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Everything posted by amandseth

  1. Are you getting married legally at your destination? Maybe you would consider hosting the legal part here, with just your family present, so they could feel like they were a part of the 'real' wedding, then have a ceremony with all the wedding elements at your destination. We had our legal ceremony here, and my nana and papa were the only ones present. They were so honored to act as our witnesses, and have the novelty of saying they were the only ones to see the 'real' wedding.
  2. I don't think I'll do one either, like you all said, not many singles around to toss to. And I know that, as an unmarried woman at a wedding, I always found it horrifying to have to be put on display as single in order to catch a bouquet that I'll have to cart around the rest of the night, labelling me as unmarried. lol. I dunno. Just me. Might put the garter on when we get back to the room anyway, just so FI can experience the novelty of it though. We finished packing last night, aside from our toiletries anyway. Feeling pretty good about things at this point, not too panicked, which I was expecting. A bit nervous about the mass waxing this evening though! lol
  3. Bedtime Stories, Adam Sandler
  4. I had to load this as a pdf, because I all the photosharing sites are blocked on my work computer! Hope you can open it! These are just a few pics from the other day, trying everything on one last time! Obviously, my hair will look a lot nicer on my wedding day! lol Dress Pictures.pdf
  5. I'm hoping this works... Since I don't have any of the photo sharing sites at work (all are blocked), I'm posting my dress pictures via a pdf file. Let me know if it works, I'm kind of cheating, I guess! Hope I don't get in trouble! That is not the hairstyle I will wear, btw, just needed to put it back to fit the hairpeice in. The opposite side of the hair peice has just one butterfly instead of two. I love love love it. Dress Pictures.pdf
  6. I bought my SIL and FI's sister the same gifts I bought for my wedding party. They weren't expecting any type of gift, and were very happy to receive them!
  7. I've got a bridesman in my wedding, and he is so happy to be standing for me, on my side. Is there a reason you don't want him on your side? I think this sort of thing is becoming quite common, so no one would really think it is weird. By having your true bff as your MOH, you no longer will be risking hurt feelings with the lady friends. And I agree with the others, maybe you can assign the younger cousin to a reading.
  8. Hey there! We've got a TTD session booked the day after our wedding, with a photographer that we are bringing from home. Does anyone know where we can find a great cenote location for this shoot?? We're just not really sure where to go. We need one that opens up, with some light, since our photog is working alone and will not have someone holding lights for her. Also, it'd be nice if there were some forest arond, so we have that option as well. Any suggestions?
  9. For our AHR there were several invites sent out without the 'guest' option. Mostly cousins whom I know do not have significant others. However, we have had a couple come back to us and ask if it's ok if they bring one, and we've allowed it. At least they asked, right?
  10. Hang in there, Melissa! All that matters is that the two of you say your vows, anything extra is a bonus! I'm sure it will all work out fine, just tackle things one at a time, and try not to focus on all of it together. That should help keep you from feeling overwhelmed. Put my dress on yesterday with the headpeice and jewelry. Very exciting! Glad I did, realized the boob stickers aren't going to work the way I'd planned, but I may use them in combo with some pads, just to keep the ladies in place (my dress is rather low cut). Also bought enough poppies for everyone and made up some favor tags to poke them through so they aren't a hazard. November 11th is my wedding day, and also Canada's Rememberance Day, so I figured we ought to honor the occasion. Now, just to finish packing. Get the waxing and pedi done. Hit the tanning bad a couple more times... Wow. 4 more sleeps.
  11. PS, for any of you ladies coming through the Edmonton Airport before the 6th, let me know! I work at the airport and would love to give my well wishes in person!
  12. I work as a safety coordinator for the airport.
  13. Ashley~Awesome! That money will come in handy, use at least a portion to really spoil yourselves on a fancy dinner or something really indulgent, you deserve it!! Kiera~ Visualize boxing up all your worries and to-do's and shoving them away for the afternoon while you are at the spa! Relish in the pampering, then open the box again when you are all through. Enjoy your trip, and every moment of your wedding day! Drank almost a whole bottle of wine last night in order to succeed in a nightmarless night. oops. No more booze for me until Mexico!! Going to work on packing up the rest of the OOT stuff and FI's clothes tonight. If I know it all fits, I can finally relax a bit!
  14. We're having a head table, just for sitting at during the brief speeches we'll be having. Also, I agree with Michelle, if you have a head table you don't wind up offending anyone by neglecting to sit with them. It's also a focal point for decoration, if you are looking to spruce up your event a bit.
  15. Hmm.. I hadn't thought of that. Might be an option I'll have to explore...
  16. So my bridesman recently told me that he may not be able to make it to Mexico, due to some pending issues with the government (won't go into the lengthy details here)... I've bought him a guayubara worth about $60 for the wedding, which is still at my house and he has not yet paid for. Do I take the hit (can't really afford to, otherwise it wouldn't even be a question) or do I ask him for the money for the shirt anyway?
  17. Hmm.. that's tough. I see where you are coming from, as I'm also not very good at saying no and wanting everything to work out, even if that means I shoulder the cost. If you are feeling resentful about it, I think the best thing is to level with her and give her an option. Otherwise, you'll go into things feeling bitter and that just festers unless dealt with.
  18. Oh wow, Ashley! Good for you for not having a panicky fit at the seamstress'! Not sure I'd be so composed, but then again, composure isn't really my strong suit at the moment. lol. Had to cancel a date with a gf last night to squeeze in some much needed down time. Did some lingerie shopping and got myself a giant purse (since women get both a carry on and a purse, I figured my purse had better be as large as possible, lol). Love the shopping therapy. Treated myself to a couple glasses of wine, ANTM, and an early bed time. Then... more nightmares. Ugh. FI's had to be doing lots of late night cuddling lately! Any tips for quelling nightmares? Maybe the mommies have some tips??
  19. I wound up getting some spanx-like things from La Senza that should do the trick, and they were under $30. Thanks again, ladies, for being so helpful!!
  20. jpitts78, Let her! You deserve a party as well! And try to find yourself something to do tomorrow night, like get together with a gf or two. Having the company will help to keep your mind off what FI is up to. That will prevent you from getting all wound up and ready for a battle when he returns! I got the dreaded 'We lost the groom' phonecall on my FI's stag night. lol. Can't get much worse than that. I was pretty happy when he showed up at home after having walked halfway across the city from the bar. Don't sweat it though. He wants to be with you, so much that he's entering into a vow of forever with you. Whatever happens, or doesn't happen, won't have any bearing on your future together. Boys will be boys, ya know? He'll appreciate you being cool about it, and love you all the more for it.
  21. Super cute! And for $15, a total steal! Once you have it taken in to be more fitted, I'm sure you'll be sold!
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