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Everything posted by svetayasofiya
Wow Brooke, you guys sure are going through alot. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. I have a really hard time when I hear of young people dying. Just shows you how fragile life is, and to live it to it's fullest each and everyday, because you just don'T know how many days you have. On a happier note, Krista your party sounded like a ton of fun! I hear you re. the wishing it had been crazier. I actually had two party's. One in the fall when my bridesmaids came and surprised me from out of town. We spent the day at the spa which was so relaxing then we went for dinner where I had way too much wine and later got judged for it. The second party was a couple weeks before the wedding and it started as a surprise dinner which was fun, but also a little awkward because some of the people that were invited, LOL. Afterwards they took me to the token male strip clun ( my first time ) and I have to say I loved it. haha We were only 4 by then and it is a pretty classy joint. We weren't drunk and rowdy. But man, these shows they put on! HAHA *So cheesy! LOVE IT. My friends bought me a couple lap dances... OMIGOD, I have never experienced anything like that in public before! The first guy looked like my very first boyfriend. He could see I was really nervous so was pretty tame with me. haha *I am such a prude. Then this really hot guy did this whole Police officer thing onstage and he had the biggest so later on my friends bought me another lap dance thinking it was the hot cop, but it wasn't. The guy they got was soooooo unnatractive to me I felt so icky and this guy was totally going for it. He whipped out his dick and was flipping it around, I wanted to diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie. Oh my....... what a hilarious night. I think you have to be drunk to be at these places. Anyway, we left after a couplke hours and it was only midnight. What can you do. haha I have to agree with you Brooke, I can't wait 9 months to find out the sex of my baby. I definitely want to know as soon as they can tell me. I think. haha We'll see.......... no, I want to know. Anyway, I am having a girl. hee hee Boobs, yes... sore. Quite. Now it's strictly in the nipple area. I haven't changed a bra size yet, but I am definitely bigger and are filling my bras out better than ever before! My friends were teasing me about my cleavage. I just hope they dont go too big. I don't want saggy boobs after. I am quite happy with my 36B size teshy- my husband is loving my new boobs, haha So I suppose it is a perk. Alison is in Hawaii now lucky girl. Krista our bride to be!!! i can't believe how soon it is!!!!! I can't wait to see all your pictures and hear about everything. You are going to be such a beautiful bride.
Yes Teshy! Exhausted! It's such a weird thing, I have never felt such exhaustion. :s I had a ton of energy yesterday so got a lot of stuff done in the yard but then fel asleep after dinner at 7pm, LOL The dizzyness is not so bad as long as I don't puke. I have never been a puker so I am hoping it passes me by. Krista- speaking of puking good on you for not! LMAO YAY Bachelorette's! So much fun! What did you guys do I want the dirty details.
Brooke- sorry to hear about Justin`s grandfather. Teshy- that is exciting!! I have my first doctor's appt. next Monday. I am not sure what to expect! I am feeling good. I suffer from dizziness (almost fainted a couple times, which makes me nauseous) but nothing too extreme so far... Only 6 weeks, so I am sure it will come! lol *Hope not..... How was everyone's weekend?
Tricia you're hilarious. I totally understand. A good friend of mine is a nervous flyer. Eric and I are still planning on going to Paris in September and she wants to come along with a close friend of ours. So we'll be four. Anyway, she was bugging me the other day about booking and I said relax flights are still cheap, and she said 'not with Air Canada!' and I said, well we won't fly with Air Canada then. She replied- but we have to because that's who Mark has airmiles with! I said so! If he wants to use his airmiles thats cool, we'll just meet him there. She said NO! we have to all fly together, I am terrified!!! I am like, Gen, there is no way I am paying a couple hundred bucks more so we can all fly together so Mark can get a free flight. I said, you can come with me and Eric don't worry, we'll hold your hand. Apparently this isn't good enough, she needs Mark too. LOL You nervous flyers are everywhere, and I am not making fun, I get it. I do. Oh and Tricia, the only reason the personal training would be covered by my medical with work, is he is also a certified Naturopath, so he can issue me a receipt stating 'Naturopathic services' and I can then get the $$ back. This is private insurance through my work and while it seems like a good deal we still pay for it through our paycheques and it's also a taxzable benefit. There are good things about Canada and we do have a lot of social services compared to the states, but we are also highly taxed. I make a modest (by that I mean fairly average) income and I am in a 40% income tax bracket. It's highway robbery. Actually Quebecers are the highest taxed indivuduals in Canada. Sooooo if I can milk my insurance to get free personal training sessions, damn rights I am going to do it! haha But I really feel bad for you guys with your mat leave. 6 weeks is just so wrong.
