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Everything posted by sararae92

  1. Welcome to the forum! Good luck!
  2. Welcome to the forum! Good luck!
  3. Welcome to the forum! Good luck!
  4. Welcome to the forum! Good luck!
  5. Welcome to the forum! Good luck!
  6. sararae92


    Welcome to the forum! Good luck!
  7. Welcome to the forum! Good luck!
  8. Welcome to the forum! Good luck!
  9. Welcome to the forum! Good luck!
  10. Welcome to the forum! Good luck!
  11. sararae92


    Welcome to the forum! Good luck!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by misskaytee I was searching through this thread and i can't find those documents posted by adidas.angel- can someone help me or post a link? Thanks so much! It was a link on her siggy... Wedding Documents | FreeDrive.com | Online Storage and Social Utility
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by EricaG Photographer – Photo Souvenir – Severine – A++++ We chose to hire Photo Souvenir to do our wedding photos rather than use the resort photographer. Although the resort photographers pictures looked nice, we are sooooooo glad we went with Severine. She was very sweet, easy to work with and by the TTD shoot, Larry was enjoying getting his pics done as well, even though he is usually trying to hide from the camera. The package that we ordered included up to 5 hours with her, but she stayed for 7 hours. For the TTD shoot the next day, she came back and rather than the 30mins she was supposed to be there, she was there for about an hour, and was asking if we wanted her to do more! Although her schedule was pretty busy, she had all the prints from the wedding day and the TTD to us within a few days. Then we had to choose the pics for the album and the painting that were included in the package. I emailed her the pic numbers and the day we left (we were there for 2 weeks) she brought all the rest of the package for us. We had the painting, the album, the CD with all the pics, the DVD slideshow, and the DVD video of the wedding day (see below). I would recommend Photo Souvenir to anyone that is going down to the Punta Cana area for their wedding! Not one complaint from us, and everyone that has seen our pics loves them all and are very impressed! The wedding was beautiful! Congratulations! I've been thinking about this resort for a few weeks now and I think that this is where we're going to have our May 22,2010 wedding, granted they aren't booked already. Not too many brides have posted reviews but the ones that are posted are great and thank your for all the detailed info. I was wondering what you paid for the photo package (with video, too) through Photo Souvenir? If you don't feel like sharing I totally understand... thank you!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by barefootbeachbride My fiance is also my ex-husband! I am so happy that we have worked things out and are ready to take the next step in saying our vowels all over again. here's the thing, we were already married in our hometown with family and friends and this time we want to go to a place thats near and dear to both of our hearts...the Caribbean...Most of my friends do not support us getting back together and so we though the best thing to do would be go to an all inclusive resort and have a small intimate ceremony with just us. That way we can share our joy with complete strangers who will actually be happy for us! So I was wondering how many of you just went together without guests from home? Thanks for your reply's! First, I think that it is amazing and inspiring that you and you're ex-husband have worked things out and are renewing your vows. Second, I'm sorry to hear about the lack of support you're receiving from your friends that really has to be hard. We're thinking it might be just the two of us and maybe a couple family members if they can scrape up the $$. Here are my two cents: RUN AWAY, JUST THE TWO OF YOU, AND GET YOUR MARRIAGE ON! I think that your wedding should be YOUR wedding and it should be done however you choose. It is very difficult to shrug off people's opinions and thoughts when it comes to your decision. Our decision to have a destination wedding has received a lot of negative and positive criticism and the worst part is my mom might not go because her husband can't get a passport for legal reasons! But, even with that thrown out there I know I that we weren't happy planning a wedding back home and we're still going forward with our dreams of Punta Cana because this is our new journey in life, not our families/friends. Why not do everything you want to do and not what everyone tells you to do, right? My best advice is to put your guard up and stick to your guns. If you want to run away to a beautiful beach to renew your vows with your ex-husband, then you do it. I also think you should tell your friends that they should support your decisions because this is a decision to ensure your happiness and what friend doesn't support another’s happiness? All I have to say is you only get one shot at this crazy thing called life so live it that way. Good luck with everything!
  15. I'm extremely interested to get a review on this company... anyone get gutsy and order one yet?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by sunsetbride1 Our guests are paying $886 per person/$1772 per room per night based on double occupancy for a 7 day stay in a deluxe room. It works out something like $126.57 per person/per night or $253.14 per room/per night based on double occupancy. Our rate is the all inclusive one and includes transport to and from the hotel. If I were you, I would absolutely go through a TA for this resort. The rates the WC at Dreams PC quoted me were higher than what my TA got for us. I just wanted to say thanks for posting this info! I'm really interested in Dreams and this has been really helpful.
  17. Congratulations! Good luck with your planning! )
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