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Everything posted by svetayasofiya

  1. Well when you say immediate family I hope it's your parents you are accomodating, because IMO them and siblings are the only ones worth accomodating for. I changed my date to a month later after my parents complained it was too close after Christmas... then the new date pissed off my aunt because they are all in BC and it's the exact two weeks of the Vancouver Olympics... there is no pleasing everyone. They have to make the sacrifice for you, not the other way around. And don't get me wrong, I am VERY close with my family, but I just refuse to put my life on hold for other people's plans. I say be more selfish.
  2. I don't think Erica is ever coming back. It'll take her until February just to catch up on all the endless pages of craziness she has missed. Guys, we had our Christmas party last night. I am really hung over.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ OK chrissy.... what is with the little stripper funny Is that you too lol I have be DYING to use that smilie! haha
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ Ok Tricia... that little thingy is scarey... I am sure she is photo shopped so much her own mother would know her... there is a whole lotta waistline there... I am sure the Itty Bitty Bikini will look amazing on you. What are you talking about Susie? that picture I attached was not a model, that was me modeling the suit for you all.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by krista.baird Hi Ladies! I really wish I was a February bride, because your thread is so much fun! I've just finished reading a bunch of the posts, (sorry I'm stalking lol), but it's so much fun! I hope you are all getting excited for your upcoming weddings! I know I'm at the 6 month mark exactly today and it's giving me shivers to think of how fast the time goes by! It's nice to "e-meet" all of you! awww you're so cute! I say join in any time! We're all pretty crazy here. Congrats on your upcoming wedding!!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Tricia- I hope it all works out for you and she will be able to help you... shes always done such a good job with hair!! Now I am off to the Victoria's Secret site! Susie- want me to send you my fiance's super classy "Save a tree- eat a beaver" shirt for your event tonight to wear?? lol oh man that's so wrong but I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! LMAO
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by shellk chris this is just or you but send one back for me i need it awww thanks!! right back at ya! Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Unfortunatly all I have in the house is rice crispies and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches so I am hoping the plow guy comes soon so I can go to the store! I should mention that I do have beer and its starting to look tempting! Do it! and have one for me too because we are snowed in and I am stuck at work. *Here's to hoping everyone leaves work early so by the time I hit the road it will be smooth sailing...
  8. Woke up with a cold because I am surrounded by diseased people at work. ... and we are in the middle of a massive snow storm so if last year is any indication it's going to take me 3.5 hrs to get home tonight. I am going to need some serious hugs. :
  9. Timberly: LOVE the 'Welcome Letter/Brochure' you created. It's awesome! I did notice some errors though re. the times... YOu might want to dble check that because right now you are telling people to get to the ceremony site at 3:45pm but the wedding is at 14:00. Also you are not toasting until 4pm... etc... you get the drift! LOL Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Shells-- My door is always open as long as you can deal with my FI eating chips and wiping his fingers on his socks because he forgot his napkin or calling out tonight can you grab the gun so i can shoot the cats (he carries around a nerf gun to shoot at them when they are being naughty)... I mean just a normal day in the Moulton household here! lol I had to comment on this!!! HAHA because.... *drumroll please* I DO this. I think the socks are just an extension of what we used to do as children- wipe our hands on our pants. lol Plus my socks are usually black, so if there isn't a napkin around... next best thing! xo
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by shellk ...i have drove home from work tonight feeling bit sad cause fi working away all week seeing all of the xmas lights in windows then pulled up outside my dark empty house.feeling sorry for me yet?i aint even got a stroppy step daughter to come home to. I know how you feel! My FI has been working so much lately. Late Friday... Saturday afternoon, all day Sunday and now he just called saying he'll be late again! I did all the decorating yesterday by myself *not that I would have let him, but I miss him! and I am going home for Christmas on the 19th for ten days so I need some alone time with him like NOW. lol His company is really great and he gets paid overtime and stuff, but I am starting to get pissed off because he hasn't had on day off since April and they keep working him to the bone.