I was thinking that too Brooke! Not to get ahead of myself, but how funny, a bunch of pregnant women walking the streets of Manhatten! Ali, Susie, Krista B., Tricia... what are your thoughts? First weekend in October? Timberely and Sabrina are already there so they have no choice but to be on board. Guys- I went to see a personal trainer yesterday to make sure that everything I am doing at the gym is safe for my pregnancy and to get a new routine going... well this guy was hardcore! lol He did a full evaluation and pinched all my inches to determine my BMI. He says I am at 33% which is over. He said if I weren't pregnant I'd have to lose 15lbs. I looked at him like he was crazy and said- honey, even if I weren't pregnant, there is NO WAY you'd get me to lose 15lbs, maybe 10lbs but not 15lbs. That is crazy! Sorry, but I am NOT fat. lol Anyway, he is super cute and we are going to be working closely together for the next 6 months (provided it's covered under my medical insurance with work). I was saying to my husband last night that I am going to look better 6 mo pregnant than I do now with this guys workout! haha On the road to MILF -dom.... *I am so bad.
Quote: Originally Posted by Krista_H Nope no summer plans for us, unless you include trying again when we can ha ha ha. We're heading out east (Nova Scotia) in the fall so looking forward to that. What weekend is the CA Holiday? I could probably have my rubber arm twisted. Chris - I'll share a room with you to save on costs if that will work. Have a great time in Hawaii Ali - can't wait to see pics. Sounds like a good plan to me! I was thinking of the Canadian Thanksgiving, but realized I have to work that weekend so I am voting for the first weekend in October! Awesome on sharing a room! You ok with the Waldorf Astoria?
Quote: Originally Posted by futuremrsgoodrich Re Hawaii: We are going to the Big Island first for 3 nights, then to Kauai for 4... we are going to see the active volcano and surf and hike and lay around. Lovely and looking forward to it! Re fall travels to NYC: Brook, remind us, where do you stand on travel in October? How does that sound to everyone else? A Canadian holiday weekend would be good for a few of you guys, no? I bet NYC is October is beautiful!! Hawaii!! Sounds exciting!!!! I'd so love to go to a sandy beach right about now. I am totally in for the first week of October. I have airmiles so I can fly down for next to nothing, but I'd need to shack up with one of you! This will be tight budget weekend for me, but to go to NYC again and meet some of my Feb girls would be soooo worth it! Let's see what others say.
Thanks guys for all the well wishes! It feels good to finally tell people! I am just taking it day by day and trying to stay super positive. Early October works for me. Actually, I just realized I have to work our ThanksGiving holiday but it gives me another day off in lieu of... so I could def. do the first weekend in October, the 3rd or 4th weekends (but not the 2nd). My co-worker quit a couple weeks back so I got screwed with having to work all the stats. Grrrr Brooke- I like Miles Justin Moulton. Jameson reminds me of a whiskey, LOL *sorry But it is also a nice name!!! They are truthfully both nice names. Krista H- don't be depressed! Sometimes no news is indeed good news!! Do you have any summer plans? Krista B- glad you had fun at your shower this weekend. Yay for stagettes! As for a boy or girl, I really have no preference. Just a happy healthy baby. Ideally I'd eventually like one of each. K, I can't wait to go home and check all these pics you guys posted on Facebook, lol. I dont have access from work.
Quote: Originally Posted by JoanneIreland Oh diamondpooch that would have been great but we can't do late May as our best man has another wedding at the end of May that he needs to be home for. But thank you so much for the offer! So how did it work getting a photographer from home? Do you pay all expenses for them and their partner? On top of that is there still a high charge for services? Hi joanne, definitely continue your search. There are alot of great local photographers down there that have reasonable packages. IMO, anyway, more reasonable than paying to fly them down.
