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Everything posted by Danyelle

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by jenninjamaica I found this dress online.I think its gorgeous but I don't know if I could pull it off! (I'm such a simple girl!!) Oh my GOD I LOVE THIS DRESS!!!!! I saw it on light in the box.
  2. I love how number 2 looks on you. PLEASE give me the info on dress #3 though. It's so beautiful!
  3. I've found these: Florida Weddings, Beach Weddings and Destination Wedding Ceremonies in Cocoa Beach weddings - Clearwater Beach - Daytona Beach - Fort Desoto - New Smyrna - Ormond Beach weddings, elopements and vows renewals. Florida Beach Weddings Florida Wedding Ceremonies Florida Beach Wedding Planner Florida Beaches - Barefoot Weddings Tropical Beach Weddings- Beach Weddings Florida- Beach Weddings- Destin Beach Weddings- Navarre Beach Weddings Anyone know of any others in south florida? We want about 60 chairs, a bamboo canopy w/ organza, petals on the walkway and maybe a steel band.
  4. Hi Ladies, So, when FI and I were planning to have our wedding in Jamaica we were going to put lots of Caribbean/beachy and Jamaican items in our OOT bags. Now we're having a Florida wedding and I don't know what to put into the bags. My friend suggested putting in some items to represent FI and my backgrounds (Irish and Jamaican) which is kinda cute so I may try that if there aren't cute Florida ideas. FI suggested oranges...so he's no help. Any ideas? Thanks!
  5. What a great deal! They're SO pretty!!! If your BMs don't like it send one to me!!!
  6. FI and I just got back from a week at the CAT and it has changed our mind from Jamaica. We saw them setting up for one of the 2 weddings held one weekend and it looked beautiful. The food at this resort was surprisingly the best out of any all-inclusive we've been to.
  7. Wow! Sorry, but to me that seems really tacky and sneaky and I'm shocked the TA suggested it. I dunno if that's normal or whatever, but it sounds shady as hell.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by GregsBride I LOVE THIS ONE!!! Thanks for posting! I love seeing really curly styles!
  9. Where are you all tying the knot?! details details!!!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by divadivine25 Hey date twin! 47 days to go from today! Oh my god how excited are you!?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by BirminghamBride2010 Savannah I really like the first one...that's me all day. Simple, with a flower and it will be perfect. I will be on the beach anyway. I dont wanna be tooo formal. When your make-up is done right, you really dont have to do a lot with your hair. Cause everyone's focus will be on your face anyway. That's something else I was thinking, I don't want my hair (or my dress) upstaging me smile and the joy that'll hopefully be radiating from my face.
  12. Tiff, I can't see your pics Sabino Moisture Block, Chi Silk Infusion (allegedly) and good old virgin organic coconut oil are supposed to be good for keeping edges from "reverting"
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by BillysBride I'm just bringin' all my hair stuff in a plastic bag in my carry on. Savanah be careful w/ that idea. You may want to put it in your checked luggage. You can only take tiny amounts of liquids/gells/pastes etc on in your carry on. Check the airline ur using for specific amounts but it's really not a lot and there are rules about how it must be taken on...i htink in individual plastic baggies or something....
  14. Lil miss frog that's great!!!! I'm a photographer and do tons of business through craigslist. I think the loonies are few and far between on the site so I wouldn't worry too much. It's always smart to bring someone with you so I'm glad you're doing it. It's sad that vendors get such a bad rap simply because they're on craigslist.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by m_willis22 what style is this? i like it. I can't tell if they are twists or braids or dreads, but i guess individual braid/twist/dread would work...and just twist it up in a bun w/ a loose tendril..?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by divadivine25 Get some rollers, the kind used for rod sets and put them on the ends of your hair after you twist it with some setting lotion, let dry over night and voila! So wise!!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by divadivine25 What about something like this Dani: love love love love love love it!!!! that's beautiful.
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