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Everything posted by svetayasofiya

  1. k, guys... so far we have it narrowed down to this: 1st song: "Stand By Me" Ben E. King, "This Years Love" David Gray or possibly "The Blowers Daughter" Damien Rice Any suggestions for a father/daughter dance, or mother/son dance? I am pretty sure (if she can accept the challenge) we are going to have my MOH sing "At Last" by Etta James, and much like you Erica it has significance seeing as though we have been together for 5 1/2 years.
  2. Hey girls! Hope everyone had a good weekend! Susie- congrats!!! LOVED the story too. I can see you glowing all the way from Montreal. Krista- sorry to hear about your grandma. With celebration and good there always is going to be a bit of bad. Don't let it stop you from being happy. I doubt your grandma would want that. You look beautiful in your dress! btw, Love the silver details. Erica- another beautiful bride!! very elegant, good choice! Hi China!!! congrats on the weight loss! doesn't it make you feel so proud? Funny how all our dresses are so different. I love it!! Timberly- you are just the cutest little thing! you must weigh like 90 lbs, lol Thx for sharing the pics from your shower. Looked really nice. Raykel- hope you have gotten your computer all sorted. *Runs to go back up all her files... Teneil- LMAO at attempting a sexy look! I had a hard time just posing with my dress on for you gals. I can't imagine a BD shoot! haha Like shells says- he isn<t going to be looking at your face. haha Krista.H.July2010.stalker.bride- LOVE the clutches! I may just order one myself. I haven't really planned on a purse... all I'll need is lipstick I guess and my room key... maybe a camera? is it weird to take pics on your own wedding day? Shells- what's a holiday jab? So..................... I am not feeling so good today. Might be fighting something off. Better now than in three weeks I say! could be a good thing actually. Toughen up my immune system. Last night my MOH called and had all these questions for the wedding. It was super cute. Anyway, so she is a performer. Triple threat actually! and she asked if we wanted her to sing at our wedding. It hadn't even crossed my mind, but we talked about it and the FI and I think it would be really nice. What do you guys think? Now... when would be appropriate? During the ceremony after the vows before or during signing? Or during the reception? Last night my FI and I were trying to find our first dance song. It's soooo hard!!!! i want to pick something that has meaning to me, but all my favourite artists slow songs are dark and depressing! We were at first going to do something fun, but I had a dream about that a couple weeks ago and it was a total disaster, so I just want to dance to a regular song. So now I have to think of two songs... one for our first dance and one for my friend to sing. I haven't decided yet if I am doing a father/daughter dance. Better ask my dad. Opinions, suggestions, ideas. All wanted. Also, I need a necklace. Not loving the 1992 prom # I had on during my fitting. There is something about it that just annoys me... now I have no idea what I am going to do. AHHHHHHH This is me>
  3. I am having a tough time with the jewelery. What do you think of the necklace? I am not loving it... be honest eh? I wore it at my prom in 1992. LOL
  4. Ok guys... here it is! I hope this isn't bad luck... *holy sharing pictures of me in a wedding dress with the world. lol This is without a flash... This is with a flash (better quality, but makes the dress shiny! lol) And this is me just showing off my shoes......... I have to say... I am really happy with my dress and very pleased with how much all the working out has done! So great to finally see results. Huge change from when I tried the dress on in October. I felt so hippy, lol
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by TonyandTricia Aww..sorry to hear that you are having a bad day. We ALL have them believe me. My FI was driving me crazy yesterday too, but it will all work out. You should go to the fitting to get away. I'm sure putting on that dress will brighten your day. Also, I know I'm biased, but you should just try to tell him that he should at least go get a check up to make sure there are no big cavities that could act up while you are in Mexico. It always happens at the most inconvenient times. And I've seen Mexico dental work...it ain't pretty. Does he have fears of the dentist...kind of sounds that way to me... I don't know if it's a fear or just dislike. Whatever. Either way grow up. My dad is a dentist so good oral health is really important to me. The first thing I notice when I meet people is teeth! lol And my FI has really nice teeth. But they won't stay nice if he doesn't take care of them. Up until now he has not had a cavity and he thinks nothing is wrong because he has no pain or discomfort. It's like talking to a brick wall really.
  6. I am so pissed at my FI today. He missed his dental appt. this morning because he got a call from work. It's always work! He drops everything for work! It pisses me off so bad because he knows how much I wanted him to go. He hasn't been in over a decade! That is disgusting! Plus with our wedding coming up in 5 weeks I wanted him to have nice shiny teeth but he doesn't give a f*ck. You should have seen how grumpy he was this morning when I reminded him of his appt. and of course I get the brunt of it always. He is a big friggin child who throws a tantrum when he has to do something he doesn't want to do... or better yet! he just doesn't do it. How mature. Today is my dress fitting and I am so angry at him I don't even want to go. I am just so angry because I just can't count on him for anything sometimes. Adding kids to the mix will be disaster.
