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Everything posted by amberlynne87

  1. Well as of right now we have a new groomsmen and a new bridesmaid. They are two people who we would have wanted in our wedding anyways, but it sucks having to ask them as a result of this situation. Well I called her to tell her how I felt and she acted like nothing was going on and nothing was wrong. I told her exactly how I was feeling. I was nice and polite about it and all she could do was start a fight with me over nothing. She basically thought I was attacking her and it was totally not the case so she would pick one thing out of everything I was saying and turn it around on me, like this whole thing is my fault. My fiance called his friend as well, he said that she never asked him about going if we would pay for their room. This is after she told me she asked him and he wouldn't answer her. So she was lying the whole time. She hasn't been telling him anything. But, anyway he said he was going to talk to her and call my fiance back later. Well it got really late and still no call. So my fiance called him again and we got the same answer no, we can't take your money. We are offering to pay for them to go even though we both know for a fact they can afford to go without any help and it's not good enough. Well this situation isn't going anywhere but down so I'm done with it. I am getting my wedding dress tomorrow along with the bridesmaids dresses. Apparently they both don't want to be a part of this and she wants to play her games so I'm through with them.
  2. I can't explain why she would think it is awkward. Maybe because she already said no so many times. Who knows. She won't talk about it. She won't answer my phone calls. She just sends me text messages like that is supposed to be alright and make things better. I haven't sent her any text messages. I've just been trying to call her. Anyway, I have to get the dresses tomorrow night or they get sent back and I lose my money. It's sad to say but I think my fiance found a replacement for his "best friend" and I might have found a replacement for her. Never thought anything would happen like this.
  3. To be completely honest, she has done things like this to me before just happens that this time it is my WEDDING. She has always tried to one up me and made plans with me and backed out at the worst time and at the last minute. So I'm not surprised this is happening, but it's upsetting because I thought for once we might be on a good run with our friendship. As to the relationship thing, I know her better than anyone just like she knows me better than anyone. I am confident in saying they are rushing into their relationship. But with the house thing, she has said herself not until she's done school. Well it's not like I can find any truth out of this when she can't hold a conversation with me about any of this.
  4. So I just received a text message from her saying "u know we always talked about being in each others wedding but im not sure i want to go cuz its awkward and i want to go to the beach this summer and wont be able to do it if i use my money to go to jamaica" those words exactly WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  5. Everything I'm saying might seem out of place and if it does, I'm sorry but it's just frustrating and I'm tired of talking about it. So I say what's on my mind at the time and I feel like I jump from place to place when I'm talking.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR Wow. Really? Take a step back. I know your wedding is important, but these two are trying to plan their life together, make some smart financial decisions, and you're upset about that? If I had a friend that was trying to save to buy a house w/someone she loves, and was thinking about spending it on my wedding instead - I'd tell her not to. I know your wedding day is important to you, of course. And I am sure it is important to your friend too. But put it into perspective - it's one day. And it's an expensive day! Your friends are choosing to spend that money on a long term investment instead. Sounds pretty smart to me. I'd hope that as a good friend, you'd understand and while you'd miss her at your wedding - you'd be excited for her future. To be honest, they have only been together for like 7 months. They jumped into their relationship way to fast to be honest. She made him break up with his fiance of 3 years to be with her while she was still with someone. I kept my mouth shut and let it go. The house thing is just an excuse. She said herself that she didn't want to buy a house or land or anything until she was completely done school which isn't for another six years. She can't even say that she sees herself with him in a year or so.
