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Everything posted by svetayasofiya
Uhm... sorry but that would be bitchy of you...... *you asked! Listen... I guess it all depends on what look you are going for, but what the kids are wearing should not matter that much. I dunno... for me, it was just really important to have my two nephews be joint ring bearers. They are 5 and 9. I never even asked them until a few days before... because I didn't want them to get all nervous and I wanted them to be comfortable doing it. It turns out my sister-in-law had chosen the most perfect outfits for them!
The 4 business days is a Barcelo rule. Mexican law states 3. We were only there 3, because technically you can't include the day of the wedding. (We arrived on a Sat. and were married on a Thursday). You'll see the 4 and 3 day rule varies from resort to resort and I almost didn't chose the Barcelo because of the 4 day thing, but in the end my wc said it was fine. Knowing we'd be flying on a Sat. - Sat. just seemed really anti-climactic to get married on a Friday and have everyone leave the very next day.
They seem to answer also only one question per email, LOL Good luck!
Don't forget to take good care of yourself Brooke! Try to find time for yourself! Awesome news! I just found out one of my best friends from back home is pregnant with baby #2!!! So exciting! baby news everywhere. Susie- we miss you, but glad to hear your business is doing well! I think shells and Erica are gone. I dunno, call me lame, but I still love checking in on here everyday.
hmmmmm, I don't mean to alarm you but if you are having a legal wedding both you and your witnesses need to be there 3 business days prior to the actual wedding (not incl. Sat. & Sun.) So to legally get married on a Monday, you guys need to arrive on a Wednesday at the latest. This is standard in Mexico, not a Barcelo rule. They can provide you witnesses if you need but if you want to use your own family or friends as witnesses than they will definitely have to arrive earlier than the Friday. I don't plan on changing my name and I am in Canada so our rules are different. I actually live in Quebec (so our rules are even that much more different) and they don't allow you to change your name because of marriage. I'd have to go through an official legal name change instead at which point I could become J-Lo for all I care. I haven't even submitted anything yet re. our marriage. I am still awaiting the certificate with the 'Apostille Seal' although I don't know if I need that to make my marriage legal in Canada.
Britch. HAHA love it! Relaaax, it's a year away. I am sure your date will be secure in a matter of hours. It's Mexico, there clocks tick to the beat of a different second.
Quote: Originally Posted by miss_cee09 Help Ladies, I just got an email from Claudia, we are trying to book for April 2011, she informed us that we need a copy of a reservation from a tour operator 2 months after our date is on hold. What if we don't book our flights till October? That just doesn't make sense. I don't want to book my flights now when we could get a better deal closer to the date. Also, in the information she sent me it states "The City Hall will keep the original birth certificates, they won't be returned." I'm not leaving my original birthday certificate in Mexico. Can anyone tell me what happens when we are down there, do we just give all our information to Claudia and she deals with it, or do we just make copies and take them down there? Right now, it looks better for us to just get married here and take our marriage license down there. I'm so confused..... I had a legal weddning and all I had to do was show the our passports. Our wc made copies. That's it. What they dont tell you though, is the day you meet with your wc make sure your witnesses are there with their passports as well. She needs to make copies of everyone's passports and there is some paperwork to sign. Takes like 5 min. then you can send the witnesses away. As far as the 2 mo goes... I can't help you there because we booked two months after holding the date. Maybe you can try to just re-hold the date? I don't think dates get booked up that fast. I only put my date on hold 9 months before the actual wedding. They do like 6 weddings a day... I wouldn't stress and book earlier than you want to and pay more than you need to. Good luck!
