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Everything posted by lakerbride

  1. Congratulations! you will find this forum your GO TO GUIDE! sooo much info on here!
  2. welcome! this forum is awesome- I've been able to get all my ideas perfected due to the generous feedback and loads of info on here. Congratulations on the wedding!
  3. My travel agent has been trying to get package rates for April 2010- nothing yet! Anyone else have any info on prices for next April or there abouts? I've sent the STDs out but would love to get the invitations out fairly soon as well so I can get an idea of how many people will be able to make. We are trying to book at Dreams Huatulco.
  4. We totally share everything- we have a joint chequing and joint savings. Our pay goes into the chequing and we move our savings over after bills have been paid. After the wedding we will each be opening our own tax free savings accounts (as they can only be in one persons name) at 3% interest. Neither one makes a big purchase without running it by the other and at Christmas, or other occasions, we allow a certain amount each for gifts.
  5. Thanks! I checked our Dollarama yesterday and they didn't seem to know what I was talking about! I'll just have to have a boo in some other stores I guess.
  6. I know this has been mentioned many times before but I know there is one forum on here that has a picture of the self adhesive luggage tag holders from one of the dollar stores- can someone post the link? I can't seem to find it myself Thanks
  7. you had absolutely nothing to worry about! you two were beautiful and I love the way that he is not looking at the camera in any of the pics but at you! well done
  8. I think you did an amazing job! Obviously put A LOT of thought into everything and it all looks so great. Congratulations on a great wedding. I really appreciate the long review- the reviews are the main reason I joined this forum and I love reading them, thanks!
  9. Sorry to hear about your wedding! I can't imagine being in your shoes right now. But we need to remember that the World Health Organization has been predicting a flu pandemic for years now and this is serious business! Our world is so small now with airflight available to 90% of the population-it takes no time at all for illnesses to leap from continent to continent. Being in healthcare I see daily what simple viruses like gastro, rhinovirus, RSV, influenza can do to the young and the infirm- it's not worth the risk people! This will blow over and the world will have learned from it, my thoughts are with you.
  10. This happened to me about a year and half ago- somebody bought microsoft points on my visa after I had updated my info on Paypal. Recently I have been getting spam mail telling me to update my paypal account- I use paypal regularly and know my account does not need to be updated. I would suggest you get a separate credit card for paypal and put a $1000 limit on it, do not use direct pay from you bank account either.
  11. Just wondering if you would mind posting a pic? That way we can decide if we want to spend points on downloading- thanks for sharing tho!
  12. fabulous! great idea! I love it- sounds like everyone had a fun time!
  13. congratulations! hope you have the wedding of your dreams!
  14. very nice! you have thought of so much- thanks for sharing it with everyone! I hope you have the wedding of your dreams!
  15. Girl I feel for you- I don't have a FMIL to deal with and sometimes I think that's a good thing. You're getting great advice on this forum- all I can add is be very diplomatic and try to keep the emotions checked because the fall out will stay with you for a long time!
  16. This thread is hilarious! My issue is a little different but sort of the same- mine agrees he needs to kick in and help out but he likes to do it on his own time! Which never works for me of course! And the icing on the cake is my 17 year old son! I come home from working 12 hours in a busy emergency and there they are watching TV on the 52" HD Plasma, laughing their asses off and the kitchen sink full of dirty dishes with no dinner saved for me! HUH! I just stopped doing their laundry, my kid has to clean his own bathroom and at least once on my days off I don't make dinner or put the dishes in the dishwasher. The flip side is that my guy is a landscaper so I have do to absolutely nothing outside- and I appreciate that.
  17. thanks for posting this!- I will definately be more aware!
  18. Destination Wedding- great choice! congratulations, this is the go-to site and you'll find lots of other Canadian gals here!
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