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Everything posted by sasse75

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by amandseth Hey ladies! Just a heads up from a GRP bride... the Thai restaraunt IS beautiful and very romantic, but its not all that condusive to having a lot of people together. The best way to explain it is that is is sectioned off into platforms that hold maybe 4 tables. The sections are divided by a waist high wooden fence. Lol, that's not a great description, but hopefully you get my meaning. Unfortunately, I have no pictures, but if you are considering this an option, I would definitely request some photos from the wedding coordinator. Ask for pics of previous events held there, just to see what the set up is like. I just can't imagine how they would do it without splitting up your group... Hi Annie.....Thx for the heads up on this. Would you say that for a group of 35 that this might not work?
  2. Shortnsweet.....I'm so glad that everything worked out with your dog....I was near tears reading that story. I have 2 of my own and would die if anything happened!
  3. Oh la la....I'm going to have to hit a few in the area to see what they have - Thanks
  4. Yup Suzy is correct I hear its beautiful! And I think that's what we are going to do Patricia did send me several options in terms of what you can do for a menu if you want to do the semii-private option - for the $40ish/pp you can have either fish or beef or you can order off the Thai menu...which would be yummy as well!
  5. I understand wanting that "special room" I was undecided with whether to upgrade or not...because as they say you don't spend much time in your room. But if there was ever a time to upgrade and go all out this is it! So I decided to as well. I can't imagine how upsetting it is to have that taken away from you, not to mention the sheer frustration of not having anyone own up to their F up. Hang in there I'm sure that in the end all will be work itself out. As another option maybe switching resorts for your second week?
  6. I have a good one for everyone when it comes to changing your name.....I don't have to......cause we have the same last name!!!!!!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by taratoons Haha, imagine we all had the same dress from Sears? Mine is strapless, fitted at the bust but flowing everywhere else, no train, central jewel embellishment on the chest. It's very beachy! I saw that one and liked it......how is it? I was trying to match to my dress as close as possible....and I'm not sure if I did that great of a job! Do you think it really matters if it's different? Ladies?
  8. I also bought a dress from Sears....mostly because I am having an AHR and don't want to take the chance that it will be ruined with the sale water. To be honest with you I'm a tad disappointed that I won't get to wear my real dress for my TTD. Not all that impressed with my dress from Sears but with some alterations hope that it will look good in my TTD pics.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by SuzyQ76 We aren't able to do a true meet & greet because we have sooo many diff people coming in at diff times and diff gateways, so it really sucks...I may attempt to do a welcome brunch the next morning for most of the people who made it in the night before, then I'll be able to give out most of the OOT bags as well...I did plan an excursion, but only because I know most of the younger crowd wants to do it all, so I wanted all our group to be together and not on a public tour stopping to pick up people at a ton of other resorts...This is our whole reason for picking Mex, I CAN'T wait!!! I may have already mentioned it before but here's what we're doing: 1 full day and 1 half day tour includes: Mayan Ruin tour, working Mayan village tour, Ziplining across the jungle tops, snorkeling in an underground cenote (river) and a natural aquarium, small cliff jumping into a lagoon type of thingy, swimming with sea turtles, playing with little monkeys...and there's more, I CAN'T WAIT!!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh...this is the only real thing I planned, I put it on the welcome brochure but as "totally optional" although I already have 20 signed up, some of the older folk might decide when they are there. Other than that we may do a Good Bye dinner since we live far away from everyone, if I do a private reception (still undecided) I'll just use the dinner in my package towards that... Meghan, love the hairpieces, they are beautiful!!! I might have already mentioned that...totally can't remember, it's been a tiring couple of days, back at the DR they are checking all my blood levels again, B12, Thyroid, I told them they might as well throw in a pregnancy test because I'm totally exhausted and useless... ;o) I know I'm not (pregnant), but that would throw a monkey wrench into the wedding planning wouldn't it!! lol Definitely would need to get a new dress... Tracy, love your boudoir outfits, and I might have already mentioned it, like I said I have no idea what I posted about...so FI will totally love them!!!! You're going to look awesome!! I still haven't fully decided on doing one, it's just soooo expensive. Michele, I hope you're all shoveled out now!!! if not just plow over the snow with your new SUV!!!! To all the new Gals joining us: WELCOME!!! Hope everyone has an awesome weekend with lots of LOVE!!!! Hopefully everyone will remember Sunday - not that we're big Valentine's advocates, I think spontaneity is best, but any holiday that demands chocolates is a Holiday celebrated my Me!! lol So Happy LOVE Day Everyone! <3 (not sure why but this is supposed to mean a heart, like I see that it could look like a sideways heart, but to me it always looks like a < symbol and a 3....) Ok beyond tired I'll chat to you all soon ;o) Hey SuzyQ .....I'm still undecided on the private reception....but I think I'm just going to bite the bullet and do it. Which option are you looking at? Gala Dinner, Beach reception?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by caribbeanLover We booked with Itravel, and their age cut off is 65, so we called CAA and Blue Cross and to cover both my parents will be $400 I am not sure, but I think it may be due to my dad already having medical problems. I think if the client of Itrave is 65 and over with health issues they wont cover you. So we are currently looking into seeing if his work will still cover him in April, as he had to retire last year, when he was in a comma for 5 months. Crossing my fingers and hoping he can be covered by his work, if not I will take up your suggestion and call RBC. Thank you so much for that!! I used CAA when my TA's insurance company (I think that they are underwritten by the co-operators) wouldn't insure my grandpa, he's 86. The rate was crazy but he didn't care....almost $800 for cancellation and medical . My grandmother who got an A+ rating was still over $300 for both. I have heard that Royal is good as well....and I believe that you can get a quote online and/or by phone.