Sabrina- I just went through all of them LOL!! Honestly?? I love them. I really do, and I am not just saying that. I actually prefer TTD shoots that aren't on the beach. I know it's not what most people want when they have a DW but I prefer it. You have some really really good shots to make an incredible album. You also have tons of really sexy shots of the two of you on the beach. Once you weed through and pick out the best you'll see you have an incredible TTD album. You are definitely sensitive right now... TRUST me. I am quite envious of your photographer right now... LOL
Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Appt sucked I learned they are only going to do 1 ultrasound! What? There were just a bunch of thingsthat came up expense wise and I'm freaking out now! Welcome to motherhood I guess! Chris- trust me u will be happy to have ur reno done and not be pregnant during it. I am always exhausted now. They will do an ultrasound around 18 weeks that seems so far away. One ultrasound that's crazy! I know the only reason my co-worker has had two ultrasounds already is because she had an ovarian cyst they were monitering... but I am pretty sure in Canada you still get more. How long is your maternity leave? I heard it's only 6 weeks..... that can't be true can it? Yeah, I hear re. the renos. Everything happens for a reason I think. My friend is so cute, I am a big U2 fan and have a couple concerts coming up this year... she says, you wouldn't want to be 6 months pregnant while standing in line all day for U2! haha Point taken. It'll happen. Our house is 40 years old and as far as renos go we don't have much left (that we can afford to do anyway). In the last year and a half that we have been living there I have painted every single room minus one. :s I still have the doors to paint and some baseboards... then we are re-doing the basement ceiling and floors. That's going to be a big dirty job... I am hoping to start in a couple weeks. I had originally wanted it done in April but we are waiting on Eric's dad to have some free time to help us. I was saying to Eric last night that my goal is to get as much done in the next few months as possible so that when I am eventually pregnant, I can just literally relax and enjoy the experience. Sleep in on Saturdays if I want to, take afternoon naps if I need to... So, I said if I drive him crazy in the next few weeks with all my working to just understand my ultimate goal... Don't get me wrong, he helps, but I do all the painting. I am a bit of a control freak and master painter. haha
I have no idea what the etiquette is. I think within 3 months is ok and even up to a year... Where did you order the magnets from?? Were they expensive? I like that idea..... lol I don't know what is taking so long regarding our cards. The website made it sound like they would be delievered in days.... so far it's been 11! I'll definitely post before and after pics.... I am quite proud! LOL
Krista- Thanks for sharing!! Love the hot pink shoes! Love everything actually. The t-shirts are really cute. I wish I had done stuff like that! Fun. 8 weeks!!! WOW Yay Brooke your first appt.! So exciting!! My co-worker finally announced to everyone on Fri. that she is pregnant- she is 12 weeks now. She showed me pictures of her ultra sound... amazing you can already see the form of a baby. Really neat. I'll have to wait another month to see if the stork will deliver me anything... aunt flo officially arrived on Saturday. LOL I drank my sorrows away this weekend. Good news! I finally finished my office, so hopefully this week I'll have some time to go through all the pictures. Still waiting on the arrival of my Thank-You cards. I am thinking to just send those out empty now. I was going to include a picture but now I feel like just getting them in the mail. I suppose that's lazy of me, but I am also tired of spending money.
Quote: Originally Posted by bride2b10 Hi svetayasofiya, sorry I didn't see a table for 6 where I could get a good idea of the spacing. Just want to make sure the tables aren't too big Thanks! I don't think they have tables for 6, that was my point... you'd have to look at their standard round tables that are made to seat 8 and then determine if you think 6 would make the table look too empty, hence it being a personal choice. Good luck!
Krista- I was looking at your photos this morning. SO fun!! What a great idea. You're friends are hilarious. I love all the signs. haha Alison- I am soo going to watch your video tonight when I get home! Can you rub some of your not obsessing personality off on me? I only obsess those last five days leading up to AF but it's like I make up for lost time. :s Anyway... acros, oh how I hate acros, lol DPO is 'days past ovulation'. Learned that this week during my five day obsession trip. Sooooooooo thanks for the well wishes but it looks like Christina will get her drink on for another month. Sabrina- check your email.
Quote: Originally Posted by bride2b10 Has anybody ever had/seen a round table of 6? I know it's up to 8 but with our number of guests we might have to have a few tables of 6 and I'm worried it will look too empty/spaced out. I posted pictures of the tables a couple pages back. You can decide for yourself... it's really a personal choice.
