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Boston Bride 2009

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Everything posted by Boston Bride 2009

  1. I priced our shipping a box of towels to the DR and it was $250. Crazy.... I'm in the process of packing right now and I really wish I had the sense to give people the bags before they left as a way to get them excited and give them all the information that they need. It would have been A LOT easier. Right now for bags I have 2 Checked bags/wedding dress carry on/personal item jam packed DH has 1 checked/1 carry on I'm giving my mom and her guest 2 carry ons and her suitcase is half full of wedding stuff I just gave 2 bridesmaids stuff to pack in their suitcase....this is craziness!!! And can I say almost my entire suitcase is wedding stuff...I barely have room for my clothes. I hope everyone LOVESSSS these OOT bags let me tell you.
  2. I've been the the Ricks once when I was 18 and I remember it being a restaraunt and then the cliffs to jump off of. I really don't recall there being any kids there and I'm not sure what they would do if they were there. It is beautiful for sunset and the cliff was a blast to jump off of....keep your arms in I got bruises from flailing my arms
  3. Nbulldog, I am super excited now...it's been a little rough going these past few weeks as my grandmother passed away on 10/31. But I'm back on track for now. We are having Rick York oversee our ceremony. We are pretty much using his ceremony but are tweaking a few things. We also wrote our own vows. We are having our reception at the cascade pool. This has been a little bit of a mess and is being worked out. I wanted to have our ceremony at 4 because of the sunsetting and pictures (I'm suprising my DH with flying in a photog so want as many pics as possible) but you can't start the reception at the pool until 7 which doesn't really work if our ceremony is at 4. We don't want the reception at the beach because we want to dance and notbe all sandy...and I love the shoes I bought for the reception (and they were expensive). Even if you have your reception on the beach I believe it can only go until 10 but you can start earlier (6-10) so you have your 4 hours. Let me know if you have any other questions
  4. Our wedding is so soon. I'm getting excited. Mercy just sent me all of our details yesterday!!! I really really need this vacation.
  5. Irishgirl, I just read your post. You must be a strong woman to keep going. I'm so sorry for your loss. I couldn't even begin to put words together for you. She will be there with you, I promise. I know she will. THere will be signs.
  6. Well,today we burried my grandmother. It was the most amazing funeral you could ask for. There were hundreds of people that attended her wake. She knew everyone and touched them in some way. The mayor of Medford, MA came to her funeral that is how much on an impact she made. I can't begin to express how amazing and wonderful my grandmother was. I'm in tears right now trying to get my thoughts down. It was one of the hardest days of my life. I'm devastated. I will say that I have an amazing family and an amazing mother. My mom has been divorced from my dad for 24 years(who's mom is the one who passed) and she has been here every step of the way for me and my brother and because sherhad such love for my grandmother even to this day. My mom had a wonderful relationship with my grandmother as my parents were highschool sweethearts. My mom is amazing to spend all this time with her ex in laws. I'm so very sad and I don't know what else to say. I think I'll try to write more tomorrow when my mind is more clear. There are so many stories I want to share.
  7. I am marrying a first generation Dominican-American. His parents are from Santo Domingo and moved to Washington Heights to have a family. He was born and raised here but his parents moved back to DR. One time he did try to convince me that he needed a green card. It was quite a funny conversation.
