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Everything posted by svetayasofiya

  1. We are going AC shopping tomorrow night........ check out our forecast: http://www.theweathernetwork.com/wea...63?ref=homemap
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Krista_H ha ha ha there's really no such thing as too personal on this thread!! Yes I am, I feel like I'm having a normal period - maybe that's why they're so confused. I'm hoping it's one of those cases like that show on TLC where they didn't know they were pregnant because they still got their period. ha ha ha I'm really trying to stay positive...I just want answers already!! Actually, before when I was obsessing over getting pregnant (like last months and all the months prior, LOL) I was reading about all these symptoms and signs of early pregnancy and had read from a couple people on different forums that they had period like bleeding (for more than a couple days). Could be just one of those things that's unexplainable. I mean, the whole reason we have a period is to get rid of the cozy lining our uterus' prepare for in anticipation of pregnancy, but maybe in your case (seeing as your periods were irregular) your uterus is too cozy so it's just making room. I dunno, my theory sounds good.
  3. Well I think it`s a good thing you are still pregnant! I can't understand why they would think that a miscarriage is a good thing. They just don't like not knowing the 'whys' of things sometimes. Well, I hope you and your pregnancy are healthy and remain healthy. Try to stay positive and keep us posted. Are you still bleeding? (Sorry for asking such a personal question...) I hope everything works out and you get proper answers on Thursday.
  4. Why don't you just PM Matt? He is a member on this board. I used Samuel Luna. He was fantastic and communication was great. Can't complain. We got our DVD within 8 weeks after the wedding.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by vdaybride ... If you have any questions or just want to talk, please call 646-922-4002. I am sending hugs with this message. Careful Timberely... I just might call you. Quote: Originally Posted by TonyandTricia IChris- so what's that FB pic of? Your front yard? Yup! haha (he looks like a construction worker). Krista- can't stop thinking about you today. I am sending good positive energy your way... it's not that far! xo
  6. Great pictures! Great outfits!! love the blue dress with the red belt.
  7. Krista!!! You poor thing. I am sorry you had to spend your weekend in the hospital and that you are dealing with this right now. Stay positive, there is always hope, but I completely agree, IF you did indeed suffer a miscarriage, I truly believe it is natures way. Easier said than experienced I know. Wait for tomorrow's results... I'll be thinking of you.
  8. I am resurrecting an old thread here...... I am in the process of needing a few photobooks. I can not spend $100+ per book, but want the BEST quality for my money. The most important to me is image quality. I ordered a 'test' book through Photobook Canada. They are on the pricier side and their website is uber professional so I thought the quality of their books would be what I was looking for. Well... I just received my test book and it is a nicely done book, but I am so disappointed in the quality of the images. I used orginal resolution images from a 5.1 MP camera and the photos printed out are grainy. Most people probably wouldn't notice nor care, but I am a little OCD when it comes to this kind of stuff. So I don't think I will be using them for my wedding album. I ordered a small 8x6 book too so the pictures are small and the quality should have been high. So that all being said... blurb, shutterfly, kodak etc... what are all your experiences? Give me the gritty details on quality please! I need help making my decision. Keep in mind I am also from Canada. I looked into Mpix but their S&H is $30 a book to Canada plus duty fees! That's ridiculous... unless they really are the best.
