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December 2009 Brides!
Summer&Nicholas replied to *Nadine*'s topic in General Wedding Planning Information
Is it just me, or is my FI the only one that is wanting to put all the shopping off until last minute? I've been telling him all summer we need to go shopping for our trip cause it will be hard to find stuff in December for that climate. We live in a small town (900 ppl) and the nearest city is 2 hours away...He's driving me MENTAL!! Still no outfits for him and the groomsmen and he just wants to wear semi casual clothes....UGH sorry about the rant... I also just found out I have to go dress shopping again, I found one that I looooved on Ebay that was supposed to be custom made. Boy did I get hosed, it was cheap but the thing never did show up Thank goodness most everything else is taken care of!! What are you girls' FI's wearing? Nick wants to just wear white capris with a white button up shirt which I'm fine with but have nooo idea where to fine mens white capris. Any ideas? Also, what's your plans for favors and getting them there? My Uncle started a charity for providing teddy bears for children in hospitals and ambulances so does anyone think putting a note at each seat that we've donated x amount of money to his charity would be an alright thing to do? Thanks for your input, and sorry for the rant!!! -
Matthew is adorable!!! Congratulations! He's got the same crib as Mikka, good choice! Love the nursery! I hope the breast feeding keeps getting better for you!
Kelly I'm not sure where it came from, my cousin bought it for her. It's still big on her, it's for six months but I couldn't wait to get her into it!
Mrs Martin- Don't worry about breast feeding, I was worried too but you'll be amazed at how natural it comes...to you and the baby! Don't let it stress you out, you'll laugh after that you were more worried about it than labor, and find it a relief to just relax and be able to feed your baby and get to bond doing it after labor Tlseege- I hope you go on your own, I was scheduled to be induced and went into labor on my own too...I hope that happens for you too! I can't imagine having to wait like that again after thinking you were gonna go in! Best of luck!! Kelly and SheaS what beauties!!! Here are a couple new ones of Mikka and her TUTU...I posted an album on facebook of these tutu pictures, no one can get enough of them!! haha
Mrs Martin- Don't worry about breast feeding, I was worried too but you'll be amazed at how natural it comes...to you and the baby! Don't let it stress you out, you'll laugh after that you were more worried about it than labor, and find it a relief to just relax and be able to feed your baby and get to bond doing it after labor Tlseege- I hope you go on your own, I was scheduled to be induced and went into labor on my own too...I hope that happens for you too! I can't imagine having to wait like that again after thinking you were gonna go in! Best of luck!! Kelly and SheaS what beauties!!! Here are a couple new ones of Mikka and her TUTU...I posted an album on facebook of these tutu pictures, no one can get enough of them!! haha
Awe Kerrington is such a little doll! Mikka's got a couple of those headbands as gifts, I just can't get enough of them! She just got one yesterday with a little tutu outfit, I hope it will still fit. I'm going to put her in it today and take lots of pictures cause I'm thinking it won't fit for long! I'll post pics of it on here, it's soooo adorable! Kelly how is Kerrington doing? Sleeping good for ya? Angel wow, sounds like your hands are going to be very full! Tlseege good luck!! Can't wait to see pictures, that little darlin' should be coming soon! Mikka's doing great, she sleeps six or seven hours in the night which I'm loving haha I feel bad, a few of my friends that have recently had babies complain about getting up every 2 hours with theirs then ask about Mikka...I wince and say are you sure you want that answered hehe. She's good, but we just sold our house, and I'm not sure how I'm going to pack and move with her, just getting it ready for the showing was bad enough!
I'm so disappointed right now, I just heard from my TA that the week we've planned our wedding the resort's junior suites are completely booked up! Only four people have booked so far, and we only put down deposits on ten rooms. I know there are quite a few people who had planned on coming that already were thinking that they couldn't afford to come...Now I'm worried that they won't come. Does anyone know how much the next room up is from the junior suites approximately? I know from each place it will be different..hopefully its not too much more! Our TA is just waiting on prices
Angel- Congratulations! You look great and she is adorable!! Kev's Girl- It's pronounced as me-ka I'm finally not bombarded with company..As nice as the help has been, it's so nice to just have my house to myself right now! We've had people staying here since Mikka was born..Two weeks ago! So it's been a long time since I've been able to even get on the computer much. And I figured I should finally put up a delivery story... My water broke at 1 am, my uncle and his wife were staying with us so I just crawled into bed. I felt like a rubber band snapped inside of me, which Nick's mom told me that's how it felt when her water broke so I kind of started panicking and got up and ran to the bathroom it was kinda just trickling at first then I sat on the toilet and it just gushed out of me...It was rather gross. Nick was downstairs watching tv still so that made me more worried cause I couldn't just yell at him because my aunt and uncle were sleeping. I grabbed the towel off the rack and held it between my legs so I didn't dribble all over our hardwood when I went to yell at him. I had a false alarm of my water breaking before and now I know there is no mistaking it at all...It just wouldn't stop, it was gross! My doctor wanted me to head to the city for the delivery because of my blood pressure (even though it smartened up on it's own earlier) and also because the size they were expecting her to be. (Although, he kept telling me he didn't think there was any way she was over 8 pounds because I'm a rather small person, and my stomach really wasn't huge) So he wanted me to stop in at our hospital just to get checked and make sure that it wasn't false labor, or as it was in my case if my water broke that the cord hadn't started coming out. Then we had a two hour drive to the city. My contractions weren't too strong yet, but were coming every 3 minutes so it was a very uncomfortable drive. (The fact that my water was still coming out was also VERY uncomfortable!) We got to the hospital at about 3:30 in the morning. They checked me and I was still only at two cms which is what I was at my last prenatal appointment. If my