My family went to Jamaica for my cousins wedding this past February. There were six of us that had arrived 2 days before the rest of the group coming for the wedding. The second night we were there we were booked in for an Al a Carte supper at 6pm. I was really rushed and trying to get my hair to straighten (impossible with the humidity!) Dustin was ready and having a beer on the balcony. He kept calling me to come outside, but I was stressing over my hair. I went out there a coupe times and gave him a little kiss then politely would tell him that if there were any seconds to spare, I'd like to spend them on fixing my hair. I remember at one point looking at a ledge beside the balcony while hugging him and I saw a ziploc bag there. I thought to myself..Sick! the housekeepers mustn't have cleaned that from the last guests that were in this room. But never said anything to Dustin about it.
6pm came and we headed down for supper. We met my cousin on the path and she said my mom hadn't shown up to meet for supper (the 6 of us were booked in together), so I decided to run to her room and grab her.
I got quite a ways down the path and was about to head to the elevator, when I hear Dustin screaming my name. I thought to myself, "oh great, he probably found a getgo or something." When I come back to him he is crouched down beside a palm tree. He says, " what is that?". I couldn't see anything though. Then he says, "whats the ziploc bag?" I tell him not to touch it, " its probably a bag of weed!!" Then he grabs it and I see a ring in there. He gets down on one knee and asks me to be his wife and if I'll spend my life with him. All I kept saying was "is this for real" over and over again! I eventually was able to wrap my head around it and say yes! I realized he was trying to ask me on the balcony..ha ha, (thats why the ziploc was there, and he was hoping I'd say something about it) but I was more concerned about my hair I guess! Stupid me!
He had the ring in a ziploc ( so original ha ha!) because he knew that he was going to do it sometime that night and didn't know how he would carry around the ring case! I guess he had been keeping the ring in the safety deposit box and had been paranoid, so he needed to ask me as soon as he could!
The balcony would have been a nice setting, but I love our story too. Its an original! I mistook my ring for a bag of weed!