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Everything posted by watsonnicole1

  1. Hi all, Wonder if anone could help me? I am looking to book my wedding here over the next few days with a UK tour operator. My question is: The do the same packages as on Sensatori website i.e Silver & Gold as far as I can tell the only difference is that with the gold you get 36 photo's and blood tests, The difference in price is £700GBP is that worth 36 photo's taken by god knows who or can I book my own photographer out there and if so has anyone experienced any good companies and their approx prices? Many thanksin advance for your help. Nicole.x
  2. Hi All, Myself and Fi are waiting to book our wedding in mexico at the Sensatori in Mexico for Oct 2010. We only have 1 agent here in the UK that books to the Azul so we need to wait for them to release next years prices (hopefully by the end of the month) I'm really just looking around the site wondering if there are alternative ways to book the wedding as Thomson don't really have many packages to choose from so we'll see. I'm very excited to get things moving and the wedding/Hotel booked. I'm also doing it early now to pass the time as I am currently 20 weeks pregnant and hopefully will be able to pass the time a lot quicker making wedding plans. We'll be coming over for a 2 week stay with close friends and family who will be there also. Nicole.x
  3. Hello Ladies, I have been reading up on the current Sensatori thread with interest and seen a few ladies post that were from the UK just wondering if you are still around and if you have booked or considering booking at the resort for our wedding? We are just waiting on the prices to be released from Thomson to book for october 2010. Which is oging to be around month end so I am lead to believe. I look forward to hearing from anyone. Regards, Nicole.x
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