerend with the rules of the chapel too :| My wedding is just a couple of weeks away and I'm hoping that my veil will be good enough to cover my shoulders. As for our guests and MOH wearing strapless dresses, I'm not sure what to do about them. I'm just going to wing it and hope they don't notice or say anything about it.
  22. I love your vintage themed ideas! Especially the card box and frames. Everthing looks great!
  23. I had the same problem. Out of the 50-60 invites we sent out, I only got back about 5 RSVP's and we have a total of 44 people attending our wedding. We also sent out follow up emails and stressed to them that we couldn't really finish planning out the details without an accurate head count. It motivated some people to book their travel; however, we still had to end up calling everyone to know for sure if they were coming or not. It got a little frustrating! No one in my family or FI's family have ever had a destination wedding, so my guess is they think that they don't need to RSVP and they can just show up at the hotel, but that's so not the case. In the end, it turned out ok.
  24. Hi Carol311 - Where at the Gran are you getting married? Our wedding is just a few days before yours We're getting married in the chapel and recep at the albatros terrace.
  25. So exciting!! Let us know how everything goes when you get back! Good luck with everything I'm sure your wedding is going to be great!
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