  8. Well, here we are on Thursday. My aunt called me at work yesterday to tell me that the hospice nurse didn't think she would make it through the day. She's hanging in there. Let me tell you she is a trooper and she was always the last one at the party. My aunts, uncles, dad, stepmom, and brother have been here for two days with her. I think she just wants us all to hang out with her and have a great time. I think the time with her has brought us all to peace with her making the transition. I'm not sad right now. What I am praying for is her to move on to heaven where she is no longer suffering. I know the sadness will come but I'm more concerned with her at this point. I thought of another funny story about her. Just this past weekend on Sunday we got her out of bed to change her jammies and her sheets. We had her sitting in her favorite chair. So like a lady she was sitting with her legs crossed. She had a bunch of friends from her neighborhood coming over so my aunt asked if she wanted some perfume and she said no...I said I know what you want, some lipstick. She always said a lady should always wear lipstick. So I got out her favorite shade of pink and put it on her...she could barely speak but she sure could move her lips around to get the lipstick on correctly. Something else that is amazing. She has been on morphine for two days and has not really said much. She has basically been asleep. Yesterday we brought in a great friend of the family who grew up across the street from my grandmother and my aunts and uncles. He is a priest and he has married everyone in our family and did my grandfathers funeral...he is wonderful. We brought him in to do a mass for her and to bless her rosary beads. She didn't do much during the mass but when we were saying the Our Father she was moving her mouth as if she were saying it. It was just amazing to see a woman who is so sick and so weak find the energy from somewhere to say the Our Father. Her committment to her faith is amazing. I'm just trying to keep all of the great memories at the front of my mind. We've had some good laughs these past few days and I know she can hear us. Thank you all some much for your stories and prayers. It's so touching the support I've received from complete strangers.
  9. This post is more for me to put my thoughts down about how I am feeling because I don't know what else to do at this point. It may not make much sense to anyone other than me. I have been incredibly fortunate to have my grandmother in my life. She is an amazing woman. I have so many wonderful memories throughout my life with her. My fondest memories have been over the past 5 years since I've lived in Boston...just down the street from her. We would go out to dinner weekly, I would pick her up from the Medford Public Library where she worked for 25 years and drive her home. She was an independant woman and worked full time all the way up until last year (she was 83 when she had to retire). She always said if I didn't go to work what the hell else would I do. She has a great sense of sarcastic humor. When we would go to dinner she would have her one or two glasses of wine with ice on the side and she would just tell me stories about my parents and her life. She had some very funny stories. She always gave me great advice at our dinners. I think the funniest piece of advice was why date just one guy you need to have options before you settle down. She was very progressive for her days. She went to college, she partied, and she didn't get married until she was almost 30. She always said I grew up on a bar stool. Another great memory for me was one night I wanted to get a drink and none of my friends wanted to go. It was about 9:30/10:00 on a Friday night. I decided to call my grandmother to see if she wanted to get a drink...she said of course...so we went to a local restraunt got a few glasses of wine and dessert...we had a great time. She was always up for anything. In September of 2008 her life changed. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor, lympohoma. She was hospitalized for weeks and then went through extensive chemo and was in rehab for a month. She had to move from the house where she lived for 52 years in to my aunts house. Every three months for the past year the chemo she was on would stop working so she would have to get a new chemo. She was so brave through it all. She never complained she never gave up and she had such a strong will to live despite being 84 years old. She kept her humor through it all and continued to worry about how everyone else was doing and not about herself. In June the 2nd type of chemo stopped working right before our Civil Ceremony. She was able to make our event of the Elite Boston and sail the harbor with us. It was such a proud day for her to see me, her first grand child be married. She was in a wheel chair but waved to all of us like royalty as the deck hands carried her on to the boat. It was a wonderful day. The following week she began the third and final type of chemo. This seemed to be the best treatment yet. She had a great summer. I spent a lot of time with her and everything seemed to be improving. I was even able to take her to my office to see my co-workers and out to lunch. We had a wonderful afternoon. Two weeks ago all of the progress seemed to come to an end. She was showing all of the sypmtoms of her tumor again and even more so at this point. I was going to go have dinner with her on October 16th but my aunt called and said they were brining her in for an emergency MRI because they knew the tumor was back. On Tuesday October 20th we were given the news that the tumor had spread extensively and there was nothing left to do. It is incredibly hard to hear that there is nothing left to do. It is beyond words the sadness that I felt hearing this news. I left work immediately to go be with my grandmother. I have been there almost every day since. She is just fading so fast. Through it all though she has had moments when I can see her old self there. She will laugh or say something sarcasticly funny even in the toughest of times. She has not once complained about what is happening to her. For me this is so hard. I want her to be in peace but I want her to be here with us. I am just so sad and I know the worst is yet to come. My wedding is exactly four weeks from today and it's the last thing I can think about. I'm not even excited at this point and I know I should be. I have worked so hard on everything and thankfully because I am super anal it's all done. People ask me about the wedding and I have nothing to say. I don't evnen know how to respond at this time. All the details I was stressing over seem unimportant to me. Do I really care if something is the right color blue...does it really matter. What I am looking forward to is spending time with 35 of my best friends and our family. To decompress and work through my feelings with out the pressure of everyday life. I know my grandmother will be there with me. I have ther garter from her wedding and one of her antique braceletts. I always thought it was a bad thing that my extended family wasn't going to be able to come but now I know god has a plan. I hope that my grandmother is able to move on to a better place in peace and that I have the strength to enjoy my wedding day and have amazing memories from it. I am fortunate to have a wonderful family and faith in god...I hope that this will get me through.