  11. Oooh! kristaheer I love your shoes!! Anyway... re. the OOT bags, I hope no one thinks I am being cheap but I just can't afford that. Even by trying to be on the cheaper side $15-$20 a bag... with 40 people coming! That's $600-$800!! Nope, no way, no how. I'll show everyone my appreciation with a big juicy kiss and hug, LOL
  12. Am I the only one not doing OOT bags? Where did this whole tradition start? I am very confused regarding this...
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by vdaybride QUESTION LADIES.... I think I counted more than 8 ladies on this thread. Why are there only 8 votes between our girls Shellk and SusieQ on the MOTM B2B poll Let's Barock the vote for our girls... We need to score a victory!!!!!!! Now stop reading this and find the thread and vote. I voted last week! but no one responded to tell me what B2B means? Might I add too that I really resented having to choose bw Shell and Susie. Quote: Originally Posted by shellk when i get some pics i will let you know.something funny was photographer and my friend had to keep telling me to close my legs lol. I know I am late on this comment but....... LMAO!!!! Quote: Originally Posted by shellk its a bit weird on the erica front.does anyone have her email address? I am sure she is just living her life... and having a life LOL, but I admit I am starting to get a little worried... Quote: Originally Posted by Raykel ....I will post a few photos, but since the FI HATES having his photo taken, he won't be in many. I think that is the part of the wedding he is dreading...the photos. Tell me about it! My FI is the same. He actually stormed out of a restaurant this summer when my parents were visiting because my mom was taking too many pictures, LOL Sounds nasty, but we all laughed at it after and my mom's only reaction was '' boy or boy are you ever going to have trouble on your wedding day.'' lol Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Most of the brides haven't liked the free bouquet and have upgraded to the expensive ones-- I know the wedding I attended there the bride did and I thought the expensive one was pretty ugly! Hmmm.... I better start communicating with my WC, as I don't want any surprises, but from what I hear we have more than one 'free' bouquet to chose from. I hope they are nice. I mean... I am paying like $3k + to get married there, the least they can do is offer me a decent bouquet. The BM's bouquets are not included but they are only like $25 I believe. Quote: Originally Posted by futuremrsgoodrich We also start dance lessons this week. We dont know what song for though- thats a whole nother story. What are you guys' first dance songs- do you know yet? My FI and I are planning a joke... *planning being the key word. Now wether we actually go through with it is another story... but one night a couple weeks ago we were just hanging out drinking wine and being silly dancing around (which we do often) and came up with this plan to 'rock the reception' if you will... We are going to start out with this really cheesy drippy love song (Celine Dion), which will make everyone think wtf? and so fitting too since we are from Quebec! HAHA and then after about a minute it will break out into this awesome version of ''I wanna hold your hand'' by the Beatles but sung by Al Green, so it's real funky and soulful and we'll do some groove to that... LOL we'll see. It should get a real laugh anyway and it's totally something that my FI and I do all the time. (dance around silly)... Anyways... better get to work guys!!! And may I 5th or 6th the fact that Vday bride is a total sweetheart to go shopping for Susie like that!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by TonyandTricia Sooo...dumb questions maybe, but have any of you thought about swimsuit lines that you may get in the days before your wedding? Just putting on the SPF 100? or have some good make up to cover up the strap marks?? I'm going to try to minimize my redness, but I'm not avoiding the sun since we're gonna be at the beach! Not a dumb question at all! I have bought a 'bandeau' style bikini for those days before the wedding. I HATE tan lines and think they look so tacky. I don't want to look back on my wedding pictures for years to come and see white straps on my skin, LOL That being said... we can be careful but apart from walking around naked it'll be hard to avoid 100%. Makeup... picture touchups... are always possibilities. I am worried about my FI. He is really white and doesn't tan well, so I am going to be slathering him up with 50 sun block so his face doesn't look like a lobster the day of our wedding. This is the bikini I bought: *too bad I dont look like that in it though... Victoria's Secret has some amazing new bikinis in their 2010 line...
