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Everything posted by svetayasofiya

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ ....So no worries about a paint can being thrown at me for wearing a fur coat, I will just sparkle and a sparkle looks good even if your wearing jeans and a t shirt. Very happy girl here. I should try to go back to bed... nite chickies LOVE IT! Just thought that was the cutest. Congrats on your 2nd dress fitting, can'T wait to see more pics, and I am glad it all worked out with the FMIL. I still have to post my adventures from last weekend... I have some FMIL stories...
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Meyer2010 Okay... she seems really excited to do it but my BM's and mom's will get their hair done too so I think I will just tell her that we are all going to use the salon at my resort. She does want to do a trial run but I just don't want to put her under so much pressure since she will have her little daughter with her and I might be bridezilla. Ha-ha! So, this is what I'll do, I'll have her do the trial run. If everything comes out okay, I will still book through the salon and if for some reason something happens and the salon can't do my hair then I have her for a back up. Is that fair or do you think I'll hurt her feelings? ~ Erica It's all how you word it... just say something like- ''I was thinking... and as fun as it would be to have you do my hair... I think I am going to be so stressed out the day of the wedding that maybe I should just go to the salon... what if something happened? It would take a lot of pressure off of you, and that way you can just relax, but thank you so much for the offer...'' Ok that wasn't awesomely wrote but you get the idea... she'll either be happy she doesn't have to do it, or she'll press on with '' no no no, really I WANT to do it,'' in that case you're screwed, LOL jk. You have to do what you are comfortable with on your wedding day and she will understand. I don't see how she could be offended. My friend wasn't. She was relieved... she didn't want the pressure of ruining my hair. With the humidity and stuff down there, she was unsure of how my hair would react and wasn't comfortable doing it in the end. Plus you also have the excuse of wanting to be at the salon with everyone else! Don't be afraid... do what you want to do!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Meyer2010 Who is doing your hair? The resort? I have a friend that offered to do my hair but I'm second guessing my decision and might have the resort do it. The reason I'm nervous about her doing it is she is bringing her 8 month old daughter to Mexico and I'm worried if her daughter is having a bad day on my wedding day what if she can't do my hair exactly how I want it. Is this being too selfish? I mean it is my wedding day!?! I might just nicely tell her I'm having the resort do it. It's only $75 for a piece of mind. What do you think? That is not selfish of you at all. My friend used to be a hairdresser (she currently cuts my hair) and was going to do my hair the day of the wedding. But we both decided against it. I was too nervous that I'd be a horrible customer and she was too nervous to wreck my hair the day of my wedding... so for the sake of friendship it just makes more sense to let the resort do it. The price sucks but in the end, I want the least to worry about that day. I am having my makeup done too.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by vdaybride I am a true insomniac these days. I stay on this forum and on various websites trying to make sure I am not forgetting anything and it is exhausting but fun at the same time. I don't know what I will do after the wedding is actually over . I will still stalk you ladies. Fair warning Two days now, I haven't slept..... I hate that! I don't know if it's the wedding though... or all the alcohol I consumed this weekend... haha
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Carie Thank you so much for your help. I am actually asking for a friend who is interested in getting married there as well. I was married there last February Ha-ah so a year and two days before you! Our wedding was a Friday so I wasn't sure if they did weddings on weekends! Oops!!! 2009!!! LOL I was wondering why you were asking then... if you were scheduled to get married on a Saturday...... haha
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by PetitRouge Wow that is amazing! I am totally addicted to that show!!! And every time I watch it i start to think about how beautiful all their dresses are and I start to doubt my choice, drives my fiance nuts I do the exact same thing!!!
  7. Not a silly question... I have no clue! I think so... but maybe not a legal ceremony... btw- you are getting married 2 days after me at the same place!
