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Everything posted by svetayasofiya

  1. What's a Willowtree statue? *People are strange. lol Krista B - I'll be your personal wedding assistant or something so I have an excuse to be on here everyday too. LOL
  2. breeeeeeeeeeeeeens! we posted at the same time! lol how ya feeling?
  3. Shell and Susie have disappeared... Maybe it's *I* who needs to get a life, LOL I am still on this forum everyday. Krista B- I woke up to snow today! It's like a blizzard but it's not sticking to the ground. Yesterday I was wearing bare legs and a skirt. Canada is on crack. Yay for your new TTD!
  4. That is ridiculous! I would fight this one to the end. They should not be able to do that, it's so criminal. Prices at time of booking should be the prices that you are guaranteed.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by purpleshells a friend of mine told me that she and her bf tried going to the docs to see if everything was OK...they said they wouldnt do tests until theyve been trying for over 2 yrs+......so long.... honeymoon baby?hmmm.nah..i wanna be able to drink!! lol Hmm I would see a different doctor then. I only have to wait 6 months of TTC before they'll do tests, but that's because I am 35. Under the age of 35 they make you wait one year. Maybe it's different here in Canada. Anyway... hopefully none of us will need to make those appointments!
  6. LOL Krista! and Brooke you are hilarious! What did you get You have to tell us! So far nothing beats the used tupper ware. haha We never registered, but we also didn't do an AHR. Some people just gave money. That's what they seem to do here. I can't wait to see pics and hear more about it! Did you know Justin was going to make the announcement? Was he drunk?
  7. Where we stayed (the Barcelo) there were topless women all over the beach and a couple by the pool, but without sounding like a prude... I would limit it to the beach. It just seemed really inappropriate by the pool where there were tons of children playing.
  8. Happy Monday ladies! (oh how I loath Mondays...) Hope you all had a good weekend! Can't wait to hear how Brooke's AHR went. I spent the whole weekend painting. lol Can't wait for our office to be done. I'll have to post pictures of the transformation. Should be done by Friday. Beautiful sunny day here... not wearing nylons! got the toes out, feels good.
  9. We are in our third month TTC... I'll know by early next week. I am probably not PG, but I have been cramping since I ovulated 7 days ago... don't know if that means anything.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by elisha0607 For brides that have recently gotten married-- may seem like an odd question but, did you feel slighted about bringing your engagement ring to Mexico? and leaving it in the room safe? I have visited Barcelo Palace before and felt totally safe with leaving valuables in the room and safe but, the engagement ring is quite valuable/irreplaceable compared to an ipod or camera. I dont usually travel out of the country with expensive jewlery. Just wanted your opinions on that. I left it in the safe every single day when I went to the beach and had no issues.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by TonyandTricia Haha! I think it's funny that you know how far along she is and yet she's has not yet officially told you guys she's pregnant. She is not a very good secret keeper. I sent out Thank you cards with a group picture and everyone liked it! Tricia.... it's scary how much I know! and she has NO clue!! I like that idea- sending out a group picture! We have one of all of us. I think that's cool. Thanks for the idea.
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Chris-- Did you remind your PITA (love it Tricia) co-worker how fat she is looking today? Ask her is she is going to be the next Octomom because she is looking so large! hehehehe oooohhhh Im awful. LMAO you're horrible! *but actually....... for 10/11 weeks.... she is already showing...............