Hey guys... so uhm... I can't keep it in anymore... it's my turn to join the pregnant ladies! It feels so weird to say it because I am still in disbelief. I was really wanting to wait a little longer but it's so hard and right now only my mom knows and like three friends. It's too big a secret to keep inside! I am only 5 weeks and a couple days so it's really too early to be telling anyone. We have known for just over a week now and are starting to wrap our brains around it, lol. My husband was all like- I thought that this is what you wanted? Well yeah of course it is!! But it's still a life-changing event that takes some getting used to. I am very excited. I was convinced it was going to take a lot longer so I feel really lucky to have conceived within just 4 months (especially at age 35!!). So far I feel really great. I am too early for any nausea and morning sickness but I am convinced it won't happen to me, LOL. A week before my missed period I was having regular PMS cramping (but it just felt different slightly) and I also had severe lower back pain. I kind of just knew, but also didn't want to let myself believe. Anyway... pregnancy tests don't work all that great (certainly not like they say). I tested the day my period was due and got a big fat negative. So I thought I was just crazy and went on with my life (which unfortunately meant a little too much partying). I continued to have slightly sore boobs, would cry at anything and was unbelievable exhausted but was in total denial. Then three days later it still didn't come so I tested again. This time I got a very faint positive, so waited and tested again the next morning. Still a faint positive. So for me to get a dark red line I would have been like a week late. (Hence, my comment pregnancy test don't work like they say! Not for everyone anyway). All my symptoms have been gone pretty much since I tested positive except for larger and sore boobs. I am hoping it stays this way! Anyways, so that's my big news. Susie- I can't waaaaait to see your pictures! I am so glad you had a good time and that the sun was shining!! Ali- I would love to plan a NYC meet up. There is a Canadian long weekend in October... I am running out of vacation days so might I suggest that weekend? I have air miles to use to get to NYC and then a bunch of us could just share a room. Let's see what everyone else says, but I am game!! Gotta get these weekends in while I can. Erica- I'll keep my fingers crossed for you for this month, but I am confused I thought you said you guys stopped trying and were going to wait because you are moving back to the USA? Keep in mind you are not allowed to fly once you are 7 months pregnant.
Congrats Teshy!!!! Such good news! We've missed you! Yay! more babies!! Krista H- I totally know what you mean. There are pregant women every I go!! Hang in there. It will be your turn again soon. how are you feeling btw Krista B. - our little girl is soon to be married!!! lol »Don't worry too much about the AHR, I am sure it will all turn out beautifully and the bigger it is , the more $$ you should get from everyone, LOL *I am such a brat Things have there way of working out. Brooke and Sabrina- I am demanding to see pics of you guys now!! You must have cute little bellies starting. btw Brooke- I saw your post in that old thread..... people are so clueless! they are still posting!!!! HAHA Susie- OMIGOD what a How random to just bump into him like that. How was mark after? I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like to be estranged from your dad. At least he has a great wife!! How are things going on the teenage front? Missing Ali, Timberely.... Erica? Life is going well over here. Eric and I are off to Boston for the weekend. I bought tix back in March to see Conan O'Brien's road show. Should be fun although he is not wanting to go. He haaaates traveling and now it looks like work is going to interfere too. Something about bringing along a laptop. Yay me. oK off to lunch girls!