water hadn't have broke, they would have sent me home..but because we live so far away and my water broke they kept us there. They gave me a shot of demoral in hopes that it would help me sleep because I hadn't slept yet and was already exhausted. I woke up at about 8 (I think) and threw up all over myself and Nick. I'm not sure if this was from the demoral even though there was gravol in the shot too, but the nurse figured that meant that things were probably starting up more. I was at 3 cms then and they told me to get into the tub. I soaked in that for about four hours and it really helped at first but when the nurse popped her head in to see how I was doing I asked when I could get an epidural cause my contractions were getting to be unbearable, even in the hot water. So I got out and they checked me and I was at 6 already, I was ticked that I probably could have gotten the epidural about an hour earlier! I got the epidural and slept for four hours. When I woke up I was feeling the urge to push, and they checked me and I was ten. So I started pushing..and pushed..and pushed.....For three LONG hours. At two hours the nurse had to call the dr in because at that point some might need the help of forceps or vacuum, but the nurse was certain I was still progressing on my own and they didn't need to use those yet. Thank goodness, so two more hours of pushing and finally Mikka came!! The nurses couldn't believe how huge she was and said it was no wonder I had to push that long. Mikka didn't cry for them, but was alert and looking around so they weren't concerned about her, but when they handed her to dad you could hear she had liquid in her lungs or something that needed to come out, they were going to call the nicu nurses to come look at her, but the nurse managed to get her to cry finally and she cleared her airway on her own. Thank goodness, I was getting worried! I tore pretty badly, so they took awhile to stitch me up. The doctor wouldn't even tell me how many stitches she gave me, I'm assuming I probably don't wanna know!! She was definitely worth all the pain and pushing! I was hoping not to have an epidural, but so glad I got it or else there is no way I would have been able to deliver her vaginally, I would have been way too exhausted. She's so content and sleeps awesome, I wouldn't have been too tired leaving the hospital if we could have gotten a private room. They were all full and so we could only get a semi private one, and the people we shared with's baby cried constantly! It was nice to get home and get some sleep. Mikka only wakes up about every four hours to eat and goes right back to sleep, we're so lucky! Hopefully it just keeps getting better!! She was already 10.5 at her first check up, she's changed so much already!!
I will write up a story once I have more time to sit here..We're at the visitor stage right now so I nap when I can when she's sleeping and there's no one here! Heres a couple pics though These were taken at two days old, the day we left the hospital.
Hey ladies just wanted to stop in and let ya all know that Mikka Erin made her arrival on the 20th!! She's a monster, 9.14 lbs! The nurses were all amazed, along with everyone else. I will try to get pics posted tonight, they're just loading onto photobucket. Kelly I hope you're doing alright!
Hey Ladies just wanted to check in and let ya all know I'm still pregnant! *tear* I literally cried yesterday when she told me they won't induce me until the 25!!!!! My goodness, we went from thinking she's going to be almost 3 weeks early to 10 days over due! I'm sooo uncomfortable and even more bummed about waiting that long because it's my cousin's grad on the 26 (she's like a little sister to me..) and our best friends wedding on the 27. So little Mikka better make her appearance on her own soon!!! I've been super crampy though and having quite a few contractions they just never stay consistant!! I will keep you posted though! Kelly how are things going with you? Hope your BP has smartened up! And congrats to the newly expecting Mom's!!
Andrea, you are right the plug closes it off and helps protect from germs getting in there. Lots of women do go into labor soon after losing that however, I lost mine about three weeks ago and have since had my membranes scraped by the doctor in hopes that might help bring on labor...But she's a stubborn one Kelly- Thanks for the input, that makes me feel a lot better! I live in a small town and I know we're going to have probably every person we've ever waved at either stopping by or else smothering us when we're out in public, so I'm really quite nervous.
Kelly- Sorry to hear you're not feeling well, that's no fun.. Mrs Martin- I used to get leg cramps soooo bad! Not fun at all, I'd do the same thing to FI. Do you drink much soda? My doctor told me that soda can cause them, I don't drink a lot of it at all but he also suggested drinking more milk. So I started drinking a lot more milk and rarely get them now. Also, sleeping on your back can cause them too but I doubt at this point you can lay on your back...I definitely haven't been able to for quite awhile now! Are any of you at all concerned with all the guests that will be stopping by with this now pandemic they've declared? They've got some pretty bad outbreaks of it fairly close to where I live so I'm a little bit concerned...Would it be horribly rude of me, when the time does come, to post a note on my door asking anyone with any possible symptoms to come back? I probably sound like a crazy lady, but our public health nurse was pretty stern in prenatal class to even ask people with the common cold not to come..How do you not sound like a bag/crazy lady when it comes to something like that?
GemiLibria- I would be very annoyed with that too! Sleeping is almost non existent for me these days...between getting up for the bathroom, heartburn, and just plain old being uncomfortable! One more week til my due date, I almost cried today to not hear let's induce you!! Pretty sure FI was too, I take up most of our bed with all my pillows too! Andrea- I've been itchy too, but I forget the name of it..From pregnancy I have little white bump looking things in the palms of my hands and soles of my feet...I feel for you! Angel- So sorry to hear baby's still breech! Hoping she will turn for you on her own!! I had another check up today...Still only about 2 cm dilated, but she scraped my membranes and said hopefully I'll see her in a day or two before she leaves on holidays..I really hope so too!! I'm feeling pretty crampy tonight, so I'm hoping that it's working and I go into labor soon!!! We've finally got the nursery 99% done, just waiting on some wall decals to write her name on the wall I will get pics up soon. Hope everything else is all good with all you ladies!
Thanks Chantal! Mrs Martin Looks like you guys had a great time!