  10. At the Papersource they sell cirle labels in several sizes and a lot of colors. I printed the names on one label and stuck it to another lable and used a piece of ribbon (stuck in between the lables) to attach it to the bag.
  11. Thanks girls! I have pics of me in it but my computer at home is a piece of junk and I'm mad at it....I'll see if I can do it on another computer. It was a bit pricey $650.00 but it was a heck of a lot cheaper than the dress I went there to try on. The designer is Notte by Marchesa and they have a lot of amazing dresses that would work for a DW. I would buy several others if I could!
  12. I went to NYC city to try on a wedding dress I thought I was in love with...the love affair went on for a year. I couldn't find it anywhere so I was going by the pictures. Well I finally tried the dress on and I did not like it. I was at Bergdorff's so I figured I might as well look and see if I could find something else and after lots of looking I found it. This is the dress except mine is ivory. I love it!!!
  13. Ugghh I have to do this in December when we get back. Booo...but happy to be Mrs. Celado!
  14. My dress is an 8 but I had it taken in. The back is lace up so it could work. The other thing is height because I hade it hemmed to my height with flat sandals which is 5'4" Not sure if this would work for you.
  15. The lowest prices I saw for our flights were the first few days that the flight was available. We booked a few weeks after that and it was about $50 more. I think we booked in January for our November wedding. Thank goodness we did because our $450 flight is now over $1000.
  16. This is my dress!!!! I'm still debating if I'm going to sell it. What street size do you wear?
  17. Where did you purchase your sashes from? Someone posted a great website but it didn't have the colors Ineed
  18. To funny that there are two Boston threads all of a sudden. I just wrote on the other one that I am in North Quincy and work in Charlestown. We are getting married in DR at Excellence. I'm super excited we are only a month and half away!!!
  19. I'm in Boston but getting married in Punta Cana...I'm excited to see other Boston Brides...I was a little jealous of all the candian brides that get together and know each other. Anyway we are in North Quincy and I work in Charlestown.
  20. Projector 1 hour$100.00 Laptop2 hours$300.00 Screen 1 hour$100.00 this is in the information that I was sent. Looks like everything you need for a slideshow.
  21. Excellence does beach receptions but I think cost for your guests will probably be about the same.
  22. I have purchased to orders or towels form towels4less and it's been great. I called customer service because one order wouldn't process and I got someone right away. She was great. This is her email [email protected].
  23. We are usind DW and our TA used Travel Impressions and this experience has been a hot mess let me tell you. SLLLLLOWWW slow slow. I have not enjoyed my experience with her and it's to late to change. The DW manager emailed me to ask about my experience because others were aparently having problems as well. I had addressed several issues but the only one the manager commented on was the problem everyone else was having...communication. I wanted to say well what about all of this other stuff but at this point I give up and I don't want to deal anymore now that we are booked. I'm waiting for our final upgrade and it's now been a month and they gave us the wrong upgrade. UGggghh.
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