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ I order mine yesterday pink and white. mostly white... from ebay.... I am so looking foward to going away. I have been working so hard lately, one of my part time gals has her kids home sick and I have been doing her shifts on top of my own. She told me this morning she maybe able to get them back in school by monday or tuesday, it has been two weeks already. I told FI I am relaxing this weekend "totally". I am having no luck finding the white and silver fannings!!! No one that still has them in my size ships to Canada. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ Ok amazing what we share with each other!!! I have to tell you this because I am shaking my head. I separated 7 years ago and the kid and the dog came to live with me. During our separation and agreement it was agreed that our son and the dog go to the Ex's every second weekend. Well the son is now 20 and doesn't do the weekend visits anymore. OK sitting down for this? My Ex still holds me to this agreement and I have to give him the dog every second weekend by 6pm Friday evening. So here is the Ex outside waiting in his jeep for baby Babe to come running out and hop in with her little sweater on. My neighbour just called I guess she was in the driveway when he came by to pick her up. She thinks we're totaly mental!!!! Laughing yet This made me laugh so hard!!! very cute... Quote: Originally Posted by futuremrsgoodrich Speaking of weight loss, who is dieting and any bright ideas about how to stay motivated? I realized yesterday that we have 3 months (today less!) until the wedding and I would really like to lose 15lbs and I am good for a few days and then fall off of the wagon again... my FI doesnt seem concerned but I REALLY want to look my best wearing that pretty dress etc... not to mention laying out on the beach! Any suggestions? I have seen that some of the girls on here have lost stacks of lbs!! ALison I have about 5 lbs I am working on, with a strong focus on toning... my secret weapon: spinning!!!! never had an ass so nice before, LMAO Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ Hi Ladies, I am home it's just after 8pm... Finished dinner at FMIL's nice dinner,i am still in a state of shock. First of all FI told me she called him this week at work to chat about the wedding. She was feeling that I was cutting corners with cost and she understands I am still paying off my son's schooling and trying to get my business going. She offered my FI money towards our wedding. Which he politely declined and said we're fine. Which we totally are and would never accept her help. Love her dearly however we're both over 40 and yeah if we don't have our crap together at this point we shouldn't be getting married. so we're there for dinner and she brings this up again and I say thanks and we have it all under control. I am by not means cutting corners and i am not spending a ton of money on things that are not important to me. Anyway she leaves the room and comes back with this huge red folder thingy and gives it to me. Holy Flippin Crap!!!! I am looking at the cover and it has a lady in a mink coat on it. I am looking totally baffled, so is FI, she then says to me " I want to buy you a mink coat for a wedding gift from me. I am speechless "yup me, not a word can i find. So I open this folder and it is about custom made coats and they start at $6000. First i am not sure how I feel about a fur coat and second not something I would ever think about owning. So here I am stunned to no end, speechless and overwhelmed!!!! I finally got out of my mouth "I don't know what to say". I am very grateful that she cares that much about me and would think to buy something so expensive for me as a wedding gift. BUT I don't know how I feel about it.... Where the hell would I wear it and would I wear it? She asked me to call her this week she would like for me to have it or be fitted for it before she goes away the beginning of December. I am totally shocked!!!!! I feel like crap because I thought she invited us for dinner to complain about the wedding... What would you gals say? I am really not sure how I am feeling. Ok, I am late on this as you already made your decision, but how flattering!! I don't know what I'd do with a Mink coat, and I could think of a million things right now I could better use with that money but... Mink.... fabulous! LOL Quote: Originally Posted by futuremrsgoodrich ....on a totally different tangent, I was thinking today and wondering when we are at the altar, what do you wear as lipstick? Are you guys wearing lipstick? Lipstain? Neat? Is it ok to have lipstick on when you are about to have an important kiss? Hope everyone had a good weekend (the Bucs won, so it was good for us!) Lip stains are horrible!!! I tried one this weekend. I need to have that creamy chapstick feeling on my lips... so my solution will be just constant re-application. haha Quote: Originally Posted by vdaybride WOW! I would have been speechless too!! Then I would have thought about how COLD it gets in NY and started picking out my fur!! Exactly!! but you do live in the one city in NA where you could get away with wearing a Mink coat... Wow, you guys have been busy!!!! Very entertaining.
  9. Guys guess what?!?! My friends DID come down this weekend!!! They had been planning the whole surprise for weeks!!!! I'll fill you in on our awesome weekend as soon as I catch up on the 5 pages I missed!!! LMAO
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ I love those sandals!!!! I wear sport sandals a lot and my 3 year old Nikes have a little splash of paint on one and I tried to clean it off to no avail. So when I seen those I was in love and had to have a pair... Mine are pink and white, I should have them next week. Hard to believe I am ordering sandals when we got a light dusting of snow last night. My 8 year old Boston took one look outside this morning and went back to bed. She hates the cold, someone has to go outside with her when it's cold or snow, I think she is scared of being left out. Poor baby.... They are the comfiest shoes you will ever ever wear! My mom has the light brown and pink ones. I love them!!! I think I am going to splurge and order the white and silver ones. Where'd you order them from SusieQ?