  13. Krista B- I am sooo sorry you hurt yourself!!! That sux. Get better! xo Breens- don't feel like a baby. Everyone's pregnancy is unique. That's why I should stop syaing mean stuff about my co-worker. I might end up being the biggest baby ever! But seriously, everyone experiences different symptoms and some more than others. Please keep giving us updates. I love hearing from you guys. Mishchaka- I was in their for two weeks and while the weather was certainly hit and miss, the ocean I found to always be warm. Really warm, so no worries there! Plenty of snorkeling and swimming and jumping waves. The pools on the other hand... reserved for kids with no threshold for pain, LOL or really hot and sunny days. Ali- I have to go stalk your photos on FB!! lol I will write a review. It will be a nice keepsake for me to have as well. I'll put it in my wedding scrapbook. I am just in the process of re-doing our office. I am hoping to be done this weekend, at which time I'll have plenty of time to finally go through all my pics and create a slide show (although I think I've looked at my pics now 20x) LOL Then I'll do my review. Last night we ordered out Thank-you cards. Kodak was having 20% so I decided to do photo cards. It's perfect because they are 5x7 so I'll be able to get proper sized prints. Because our cards have three pictures of us from our wedding, I think I will only include a picture of the recipient inside. We kind of screwed up and put our favourite ones on the card, so I can't think of one I'd re-print for people to have, LOL I figure family will choose which ones they want and we'll do that separately. I still like my pics, but we have only ONE picture where the two of us are smiling and looking at the camera. ONE. Kind of a shame. The rest are all action shots (like during the ceremony) or kissing. ALOT of kissing, haha Did you all do Thank-you cards? and did you include a picture? Just curious what your thoughts are. I want to make albums for our parents... then I am thinking a small one for his grandparents and small ones for my BM's but then it all just gets so costly and out of control. I don't know what to do anymore........
  14. Ok Girls!!! Here you go! I would have LOVED to have seen these before hand so it's my pleasure to share. Again, it's for the Beach/Caribe... laura4ever will have to share for the Palace. I would like to give kudos to photographer Samuel Luna who took these photos. *And as a side note... we all have different ideas of what our weddings should be, so if you find this hideous, keep in mind this was my wedding, it was exactly as I wanted, so that being said don't me mean if it's not to your liking... The flowers were my addition. Package included centrepieces. Package included 'One-Tier' cake. (Believe it or not, but plenty for 40 people... especially after a huge dinner! My husband thinks this is the saddest looking cake ever, lol. It just wasn't important to me.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Mischaka for all the brides that got married in the Riviera Maya how was the weather?? was it warm enough to actually in the water at the beach?? To actually what in the water?
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by TonyandTricia I finally posted my review!! It's pretty long and probably boring for those who are not future Moon Palace brides, but there's lots of pics! Tricia I loved your review!!! I don't think you have to have been married at the same resort to enjoy a review I find it interesting to see what other resorts offer etc... You've inspired me to do one of my own now! I thought I was too late, but seeing as though I just got my pictures I suppose better late than never. I think our reviews are really helpful to future brides. I suppose it's our duty, lol
  17. Fantastic review Tricia! LOVE it! congrats again friend. xo
  18. For any of you brides getting married at the Beach or Caribe, (I know this is a Palace thread) I have some fantastic pictures of the banquet room all done up for my wedding. I'll try to share those soon if anyone is interested. My photographer took some really great shots before everyone entered. I can't speak for the Palace but I thought the banquet room was great. The Beach lobby is all open air and the banquet room is just down the hall from the lobby bar which is all open air, so you never felt closed in. For us, it would have been way too cold to have had an outdoor reception, so for some of you on the fence I really would recommend it. My only complaint is I felt the lighting was too bright and we couldn't dim it for dancing. laura4ever seems to have found a way around that and I would strongly recommend finding a more ambient lighting source.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by laura4ever Here is my schedule of events and welcome packet. That's quite the schedule! You had 63 people have dinner together every night? I am impressed it all worked out. Congrats on your wedding!
  20. It looks like a man made causeway. I wouldn't worry about it. That kind of stuff they obviously have to do to secure the land etc... Keep in mind the pic was taken from above. You may see those rocks, but I doubt they'll end up in your wedding pics. I feel for you guys. On one hand, the resort needs to do renos, there is always going to be a wedding affected, but... they should have disclosed this to everyone.
  21. Brooke- that is awesome!!! it's like you have met her before. and PLEASE don't get me wrong, I love hearing from you and Sabrina about your experiences!!! I don't want you guys to think I am catty () and can't be happy for other people because that is the furthest from the truth. It's really just her, and I am happy for her, she's just such a drama queen, attention seeking biyatch. Tricia- what's PITA?
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