  7. I prefer the 2nd one also. You have a great figure so you should show it off in something more form fitting. I like the conture (sp?) of the 3rd one, but the halter just seems too old for you. There is something old fashioned about that dress. I bet that's the one your parents liked? You are a very pretty girl.
  8. No I don't have anything to ship. I have a few things to bring down but it'll fit in a carry on. I didn't do OOT bags or anything. You know, re. the multiple weddings thing... I wouldn't worry. I think we forget what experts they are down there, lol. Maybe it's the LACK OF COMMUNICATION!!! haha Anyway, there certainly won't be other ceremony's at the same time as us, so nothing to worry about there. And a party's a party. It's not like we exclusively have the resort to ourselves. I shouldn't have said anything... I didn't want to give you something to worry about! SORRY!!!!
  9. This is just the first of many ups and downs you are going to have re. your DW. Don't let it get to you because there is no point. People are going to behave the way they want and it sucks, it's hurtful, it's selfish but you can't change it. Just plan your dream wedding and the most important people will be there to celebrate with you. We have all been through this so we totally get it. That's why this site is so awesome. The support is unbelievable. Like water off a ducks back! The haters are all just jealous.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by marak Take photos of yourself in both dresses. Post em' here. We'll tell ya what we think! Really though, I find a photograph is a great deciding factor. It's like hearing yourself on the answering machine. Yes, that IS what you really sound like and Yes, that IS what you really look like! Some dresses look great in person, but do not photograph well and some ermmm....look great in the store and that's about it. If you still like your initial favorite after seeing the photos, go with it. Awesome advice!
  11. Hey Breens, if I get the spa list before you I'll send it on and vice versa k? I know someone else who is getting married at the Barcelo on the 19th... I know they can do up to 6 is it? weddings a day... but how would they handle more than one beach reception a night? Wouldn't the noises and music carry? Not trying to stress you out, just curious. I wish I wasn't so cheap and went for the outdoor reception, but I am such a stress case, I think I would worry too much about the weather, LOL I can't wait to start the February 2010 Brides - Baby making thread!!! Oh and Breens- you definitely need to have some champagne to celebrate. I am having a hard time not drinking during the week ( not that I am an alcoholic or anything ) but I am trying to watch the calories and I really miss my wine. Especially after the holidays. Does it make that much of a difference? I mean, in a few short months (or sooner) I am not going to be able to drink at all. I want my fair share now. shell, I might have waited until after the wedding too... but the problem is my entire family will be there and none have them have ever known that I ever smoked a cigarette in my life! I just hope my BM's don't out me! In November my girlfriends staged this big surprise shower for me (I already mentioned this months ago)... at the restaurant right after the surprise, my girlfriend from here (and past smoker partner in crime) said to me- ''betcha wish you could have a cigarette now!!!'' (I was originally supposed to quit that weekend). Well... my three BM's who had driven in from TO to surprise me thought I quit YEARS ago... I gave her this look of death, like wtf are you doing?!? She 's like what your parents aren't here or anything.... totally outting me but not realizing it.
