So, interesting story, last night one of my childhood friends (but more of an acquiantance now) popped over unexpectedly. She is getting married in one month (Sept 12th). We were kind of under the impression we might not get invited, as we've known lots of other people that had their invitation two months ago. And I don't get along with her fiance to boot!! So last night (August 8th), she stops by to give us our invitation. The rsvp date inside was August 1st!! She hands me the invitation and says " Oh, I need you to do me a favor, can you mc our wedding?" I kind of stumbled for words and was caught completely off guard. So I said " I don't really know what I'd say at the wedding". And she said, "well we were going to get my step sisters husband but he said he didn't know what to say. And you will know us better than him". So I was like " Okay, I need an agenda". and she said, " I'll get you one of those things that you need then." and just left. They are very unorganized people. I imagine if I didn't get asked to be the mc until a week after the rsvp date for the wedding, I likely won 't get the agenda to write my speech until a week before the wedding or less.
So I do not want to do this. They asked me less than 24hrs ago. Is there any way I can phone her and tell her I do not want to do this? Let me know what you think I should do or say.
Thank you in advance!