  7. I totally understand what you guys are saying and getting at, but I have left a lot of details out of my posting simply because I could go on forever. It is hard for you to understand completely where I am coming from without knowing everything. But anyway they have been together for 7 months and they want to get land and buy a house? She even said herself she doesn't want to buy land or a house until after she is done school which wont be for another 6 years!! She isn't in school right now and doesn't start until March. Her grandparents are paying for her schooling anyway and they also pay for her car and car insurance, her cell phone bill, everything. She only has to pay for gas to put in the car. She literally has no bills. And like I said they both knew exactly how much they would have to pay to go, long before this incident happened and she had already saved up money for it. They made a commitment to go to our wedding. They said "no matter what". And I am not making any assumptions about anything I know these things because we were such good friends that we pretty much told each other everything about everything. We were inseparable. They each have enough money to pay for both of them to go. He has an exceptionally well paying job. This past Sunday they both were still saying yeah we are going and then on Monday they suddenly decided to say we are not going for sure. I just offered to pay for them to go and they still said NO without reason. And I will judge her and will end our friendship because of this. I tried to talk to her about it today and she wouldn't have any of it. i told her how I was feeling and she acted as if nothing was wrong with anything. Clearly they are not true friends and I don't plan on being at either of their weddings. Seriously, why wouldn't you go to your best friends' wedding when they were just offered a free trip?? They don't have a reason for anything. They can't even talk about it. Everything just gets blown off. Everything I offer isn't good enough and they still say no we can't go it's not happening. We have a friend who lets face it is not smart with money and blows money on everything he can get his hands on to. He barely has any money at all and he put a deposit down and is saving what money he has to go. AND I found out that she "my best friend" wasn't telling her boyfriend, my fiance's best friend that I was offering to pay. She kept telling me that he wouldn't answer her and that she told him all this stuff but he still says no. Well my fiance talked with him on the phone and he said she never mentioned anything. So obviously someone is lying here. He was supposed to talk to her about it and work it out and he called to say nope we're not going. Over 9years of friendship, we were practically sisters, and the most important day of my life isn't a good enough reason for her to be there for me.
  8. When she called I didn't talk to her. She left me a message saying that she wanted to talk about school that she was in a bad mood and she was having problems with school. It's like she's acting like nothing happened. Seriously. Ever since they both started acting weird about putting a deposit down and all, I tried talking to her whether on the phone and face to face, she would change the subject and blow it off like nothing. So even if I did tell her how I felt, it wouldn't matter. But after she said "no we aren't going it's just not happening" I tried to give her options and a chance to change her mind, but she blew it off and didn't consider anything. So, I don't plan on talking to "her" ever again nor does my fiance plan on talking to "him". As far as the BM dress goes, the store does not do exchanges, refunds, returns, etc. BUT, I might have lucked out and found a girl to take her place, but we'll see. Regardless, this was a really shitty thing to do and I can't believe that my best friend, someone I considered to be like a sister to me, did this to me. Out of everyone attending my wedding and being part of my wedding she was one that was important to me and one that I cared (past tense) the most about being there. Well it will come to bite her in the a** later. Don't think I'm going to her wedding if she ever has one and hope she doesn't expect me to be there for her when she needs someone when no one else is there. THANKS GIRLS!!! It sucks to have things like this happen, but it does show who the true friends are and shows everyone's true colors. And I completely agree with everyone's thoughts as I have been thinking the same exact things! =)
  9. So yesterday I just found out that my best friend since forever and her boyfriend which is my fiance's best friend as well will no longer be attending our wedding in Jamaica. I am sooo angry!!!! She was going to give me the deposit for their room and she kept pushing it off. She was finally going to give it to me last week and all of a sudden they wanted to wait longer. No reasons given at all. Well except that they keep mentioning buying land or a house so they can live together which I think they are rushing into because he still lives at home and she's not finished college. They have only been together for like six months. I've been with my fiance for 6 years!!! I understand you want a life together and all but come on a house?? land How does that stop you from being a part of the most important event in my life? Oh and they were going to stay five nights, then it went down to four, then it went down to three?? Reason?? Well she didn't want to miss school and if she stays four nights she won't feel like going to school the day after they get home. LAME EXCUSE!! (I completely understand if you CAN'T miss school because it's not allowed, but it's only cuz she doesn't WANT to and she already had permission to miss it!! She's also saying well we would have to throw you parties and get you a big gift and we would be spending way tooo much. She has no bills to pay!!! How does she not have money?? and he has a good job he's practically rich!!! Here's the best part: She is one of my bridesmaids and he is one of my fiance's groomsmen. We already picked out her bridesmaid dress and she tried it on back in March. We ordered the dress. I paid for half of all the dresses including mine. We are picking them up on FRIDAYYY!!!!! Now I am left with a bridesmaids dress and no one to fill her shoes!! She is supposed to be my best friend. I don't understand why they aren't going. All they keep saying is we can't afford it. They won't even sit down to talk about it. The sad part is they can afford to go. They knew how it expensive it was when I was just looking around and before we made the decision on where we were getting married. They both said we will go no matter what and we can definitely afford it. AND each of them have enough money where they could pay for both of them to go. I even offered to pay for half of their room! I keep getting the cold shoulder every time I try to have a conversation about why they aren't going. The best part is I didn't even get to hear this over the phone or face to face. She sent me a text message!!! And all she could say was "sorry" exactly like that in a text message. And then this morning she calls me because she is in a bad mood because of school. She acted like nothing happened!! What am I supposed to think? This is supposed to be my best friend? Seriously!!! VENTING VENTING VENTING SIGH UGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH
  10. If you stay at the RPTB guests at other Riu resorts cannot come on the resort and you can go to any other Riu resorts in Jamaica. If you stay at Riu Negril, you can only visit the other Riu resorts that are not a Palace. I like this idea because you can visit all the other Riu resorts and at the same time they cannot visit you. Also, the prices at Riu Negril are cheaper than those at RPTB. This can play a major factor in your budget. There are plenty of reviews and pictures to help you make your decision. We are getting married at RPTB on March 30, 2010. I picked the RPTB because it won't be full of people like the other resorts since they are bigger and people will most likely come from other Riu resorts to check it out. I also picked RPTB because the reviews are excellent!!