  11. Gawd I hear ya....I gave him the task of finding his own sandals, since he wanted to help....and get this he is somewhere in Toronto right now and he asked me where should he look? Look around you....how the frig should I know what stores are close by....grrrrrrr! TGIF....and a long weekend as well...gotta love Family Day!!!!
  12. This whole thing is stressinging me out.....sigh I really wanted to use promopays, the mug I have my eye on has a 50 min, and I only need 35....but even with that its still cheaper. I have heard nightmares on the whole brokerage fee thing, and knowing my luck I will get screwed. I even checked with a company out of Kitchener that my work uses for swag and his quote was was more than discountmugs. I really wish I could make them myself. What to do, what to do!
  13. Thank you for the welcome Tara....I Love, Love the idea of April Fool's Day as a your legal day...so much fun. I think that we have decided on doing it afterwards....VERY VERY low key....we aren't telling a soul. Basically it's just the day we go in and sign the paperwork. My FI has been married before so it's just one more "process" that we would have to go through in Mexico. That, plus the extra cost - FORGET IT! But I think that some of my guests might freak, so we are keeping it hush, hush. Meghan thank you for the thread....it will come in handy My planning has been fairly stressful, at least lately anyway....my parents backed out on the amount of $$$ they offered to us (long story) after I had decided on our beach reception option which was out of our original budget. I have since decided...SCREW IT.....I'm doing it anway. My grandparents got turned down for medical insurance & trip cancellation insurance so that was a HUGE headache trying to get that sorted out and booked. I still have tons to do since we are having a fairly large AHR.....of which I had to cut down the 200 people that it has added up to. So now suddenly everyone including my FI (cause he sees I'm about to snap) has offered to help.....FINALLY! Jill
  14. If your concerned about the time you might wantto touch base with the resort. When I asked they told me that if you go with the Thai Beach Club as a semi-private option you only get it for 1.5 hrs -2 max.
  15. I'm so glad that I found a thread just for April 2010 Brides....yippee!!!! Just from reading through some of the posts I was able to find a new mug vendor....promopays.ca. For any of you ordering from discountmugs have you had to pay crazy duty amounts? And Tracy I love all of your boudoir outfits _____________________ Jill
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by debbmach When she emailed me directly, she said it was $150. Not sure why there's a price difference. The site does say $175 for a "Girls Night Out Pin-Up Party" (you just have to keep scrolling down) I'm so on the fence with spending this money and I have a quote for $370 CAD for a 1hour session, all hi res images on a cd, with a 7x7 book, 20-40 pages. I know it's not a lot compared to some of the prices....but that plus the outfits adds up quick. And I wonder beyond that initial look through, won't it just end up in a drawer some where?
  17. I have heard of the Thai Beach Club as a semi-private option....but I believe it's $40/pp
  18. Hey Ladies...I'm hoping to pull together a Boudoir session with a local photographer, she is based out of Waterdown (btwn Burlington & Hamilton) Vanessa Lalonde Studios | Fine Art Photography | Vanessa Lazaroff, Waterdown, Burlington, Oakville, Ontario, baby photographer, newborn photographer, wedding photographer, Vintage FIne Art Photography March 13th is the date she has tentatively booked....$125 for the session fee....which includes a hi res cd of all pics. There are various prices for either a book or canvas. She also has a bonus offer to anyone who books by Valentine's Day. Message me if anyone is interested.
  19. Fantastic review.....I'm so on the fence as to whether to go with a private reception. I noticed that you said there was a dj included....did you book before they took that option out of the packages or did they include it?
  20. So Leslie would you saythat if your guests didn't know you were married already they wouldn't know the difference?
  21. Question(s) for all of you recent brides who had a symbolic ceremony......how was it? Could you really tell the difference? Does your MOH & BM still sign a certificate of some kind?
  22. I read that on their site....its going to be freakin fantastic!!!!! Does anyone know if they have a trolley that runs through the resort to take you from point A to point B? My grandparents are planning on coming and I was just curious for them.
  23. Hey Mike - if you don't mind me asking....where did you guys get married? I have been looking into a few local places. Just wondering what your feedback was on your ceremony.
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