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Everything posted by Vallarta_2009

  1. Don't apologize! That's great that you're booked and starting on the details. I would want to share my excitement too!! I just got my fiancé to finally agree to start planning so I'm hoping to have some exciting news soon too!
  2. I'm so sorry your dealing with this! But i agree with Virg, time to go above all their heads in bring in the owner, chain/regional rep whoever is at the top of the peckign order. I would personally refuse to deal with this particular TA and be very firm with the manager about this, you need someone who can take over the reins and handle the details accuracy and professionalism.. clearly something your TA is lacking! But just think, 12 more days and you'll be able to soak in the sun with your family and new husband!
  3. I agree Andi, I think Tony took Paris down with him, she's much better than that. Asuka is also starting to annoy me. Her solo was actually really good but I get the feeling she thinks she's the best thing since sliced bread... her ego is going to be a problem later on I think.
  4. Hello again! I just found this link from another thread.. Tons of pictures from when the resort first opened! Enjoy!! Dreams Palm Beach - photos of resorts, ranches, lodges & spas in Dominican Republic on Worldisround
  5. Happy planning Shens! The more I look at it the more I'm thinking Dreams PB will be the resort we choose. I was finally able to send out an email yesterday through my other account and Melani got back to me within a few HOURS! Not days or weeks like some other places I've been trying to get info on! So now comes the delicate balance of feeding this info to my FI and making it seem like he is making the decision...
  6. Vallarta_2009


    Congratulations and welcome Tracy! You'll find tons of great stuff on this forum!
  7. I have to agree... As much as Asuka is an amazing dancer I think she's in danger tonight along with Vitolio, Tony and Paris. I don't think their performances were as memorable as the others. And I think Jonathan and Karla are going to be the last couple in the bottom three, their routine was good but it could have had a lot more spice to it! Those are my thoughts anyways...
  8. Oops I forgot to say..... CONGRATULATIONS ERINSNY24!!!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by taratoons Success! The e-mail he has used is: [email protected]. Hope this helps! :0) Vallarta, I notice you're from Ottawa, like yours truly! Do you have a date in mind yet Thanks for the email address. That is the one that I have tried to email but it always comes back with a server error saying the address is not recognized. Maybe I'll try from a different email account and see what that does. We don't have a date or a firm decision on the resort yet although I'm really leaning towards Dreams Palm Beach. We just bought a new house and FI wants to wait a couple of months to see where we're at financially before making any decisions... sooooo frustrating! I see everyone else booking their dates and its making me nervous that nothing will be left when we're ready to book!
  10. Woohoo! Have a great trip and take lots and lots of pictures! Also, has anybody had trouble emailing the wedding coordinator at Dreams Palm Beach? I sent an email to the address that was listed on their website but it didn't go through...
  11. I would go with green for the accent colour, it will make the pink pop. You can have sliced limes in your vases for your centerpeices and use banana leaves or other greenery to make your bouquet stand out too. Just a thought. Good luck!
  12. Congratulations! The teaser pics look great and I LOVE LOVE your bouquet!
  13. Thanks for starting this thread. I'm just in the planning stages and our TA recommended Dreams Palm Beach but I'm having a hard time finding info on it. *Kandy can you post some of your pictures?
  14. I'm so glad you posted this! I was just thinking about the endless options for colour combo's and it can get so confusing! Right now I'm thinking: Lemon & lime OR Spring green with brown accents and hits of a really rich orange OR Eggplant with green accents. I wouldn't worry too much about your invite colours as long as you both like what you send out. My suggestion would be to pick one colour you're leaning toward for the envelope and font and then do the rest in more muted tones or event classic white. Good luck!
  15. Sorry to hear about your situation. Let's look at the positive... now you can start getting things organized because you contacted the wedding coordinator. And I'm sure everything will work out! I would have a chat with your mom and tell her no more friends invites. Tell her you agreed because you felt pressured but really want a smaller gathering. I'm sure she'll understand. And I don't think it's fair for your fiance to be mad at you for this. He should have said something right away and not put the blame squarely on your shoulders. That's just my $0.02. And I agree with Josie, once you're walking down the aisle it won't matter who is there, you'll be steps away from getting married and focusing on your hubby to be!
  16. Thanks for sharing!! We're considering the Majestic Colonial or Elegance for our DW and this really helps!
  17. Thanks for the tip! The pictures turned out amazing! I also really like the one where you're crossing the street.
  18. "screw it, move on" is the perfect attitude... but I think you should change it to "screw it, let's party!" Ignore the people who just want to raise shit, focus on the people who ARE going to be there for the whole night and have a great time!
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