  11. Other than the heart vase, has anyone used or seen other unity sand sets with the bigger vase on a stand??
  12. We are getting married March 30, 2010 at Riu Palace Tropical Bay. Paula customized a package for us. =) We are shooting 7 hours on our wedding day (getting ready, ceremony, cake cutting, reception, details, on the beach, etc.) and 2 hours the next day (trash the dress on the beach, cliffs, lighthouse). Don't forget to keep checking their website! I've looked at every single picture and photo show on there! I love them!!
  13. Paula responded to me within 24 hours and every other time she responded within a few hours. She is really pleasant to work with. They have "basic" pricing but will customize a package that fits your wants and needs. She accommodated my wants and needs very well and even went down on the price. Good luck and they do book fast!
  14. Okay, so I decided that i am going to do BD pics for my fiance but I don't know any photographers or where to go. Does any one know of any photographers who do this in Pennsylvania preferably closer to Lehigh Valley?
  15. I agree with you. Paula is awesome when it comes to responding to my e-mails. I cannot wait to have our pictures taken by the both of them!
  16. If you are staying at a Riu, go to Wedding Packages by Destination. Honeymoon Holidays. Weddings by Riu. There is a FAQ link at the top of the page. Read through it. It tells you all you need to know and the WC will back it up. My wedding is on a Tuesday. We have to arrive two full business days before the wedding. Sundays do not count has business days and the arrival day does not count either. We have to arrive on Friday so that leaves Saturday and Monday as the two full business days. When you book your wedding online with Riu, you have to enter your arrival day. Basically it won't go through if you pick your arrival date that doesn't allow two full business days before the wedding.
  17. I have been debating this as well. I booked my photographer already and they provide a DVD slide show to show everything that happens on the wedding day. I would still like to have a video of my wedding and reception. I can't decide if I will go with the resorts videographer or if I am just going to have my father record it with his video camera. Not sure yet.
  18. Thanks for the links. I had already viewed those threads, but what I really wanted was for people to post pictures of their unity sand sets and share ideas.
  19. Has anyone or will anyone using unity sand instead of unity candles at their ceremony? Pictures? Wording? Where did you get your unity sand set? I have looked all over the place online and keep finding the same sets over and over. I'm not finding anything that is to my liking.
  20. Those are amazing!! I will be ordering from her in a couple months. I already got my quote from her and I am more than happy with the price especially for all that I am ordering. She does such great work!!
  21. I've been thinking about just getting my nails done right before we leave as well. We arrive on a Saturday and the wedding is on Tuesday. They should still be good by then. Thanks all!!
  22. Yes I am on it like everyday now. I was just curious if anyone on the forum had used them and had pictures to share.
  23. I was wondering if Renova Spa does nail services like french tips, etc. If anyone used Renova Spa before, could you tell me if you had your nails done by them? I've seen lots of pictures from brides who stayed at Riu resorts and used Renova Spa. Their nails looked like they were just done with french tips and not like they had their nails done before they arrived at the resort. If you didn't have your nails done by Renova Spa, what did you do with your nails?
  24. I am sooooo happy!! I just booked my photography sessions for my wedding and TTD with Paula and Damian from Sun Gold Photography!! EXCITING!! I have looked over their site over and over again. They do such great work!!! Did anyone use them and have pictures to share
  25. Yeah, I haven't seen much of anyone using Western Digital Photography. I did contact SunGold and they are available for my wedding day. But I have to come up with $500 fast for a deposit. Good luck to you.
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