Quote: Originally Posted by krista.baird Chris - your pics are gorgeous!!! I really like the one of your mom smiling at you - so touching!!! I also love your gerberas in the chairs - that's a great touch of colour!......... ........well Sean finally found a ring he likes and we bought it this weekend so that is a stress off my shoulders! We got our groomsmen outfits figured out. This weekend is more wedding stuff, next weekend is Bridal shower #1 and Sean's stag. Following weekend is Bridal Shower #2/Stagette. Then it's 2 weekends until leaving for Mexico! And I still haven't started tanning! I thought the weather might be nice enough, but it's been rainy for about a week now. I signed up for a tanning salon near my home though so I can fake bake...lol! I have to get some colour because I don't want to be a lobster on my wedding day! Thx Krista. Good job on getting the groomsmen clothes and Sean's ring!! You must be getting sooooooo excited!!! I can't wait to hear all about it and see your pics. You are going to be gorgeous!! Quote: Originally Posted by breens Chris-I think your photos turned out great. I think you have some great keepers. It looked like you guys had such a blast, and you looked so beautiful! Yeah! Thanks for sharing. Thanks Sabrina! We did have a lot of fun. Throughout the whole ceremony we did a lot of laughing. We had the best officiant. Kept it really fun. It was awesome to relive that day through all those pictures. Have a great weekend at the lake!!! Quote: Originally Posted by Krista_H Chris - finally had a chance to see your slideshow. FANTASTIC!! Are you feeling a lot better about them now? Thx!!! Yes definitely! I am way happier with them now. We have such huge expectations sometimes it's hard to be pleased all the time. I think after the teasers I was expecting ALL my pics to look like my sig pic. LMAO I am such a dork sometimes. Your doctor is hilarious. I like that kind of bedside manner. You have to keep things light because when life throws you curveballs like this, there's not much we can do about it so we have to retain our sense of humour. Better said than done sometimes but you seem to be handling this well. You are a tough cookie! Quote: Originally Posted by TonyandTricia So my "friend" decided to show up 4 days early. Since I'm just coming off BC I guess my body's still a little out of wack. I pray that I don't regulate to a 24 day cycle!! I pray for you that you don't regulate to a 24 day cycle!!! Since I went off the pill I went from a 28 day cycle to 26, and instead of 4 days I am a full 7. Sometimes I feel like I permanently have my period. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ Oh pool update... 8 grand to fix and the process has started... the concrete was pulled out last week and being re poured friday... new liner and the other crap in two weeks. It's only money right? My AHR is june 5th so crazy busy with that..... Sending my love Sue... duuuuuuuuuude that sucks!!!! You should have an inauguration pool party and charge everyone $$$ LMAO Your pool is going to be beautiful and I have a feeling we are going to have a HAWT summer, so it will be money well spent. Poor Mark, snip snip Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Thanks Ladies-- Justin was adorable his face lit up when we heard the heartbeat and I was just so relieved that there was only one! Twins run in my family. The baby's heart beat was 160 beats a minute. We have another appt next week for more testing and we find out what the sex is on July 21st or 28th... I can't remember (some mom I am! lol) Sabrina- There is an end in site to this yeah... I just want my energy back! I asked my doctor if i can a walking epideral and was informed that they don't do them in Eau Claire.. now I am mad! Krista- Justin really wants a little boy and I have that sneaky feeling I am having a boy, but I just keep saying 10 fingers and 10 toes and healthy baby is all I care about. Soooo this sounds so weird and you may all think that its crazy but my mom has psychic intuitions (she knew we married in vegas before we told her, last year on mothers day she told me that I would be pregnant by mothers day- I was) She is also seeing a baby boy so we will have to see! What's a walking epideral? Btw- I don't think that sounds weird at all. I totally believe in psychic abilities so maybe just maybe you have a bouncing baby boy in there!!! So exciting... There are no just plain smile smilies on this board. grrrr
Hey girls! It's a holiday today in Canada but I am at work thanks to you Americans! lol I work in the financial industry and the Dow is open so I have to be here in case anyone wants to place a trade. Sucks, because it is 30 degrees outside. Oh well... Krista- I am sorry you had to go through all that. I think you have a fantastic out look on it and a very supportive husband. I am so happy that you were able to seek medical attention right away and are ok. Scary thing to experience. Group hug! Erica- funny story!! I think you and your husband have good plans. No need to rush if you are going to have a big move in your near future. Depending on your urgency though I wouldn't put it off for too long. Start trying again in a couple months because it could take a long time to get pregnant. We are in our fourth month already. I know you are sad to be leaving China but you are going to be so thankful to be near your family when you do get pregnant. My situation is similar to Sabrina. My family is all in BC and I am all the way on the other side of the country. I get to see them only once or twice a year. It's going to be hard once we have kids... Brooke- your condo is coming together nicely. I like the mural! Did you have a stencil or was that free hand? Good job! Timberly- can I be your daughter? I promise I'll get good grades if you take me to Jamaica. I finally uploaded our slideshow to our site. I warn you there are 325 pictures and if you let the show run it's about 25min. long. Go to marzyk.com and click on professional photos. Is it 4pm yet?