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Everything posted by svetayasofiya

  1. lol Susie! I was actually searching back for your post! I wanted to tell you I finally found my Reef Fanning sandals in silver/white!!! All the sites I found were sold out of my size or you coudn't pay with a CAD credit card & wouldn't ship to Canada (which is ok because my friends dad lives in VT). Last night I was checking zappos.com (the US version) and they carry them but were sold out of my size, but I entered my email to have them notify me when they were in stock and they already did this morning!! Problem is I have to ship them to them to VT but at least I could pay with a CAD credit card. I don't need them for a couple months anyway. So excited!! Only $45 USD too which I think is a good deal. Damn, I have spent so much $$$ on summer clothes for this trip, lol, I am going to be set for years. Now my feet are going to be so comfortable in the Mexican sun.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by olsontco Hi girls! The wedding was fabulous. I wanted to definitely get back on here and let you guys know that Samuel was fantastic to work with. I, of course, have not seen the photos yet... but, as far as working with him he is absolutely wonderful. My family could not say enough about him. So, if you are thinking about it... BOOK HIM! I can't wait to share my photos with y'all. He let me know that he will have a slideshow available soon for me to share. Let me know what questions you have! teri Oh that is so exciting! YAY I can't wait!! I'll bet your pictures are amazing. His portfolio is fantastic. It's so important to work with someone nice, and that's just the feeling I got from him. Thanks for reporting in right away and congrats on your wedding!!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by shellk you are the funny one out of us obviously lol.can i as your real name?when posting to several on 1 thread i can never remember how to spell your user name. LOL shell! I was searching back in the old posts for something and found this! Sorry I overlooked it before. My name is Christina. You guys can call me Chris.
  4. I have enough airmiles to fly to Chicago or NYC................... Vegas is a possibility if I could snag last minute deals. How about Montreal?? Oooh, how exotic... French Canada. haha
  5. We are having our honeymoon at the same place. Just couldn't afford to switch and I was a littled worried that if we switched we wouldn't like the second place as much. lol *It happened to my parents last February. Plus by booking as a group and staying the two weeks there we saved a TON of money. Anyway... a good chunk of my family (12 ppl) are staying for two weeks and my FI's mom and sister are too. At first I wasn't happy because it's our honeymoon, but now I am kind of looking forward to it, because I live very far away from my family and see them only once a year at best and some of them once every couple years. We are all very close so I think it will be a lot of fun. Plus its a family vacay for them as well and won't want to spend all their time with us. We are a pretty respectful family. Of all the people who are staying behind, none of them are the types to interfere. Plus that 2nd week, I am sure my FI and I will be off doing excursions and stuff. Plus we have been together for 5 1/2 years... and have lived together for the last 3... I don't think we need 2 full weeks alone, LOL
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by hat0112 Well, I called the bridal store yesterday and spoke with the manager and she will let me exchange my dress for equal or great value! I am so happy. I have been thinking about that ivory dress since Friday when I tried it on. I just felt wonderful in it. The dress we bought is absolutely gorgeous and it did fit me perfectly, but I can’t stop thinking about how great I felt in the ivory. My mom actually had a dream about me and I was wearing the ivory dress, not the dress we bought! So I have an appointment on Saturday and I am going to get the other dress. The ivory dress costs about $200 less but there are always accessories! I will post pictures this weekend of THE dress! Thank you everyone for your support!!! I <3 BDW! Sounds like a good plan! Can't wait to see pictures of the other dress.
  7. Oh SusieQ..... you got a handleful of trouble with that girl! lol What can I say? She is being a typical 15 yr old girl. Is your FI going to ground her? What kind of consequences do you punish her with that kind of behaviour? Sorry you have to deal with this, but she'll grow out of it in a couple years.
  8. Vdaybride we posted at the same time! haha I am in agreement re. a Feb brides meet up! Any excuse for me to head down to NYC.