  12. Krista- Swarovski! I wanted that exact set... not in my budget though. You'll beautiful! Very modern, that's why I loved it. Brooke- I have been working out 4x a week for a couple months now. Spinning 3x and weights once a week. Now I have added a 2nd weight session before my Tues. spinning class. For me my drive is more getting super fit baby ready so I don't get all fat, LOL but to look extra good on the beach would be nice too, although I don't have that kind of body. You manage with what you have! Shell- that's really sweet of your friends to do that for you! hey, on another note, those maracas you ordered... do you think I left them too late or do you think they'll deliver in 4 weeks or less? Breens- I am getting married at the Barcelo Maya Beach the day before you! I think we've chatted before on one of the Barcelo threads. I hadn't heard from Gabriela in months so sent her an email the other day and she got back to me this morning. I am desperate to find out about flower choices because I have a certain vision in mind. Are you doing the beach reception? We are doing the banquet room. Cheaper and I have a thing about eating outside, LOL Erica- pearly whites indeed! My dad is a dentist and hooked me up with a whitening kit. I haven't done it in a few years so nows the time. I remember this stuff does make your teeth sensitive while it's on and I got shooting nerve ending pain for a bit. The things we do for beauty! I was waiting to quit smoking before I re-bleached and guys... I have been smoke free for 3.5 weeks!!!! YAYAY
  13. That's awful news. She is a strong 18 year old, I am sure she'll pull through. Sorry your family has to go through this.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by krista.baird Hey girls - I totally know what you mean about nightmares, I haven't started having too many yet, but it's only a matter of time. I did have one a little while back where I suddenly realized that I only had 30 minutes to get ready for the wedding - it was like I forgot it was my wedding day! AS IF! I always have nightmares around important events, and they usually have the "theme" of not having enough time, or somehow forgetting about important times/events, etc. It's so strange how that happens! I'd be thrilled if you guys came to Mexico to meet up!!! I'm getting married on July 10 at Dreams Tulum. As for ering and wedding band, I will be putting my ering on my right hand, I would keep it on the left, but my ering and wedding ring are uniquely shaped, so they only fit together one direction, so kinda have to. Erica those flowers are gorgeous! I can't wait to order my own silk flower bouquet! Prego - not right away, as Sean and I will still be grad students and have 1 year plus of graduate studies left! In the next 2-3 years for sure. There is five years between us, so he's more anxious than me - he's 32 now. I'd like to have my first before 30, but we'll have to see what happens! As for the swelling ladies, I'm sorry to hear that. My FI has the same problem. Just remember to drink lots and lots of water, hopefully that will help to keep the water retention to a minimum and flush out the excess sodium. My concern is chub rub...lol....I get really bad heat rash between my legs when they rub together, I know too much info...lol! Sue that's an awesome sand picture! Timberly Love the centerpieces - they are so romantic and elegant looking! Very vday! Sofiya - take those shoes off girl and let your feet enjoy the sand!! That's my plan! I have had a few nightmares already. One about timing... it was awful. I had another one recently about the reception. Everyone got up and left during our first song or were ignoring us like they were bored. The WC was awol and the servers were just serving whatever they wanted... LMAO at CHUB RUB!!! I love that term!!! Quote: Originally Posted by FutureMsMoulton Erica Love the Flowers! We are throwing out the BC on the wedding night. We say whatever happens, happens! If we aren't prego in the first 6 months then we will go on a honeymoon on a Mediterrian Cruise, if we are prego then we will stay home and get ready for the baby. No worries or stress either way then! Start taking your folic acid! I just started on Friday. I have been off the pill for over a year now. We threw away the other kind of birth control last September... *bad I know. We are careful in other ways and I usually avoid him when I am ovulating, LOL although that's usually when I am in heat. HAHA
  15. Well that sucks. It would piss me off, but you know, you probably had more fun without them there had they come. You know? If this is how they are behaving now, the wedding might have been a disaster with them there. I suppose consider yourself lucky.
  16. I didn't understand that post at all... *sorry So essentially, you wedding came and went, and now a bunch of people who said no for your wedding are now wanting to go because they saw your pictures and said it looked fun?
  17. You guys are all worried about your fingers swelling, me it's my feet! I had a hell of a time finding strappy sandals that would match my dress and not cut into my feet half way through the night. Give me a drink and with the heat and humidity... I am sure I'll be barefoot before dinner. :s
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Meyer2010 So another question.... How many of you are going to be trying to get prego right away? ~ Erica So far that's our plan! I am 35 so tick-tock. Plus we have been together for 5 1/2 years so no reason to wait. The whole thing totally freaks me out.
  19. Guys I am exhausted. Just sat down for the first time since noon! I must have done like 5 loads of laundry (and I still have one more yet)... put away all the Christmas decorations. Thoroughly cleaned and vacuumed the house. Went grocery shopping. Came home, ironed and hemmed drapes for the living room. Thankfully my FI made me dinner. Going down to the basement now to watch a movie. Have a nice evening ladies. Btw- for ceremony music we are just doing whatever the resort is offering. We will have a live keyboardist and violinist I think. After we sign and during the toast on the beach I would like to have an instrumental version of Coldplay's Viva la Vida... just don't know if that is too cheesy... we'll have to see.
  20. Oh and all my decorations are put away except for the tree which is what I am working on now. *Skipped the gym for this gals. I'll be sure to do some squats while removing the decorations from the tree, lol
  21. My belly ring fell out this summer. My FI was sad but I was relieved. I had had it for 15 years ( I am 35 ). It was time to let go. I actually fell sexier without it... shhh, don't tell your friend Susie! Actually I think what makes one feel sexy is just that it's something different. For me, it was new not having it, for your friend it's new having it.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by shellk raykel,you obviously have one big diamond that is reflecting the flash soo much lol. what some of you have,nt taken down their decs?get them down 2day Guilty as charged! I plan to today... btu it's already 10am, and I have to go grocery shopping and go to the gym... lol my tree may still be up when we leave!
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