Hey Tricia! I was on the pill for 15 years and when I stopped my period was very regular so there was no waiting for me. Everyone is different. Once thing I do hate about being off the pill, is instead of a 4 day period it last 7 days!! and my cycle is every 26 days (sometimes 28 ). I feel like I am permanently on my period, LOL I'll certainly let you guys know as soon as I know but I am not getting my hopes up. I was extremely light headed after my workout yesterday which was really weird to me, but I am probably reading in to every little symptom. I am due Sat. (if I am 26 days) but maybe not until Monday... If nothing happens between now and Sun. I think I'll test Sunday morning... I am very impatient! It sux because I soooo like to drink, but I feel like I should be avoiding it, yet at the same time I am probably just PMS'ing so I want that glass of wine you know? ugh
Sabrina!!!!! *look at me.... lurking on here all day long. Look guys, I am just NOT busy at work right now. I am dying... it'll pick up again soon enough. oK, back to Sabrina, LOL Did you see the slideshow I put up a couple weeks ago? There are only 15 pics, but from what you said, it sounds like maybe you missed that post. In any case... here it is Picasa Web Albums - Christina - Wedding Febru... and if you have already seen those, I do plan on making a longer slideshow to share with my friends and family (and you guys...) Soon! I am currently working on remodeling one of our rooms to become our new office. All I have left is a coat of paint and then buying and putting together the furniture. Once I have a proper place to sit and work, I will go through them all. Not that I haven't already looked at them a million times! haha I am looking forward to weeding out the bad ones. My mom was complaining to me (although she claims she wasn't complaining) that there were more pictures of my husbands parents than her and dad. So yesterday I actually went through all the pictures and did a count. WRONG lol I sent her an email proving this too, she now thinks I am pretty crazy. But seriously, it's hard to be objective when you are viewing 703 photos. After awhile they all seem to suck! Glad to hear you are feeling good, apart from being really tired (which is totally normal in comparison to my co-worker and her secret pregnancy) I wouldn't stress about the weight gain. I know I do too, but in the end the most important thing is to stick to a healthy diet, continue whatever exercise you were doing prior to the pregancy and try to ignore cravings of chocolate, ice cream and crap like that. Honestly, apparently we are only supposed to be eating like an extra 600 calories a day, so this eating for two is crap. I say eat what you normally eat and a little more to keep away the hunger pangs if you have any. Easier said than done I know. If you are conscious of it you probably won't have any problems. Anyway, in the end you'll have a beautiful baby and that is worth a few extra pounds if you ask me. Plus breast feeding is supposed to help. Embrace your pooch! I am currently enduring the 'two week wait'. I am probably not PG but this month is weird. I have been having cramping since the day I ovulated. It got really bad yesterday but faded a bit today. Although it's still there. I am 10 DPO. It's normal for me to get cramping 5-6 days before my AF but not 12-14 days before, so we will see. I am also really emotional. I cried at my PIL on Sunday! and I teared up last night watching ''The Hills'' and Heidi Montag's horrible new look. It made me so sad........ When I am PMS'ing I get moody, but I never cry so that was weird for me. Anyway, I am probably just PMS'ing but I am soooo anxious to know! I should get AF sometime between Saturday and Monday... how soon can I test?? My husband thinks my symptoms are psychosematic.
Funny thing about the Willowtree statue- I googled it. Well, it seems my MIL has one and I actually just commented on it on Sunday thinking it was cute!!! LMAO but in all seriousness, after I made that comment I was afraid she'd offer to give it to me (because she does that alot) and it wasn't something *I* wanted in my house. A little too religious for my liking.... not that there is anything wrong with that! But what a strange thing to give as a wedding gift..... SusieQ- we missed you girl! I like your idea for gifts for your AHR... *thinking of having a AHBBQ just to score on the wine and wear my dress again!!! LMAO Hope everyone is having a good day! Seems Erica went MIA again... I have given up on shell. LOL
I had to do the same thing with my airline. It'll all work out don't worry. Hopefully there are a few of you traveling on this flight that you can overtake an overhead bin with friends and family. It does get knocked around at take off and landing but there is not much you can do. Get it re-steamed at the resort. I had to. Congrats and have a great wedding!