  9. Happy Monday everyone! Woke up to our first dusting of snow... I thought I was ready but when I looked outside and saw the white... I was like 'oh crap'. LOL Had a busy weekend spackling, sanding, painting, cleaning and doing laundry. Aren't I a barrel of laughs! 2 1/2 weeks before I go home for the holidays... so much to do. I'd like to actually relax some and enjoy the season. Not going to happen. I have put off going in for my dress fitting until January. I was going to go before Christmas but I feel it will put too much pressure on me. Plus I haven't dropped those 5 lbs I so want to get rid of to be the perfect me that I want to be. Am I leaving it too late? Any thoughts? *on the dress alterations, not the last minute pounds shedding, lol SusieQ you are looking smokin in your new pic. Shell I have NO idea how you are going to do this photoshoot! Kudos to you! I'd be so afraid that album would make it into the wrong hands... Vdaybride and FutureMsMoulton glad to hear you guys had fun shopping! I don't think there is a better place on earth to go shopping. Can't wait to see pics!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Another funny wedding story-- I am sitting here talking to this cute guy on the plane small talk then I go off about my wedding and how I am getting married and stuff and he is listening and telling me thats cool so I go what do you do? He said well I'm an actor and I said "should i know you?" he said probably not I am on the soap opera one life to live and I was on general hospital before that... I didn't have a clue who he was-- so poor Scott Clifton the Soap Opera star got to hear all about my wedding!! hehehehe I think I have gone wedding crazy here! MY MY GOD!!!! YOU hung out with Dylan Quartermaine?!?!? THAT IS SOOOO COOL! Mind you he is a little boy, LOL BUT VERY COOL!!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ You are too cute chic!!!!!! what is motm Mother of Total Mentalcase... lol Member of the month! I gotta google Scott Clifton...... GH used to be my every day addiction! lol
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by shellk oh where erica should she not be back? yeah! Where is Erica? btw shell, I am so jealous you are drinking wine right now and waiting on a calzone. I am still at work... then I have to push through a work out at the gym, before I can put my hands on a juicy burger and beer! TGIF
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by italigirl This is such an AMAZING idea!!! I never would've thought of that. Where are you getting the maracas from? Well I was considering ordering some online before I go and bringing them with me... but truthfully, I don't want to deal with customs... so I think I am going to just buy them when I get there. I know that my resort's gift shop sells them for like $3 each... *which is more than I want to spend... or I can go into Playa Del Carmen one day and buy them there for really cheap. That might stress me out though... so maybe I should pre-buy them. I really haven't decided yet! LOL I think these are real cute and really reasonable: Amols' Specialty - Catalog - Traditional Maracas
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by onelove79 My vision: Me and my guy fly in on Wednesday morning, get ready....etc etc... have a welcome happy hour Thursday evening, or perhaps a beach side bbq or something to celebrate our guests arrivals. Perhaps a friday evening wedding. Then a Saturday celebration with our famalies and closest friends, with some sort of Puerto Rico unique activity with our guests in mind. We want to be good hosts, and experience something new and fun with the people that mean the most to us! What do you all think? Thanks in advance! I think your plan sounds perfect!
  15. I bought them fake (yikes!) Tiffany starfish necklaces. *Can't afford the real ones. Anyways, you can't tell the difference, still sterling silver... I'll certainly tell them they are fake, LOL I don't know what else. I really don't have a lot of money and we are paying for the wedding ourselves, but I don't want to be cheap. I also don't want to spend a bunch of $$ on crap none of them will want. I'd like to be able to get them a spa service of their choice (manicure, pedicure, hair or makeup) the day of... but I just don't think I can afford that. And it's not really a gift that keeps on giving. I hate throwing away money on something that lasts a day...
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by carly If it was me, I'd take the hit. But if I was him, I would've offered to pay for it. Can't you return it? I completely second this notion.