  11. Guys... I am totally losing it. My friend says it's because I am feeling emotionally stressed with the wedding coming up and stuff. I dunno, maybe she is right but I am crying over every little thing! (Noooooo I am not pregnant). Yesterday after work, I reached into my purse to grab my bus pass and it wasn't there. After frantically looking for it everywhere I started to cry. CRY! I was sobbing like mad over a lost bus pass ($83 mind you). I even went to the ticket lady and showed her my receipt from two days ago... crying hysterically asking if there was anything she could do. Nope. Nothing. So I now have a November bus pass valued at $165. It gets worse! So I go home and decide to skip my spinning class because we were late at that point... meet the FI at the grocery store... which was useless because we have no $$ and were trying really hard to have a frugal week (so much for that!). He decides to buy a bottle of wine and get a frozen pizza (a gourmet one)... well we get home and I put it in the oven... 15 minutes later I find out I cooked it with the cardboard tray on underneath. Guess what I did!$/! I CRIED!!!! Then we sat and picked the toppings off with a fork. lol $10 down the drain... It gets even worse... So it was my Birthday last week... (turned 35, maybe I am having a mid-life crisis)... my three best friends and bridesmaids all live in Toronto. For some CRAZY reason I have pumped myself up into believing that they have plotted with my FI to come and surprise me with a visit this weekend. *I know... I am psycho. Anyway... every little thing they had said, or the FI has said I have totally read into... creating things between the lines that weren't there. I was convinced they were coming! Went home yesterday and washed the guest sheets. The just today, my MOH writes to me all excited that she has an audition call back on Saturday. Of course in Toronto! So no, they are not coming. Guys I am officially crazy, crackers, lost it. H E L P
  12. you guys have to stop with all these funny stories or I am going to pee my pants!! shellk!!! Hilarious!
  13. LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Susie, that is a friggin HILARIOUS story!!!! haha I so want to see a picture of these shoes now.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ ...I bought FI's daughter a Guess bag and flipflops, my son a few things and FI. Don't ask me how I checked the receipt when I left the store and I wasn't charged for the $106.00 bag or the flipflops which were about $30. She is getting the bag for xmas, i gave her the flipflops for her bday in July. So love "GUESS"!!!! And Girls!!!! Don't be fighten with ya boy!!!! We have only 3 months to go here. Take Care.... Shoplifter!!!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by harv0136 Is this menu only for the strawberry package? Is there a different one for Mint Breeze? Thanks! I would like to know this too... as I will be doing Mint Breeze...
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by diamondpooch Palmeras grill is only with strawberry and above. Yes, u pick one salad one app one main and one desert. I just made my menu choices! That sux. My FI is a really picky eater.... I want the steak and lobster but he doesn't like seafood. Oh boy, I am dreading showing him the menu options.
  17. Reef's are the best! I wish I could wear those. I am too cheap to get my dressed hemmed so I had to buy heals. Wish me luck! lol
  18. Thanks Sandra!! Anyone know how it works? Do you pick one appy, one main course, one desert? Or can you have a couple that your guests can chose from?
  19. I think somewhere in the middle at this point would be floating in the Atlantic........ LMAO btw- just to update you girls... the FI has signed his passport application and I am popping it in the mail today! So need to snub me. I also got in touch with Ana last night and have started the process on our invitations. YAY
  20. Congrats on the weight loss! Your dress is stunning! I love it! My dress is way too big too and I am afraid of how much the alterations will cost...
  21. Definitely read through the other thread. Everything you need to know is there. Also... I saw you were on the Unofficial Barcelo Maya site as well. Check out the neverending photos thread... you'll see all the pictures of all the different set ups and locations your heart could desire!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by shellk you must get passport done.if not we will start to ignore you till its done lol LMAO!!! Don't ignore me please!!! I promise to have him sign the application tonight! Last week when I got back from buying my shoes.... I was saying to my friends, well, I've got my dress, my ring, my shoes, my passport... I said- ''well, I'm getting married... don't know about the FI!'' LOL I keep joking at this rate we'll have to Skype him in to his own wedding. I am hoping the flowers turn out pretty. Let me try to link up the picture that was my inspiration (although real flowers would have been nicer... and more $$$) ... k, just tried to link the picture and can't! It's a flash site... Anyway, if you are interested, go to my photographer's website: Flash Portfolio | Top Mexico Photographers | Mexico Destination Wedding Photographer Samuel Luna There is a picture of white chairs with gerbera daisies in the 'Truthful' portfolio. That's what I am trying to recreate. I picked orange and fuscia because my bridesmaid dresses are coral. That was too much information wasn't it? LOL For our invites we are going with Ana's bording pass invites: I haven't ordered them yet! Gotta drop Ana a line tonight to see if it can happen! LOL
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