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Ladies we have 2 of our girls up for votes for Member of the Month go vote!! How am I supposed to choose bw SusieQ and Shell? Btw- what's the difference between MOTM and B2B MOTH
  16. How far in advance did you plan your wedding? Just curious if all these pregnancies came as surprises after planning / booking was done. In any event, like the others said... there is always going to be something preventing someone you love from coming. That's the name of the game with DW's and you have to be able to accept that. I have had dissapointments along the road planning my wedding and the fact is while our guests are genuinely happy to be coming it's not something they think about 24/7 like us. For most, I really think it is just a good excuse for a vacation. Try to think about how darn excited they must be starting a family, or adding on to an existing family. Be happy for you and be happy for them. I don't think any of us really has the right to be upset that someone got pregnant. I can't wait to get pregnant and I am certainly not going to be thinking about other peoples plans/schedules when the time is right for my FH and I.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by shellk f well hard week at work this week.got all of my stuff in the boot for tomorrow and been in the bath and shaved everywhere i think i lost the last 10lb lol.was funny when i said im going in bath sweetie he said you shaving are you hehe.i shower until times like this.my invites are all printed just need to out them together over weekend.wish me luck for tomorrow.please let me know if you see me in a porn mag lol. have a good weekend ladies you are hilarious! haha Enjoy your boudoir shoot! You'll be fabulous...
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by TonyandTricia We decided not to tell anyone. We will probably just go to the court house in January. We alluded to the idea to one parent and they made a comment about how Mexico wouldn't be our "real wedding" so decided not to tell anyone (except my dad) and keep it to ourselves. I'm still waiting for my WC to contact me... I guess I was expecting an email exactly 3 months before, but still no word... See, that's what I would be afraid of! but not from other people, but from myself, lol *I am strange... Anyways, I looked into it today to see if I could save us money by getting married here first, and it still costs $300 so I am just going to stick with the plan. It's funny... I think I am the only bride who doesn't like hearing from my WC. haha She emailed me in early August with all the registration stuff for the legal side of things. It took me 2 months to email her back! Then she emailed me early November (a couple weeks after my reply) with more spreadsheets to fill out re. flowers, food etc... and it took me 3 weeks to email her back. I don't know. I kind of want to just deal with it all the day we meet in Mexico. I hate all this emailing back and forth. I suppose it stresses me out. Maybe I am in denial that I am getting married!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by shellk i didnt get them from there in the end i haggled with an ebay seller and because i got 20prs they gave me a better price.total cost was £75.the girl who got them from amol on here though was really happy with hers. they would fit in a small case and they weigh around 3kgs so you would be ok.have you tried ebay?i understand what you mean about wanting things sorted. im doing the same as vdaybride im aiming to have everything sorted by end of xmas hols.we need to enjoy january. Agreed! Thanks shell... I actually spke to the bride who bought them and she is of the same mind set- why run around down there when you can be drinking margaritas poolside? lol I'll check out ebay. If no luck I'll order through them.
  20. I guess everyone slept the day away from staying up too late last night.... I am lonely!!! I've had to actually work at work today.
  21. What can I say that others haven't already so eloquently said? Big cyber hugs to you. I think the most important thing to focus on at this time is that your dad is somewhere safe, where he can get better so he can share many more important moments with you in the future. Because there will be many more moments. I know a wedding is a big deal between a daughter and father, but there are other ways you can share this moment later. Have someone videotape the day and when you get back, have a special dinner with your dad and you guys can watch the tape and have your dance then. (((hugs)))) Try to be happy!
  22. You crazy night owls! Is anyone awake? lol Seems like I am the only one actually getting married on my wedding day. jK We thought about doing the legal stuff beforehand, but weren't comfortable with it. Who all knows? Does any of your family know? It's probably the smartest way. I am not looking forward to that Mexican needle, LOL
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by shellk hi ladies, chris - i will reply to you more now i hav,nt got to keep spelling your name lol. my maracas have come today they are great.another thing off list. Awesome! btw- the maracas... you ordered them through Amol's Specialty? How is the quality? I am thinking of ordering through there because I don't want to be running around last minute while in Mexico (I need them for the reception). Also, I need like 40... do you think those would fit in a small carry on suitcase? Can you take a picture of them? Please please pleeeease!!!
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