  17. We all arrive on a Saturday... (with the exception of one city landing on the Sunday)... wedding Thursday, so Monday night after we meet with the WC and organize everything I am having a non-formal 'Welcome Dinner' at one of the buffets so everyone can meet eachother and we can let everyone know the schedule and location of the wedding. Other than that... I want to organise an optional excursion to Chichen Itza on the Tuesday, because so many of us want to go and I thought it would be fun to fill a bus. I am certainly not paying for anyone, just organizing it so we can all go together for those who want... I don't know yet about a Rehearsal Dinner... If I plan too many things where people need to be somewhere at a given time I get stressed out (because my FI's family is never on time)... so I am trying to avoid too much of this. I want to relax and go with the flow. That being said, if we do a Rehearsal Dinner it will be just with our parents and siblings (which is already 11 people out of our 40 guests). I don't to overdo the formal get togethers.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by swankster77 Thanks so much for all the suggestions!! I had pretty much decided to ask her to stand up when I thought of a much more special job for her that actually would have more meaning to me personally. I'm going to have her read our sand ceremony prayer/reading. She is a very sentimental person and I think this is the perfect solution. As for the last minute groomsmen... it's sounding more and more like he won't be able to make it anyway but if he does... you are all right... it doesn't have to be even. Thanks again ladies! I think that is the perfect solution! ... and just to play devil's advocate... lol I personally agree with your previous stress over having matching sides. I am totally OCD. Everything needs to be even and add up, LOL But I realize in the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter. It would just really bug me.
  19. I didn't even get a chance to ask them, lol They live in TO and I in Mtl and a couple weeks after I got engaged I had a planned visit to see them so waited to announce my engagement then. They were all excited about our engagement, and then made comments like- ''don't make us wear anything pouffy!'' haha. So yeah, it was assumed. But I was gonna pick them anyway.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by futuremrsgoodrich what a great website1 Thanks for sharing! Glad to be of help! (sorry... I was just dying to use that smilie! lol)
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by shellk thankyou i think i get the jist of it.you not answered me bout hen night? its cold here shell I did! I was the one who said do what you want and your friends will follow For mine we spent the day at the spa and my best friend hate sthat stuff but she did it for me and had a good time! Quote: Originally Posted by jammies1234 Another February bride here girls....I share February 2 with Susie Q. This is 2nd marriage for us. We are getting married at 5:30 PM on the beach at Grand Cozumel. Now here's my question, even tho my hunney and I were actually in Cozumel at this same time last year, I cannot for the life of me remember when the sun started setting I would like about 1/2 hr after ceremony for pictures....will a 5:30 start be too late? I see you are from Ontario Susie Q, me too, where are you departing from and when, maybe we will be at the same airport? we are leaving Jan. 31 from Toronto. Looking forward to a few more chats before the big day !!!! Welcome! Now to answer your question... I personally think 5:30pm is way too late. It all depends how dark you want your ceremony to be. My ceremony is at 4pm two weeks later and I am worried that that is too late. On my day, the 18th, the sun is scheduled to set at 5:50pm. Keep in mind that's full down, no more sun so it will start to get dark 20 min. earlier, with full blackness by 6:10pm. On your day it says the sun will set at 5:40pm... if your ceremony is ten minutes late... you'll be getting married in the dark. Girls, check out this site, it's super helpful: Wedding Planner - Wedding Planning Tools and Tips, Wedding Sunset Calculator
  22. Maybe you'll be so stressed about crying that you won't actually be able to cry? lol I am totally going to lose it. My whole family will, my FI will, it will be a big crying fest! haha Just go with the flow, and your photographer will do touch ups if need be! My worry is having my toast! Many types of alcohol give me those beautiful red splotches you speak of. How crappy is that to be afraid of your own champagne toast on the beach? lol I'd rather be blotchy from crying than looking like an alcoholic...
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by shellk sve - well said my friend lol please please all of you forgive me but i have never totally understood thanksgiving.which one of you is going to explain it to me.no wonder you lot are on here i just remembered you have not work today/tomorrow jetsbride has finally done her review.my mind is at rest Well I am Canadian and we actually celebrate Thanksgiving in October... but for our American friends it is today. It has something to do with the pilgrims coming over from Europe and settling at Plymouth Rock, Mass. (I have been there LOL) and having a big meal with the local Natives? LMAO. Ok, maybe an American should tell the story because I am clearly talking out of my haha There was a boat called the Mayflower, pilgrims, a rock (which isn't very big) and Pocahontas! Essentially, it's time with your family to eat turkey and be thankful for all that you have!
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