  9. I am still waiting on people to RSVP to our wedding that happened three months ago...
  10. wow! Look at all the activity! Love hearing from you ladies. Alison- what is it that you do? Congrats on venturing out on your own! very exciting. Keep us posted! Brooke- your ticker is gone. Sux about the UTI. Those are soooooo horrible. Don't forget to post pictures of your renos! Look forward to seeing the growing baby bumps too. Susie!!! missed you girl!!! Is the pool ready yet? Tricia- i don't think you could look fat if you tried. but I get it. We all have to be comfortable in our own skin. I am hitting the gym tomorrow and going back to my original 4 days a week regime. My pants are snug today. Grrrr Celebrated Eric's bday last night. A couple friends came over for an impromptu BBQ. Watched the hockey game (Mtl vs. Pit.) We won! I am actually not a Habs fan because I originally come from Victoria. The Vancouver Canucks have had my heart since I was a little girl. They got eliminated on Tuesday night so I am pretty bummed. Gotta cheer for the last standing Canadian team! this town really likes their hockey too, so I better get on board. I don't know if I told you guys, but my brides maids gift to me was a Vancouver Canucks garter. Sooo cute. You'll see it in the pics. Slideshow should be up by the weekend! I am really happy with it. makes all the difference in the world to weed out the bad ones. I could have cut it back even more but I wanted there to be plenty of pictures of everyone who attended as well. Now I have to get on with the album making. My parents are coming in July and want to have their album ready by then. I did a test album through Photobook Canada. It should arrive any day now. They were having a 40% off sale so I ordered one of their smaller inexpensive books to see how their quality is. If I like it, they have another 50% off sale until the end of May.... Gotta get cracking! I want better quality than snapfish and similar types but without having to pay hundreds. This place is really expensive without the discounts so we'll see. Krista- you must be getting sooo excited! I can't wait to see pics of you in your dress and hear all about it.
  11. Fantastic! Good job. You guys look great! I agree with everyone else... you are going to be a beautiful bride.
  12. Beautiful wedding, beautiful bride. Congratulations! and thanks so much for sharing.
  13. wow Daily2011, that is just waaaaay mean. I don't even know what to say. His parents have no right to say that. No one does. Love comes in all shapes and sizes. We're not all skinny super models. I just can't believe they could be so cruel. Are you sure they aren't just concerned for your health? Just trying to find some niceness in them... if they really are just that judgemental you will have to find a way to live with this in your life. It's sad that people are like that. Your FI will have to defend you and tell them to stop. You can't make someone like you, but for purely superficial reasons to not is absolutely disgusting.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by amywuts Is there anyone who has already gotten married and did get their blood taken? I was wondering how experienced they are in taking your blood. My FI has always had a hard time getting his blood taken and we definitely don't want a noobie at it probing his poor arms. Any wise words? We got married in Feb. and had a legal wedding. Our resort had a medical clinic on the property which was where we had to go to get the blood taken. It was super clean and totally modern. The nurse was great. I've been poked and prodded in Canada butchering both arms before they found my vein, and in Mexico it was quite possibly the best and smoothest I have ever experienced. No reason to worry.
  15. OMIGOD Brooke your baby tracker pretty much sums up your feelings this week! (due to the dreams of course, LOL). Hilairous. Why are you on meds? Everything ok? Damn I feel preggers today haha. Just FAT and bloated. I am soooo disappointed in myself for gaining 5lbs since Mexico. I have to really get my ass in gear and go to the gym hard core again. I have been only going like twice a week instead of the 4 I was going before the wedding (hence why I gained). Got hit with a cold Friday I have been battling ever since so that hasn't helped matters. It's the husbands bday today. We did not get along last night at all. I feel bad because we went to be angry. Gotta make that up to him... I finished my pictures last night! Our new slideshow is 360... Too much? That's out of 703... so I think I did good! If you press play and watch from start to finish it's about 20min... but obviously you can skip through them faster too. Thoughts? Anyway... once we have it up online I'll send the link, but I am only sharing with you girls. Not that this thread is exclusive but... Time to work!
  16. It feels like it Krista! I spent a couple hours last night going through my pictures to create a slideshow and that's all I dreamnt of!! haha Don't worry about the January thing. Gives you something to celebrate during an otherwise very blah month you know? I always find the time after Christmas hard, so you have something to brighten that month! A very big and important something! Very happy for you!! So I broke it to my mom that we won't be coming home this fall for a visit, that we are instead planning a trip to Paris!! She thought that was very cool and was totally supportive of the fact so I am happy! AND it makes it that much more real! So we'll see what progresses. Where are all our other brides
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