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Everything posted by svetayasofiya

  1. My BM's are out of town and I haven't been able to share anything with them, not that they ask!! I say thank god for this forum!!!!
  2. Breathe..... it'll all work out. Marak's right. You have 6 months until your wedding. She'll book when she's ready and honestly, the price will go down. June is not high season for Mexico. Any chance they'll break up before then? *runs away.............
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by futuremrsgoodrich btw, Chris, I am JEALOUS!! 2 weeks!!! Let's just hope it doesn't end up in divorce! We have never been on vacation together! LOL After 4 days he'll be dying to go home, but he is so burnt out from work I am hoping he will enjoy being away. In any event there will be plenty of this
  4. Two weeks with no grocery shopping! no cooking! no cleaning! no laundry! no shoveling snow! no work! no cares!!!!
  5. Oh I see how it is now... you're all on Facebook and ignoring this site! Well I don't have access to Facebook at work so get your buts back here!!!!!!! haha Sounds like you girls had a busy weekend! I read through it all yesterday so I am not going to remember everything but congrats to all who celebrated their legal ceremony's this past week. I think Shells and I are the only ones who aren't officially married! Lol SusieQ... you are leaving us in two days!!! We are going to miss you!!! So exciting your friends surprised you with a shower and all those bottles of wine!!! I can't believe how many of you are doing BD shoots!!! I am thinking I should have done it if for any reason but to document my body before baby's wreck it, lol I am soooo stressed out about that and it's not like I am a VS model or anything. I think Shells wrote a few posts ago that we should all document now our departures and I think that is a good idea!! Departure date: Feb. 13th Wedding date: Feb. 18th Arrival date: Feb. 27th Happy Monday girls!
  6. Nice one Brooke!!! LMAO Susie- I totally know how you feel! I have been doing the same thing. Clients will call and somehow it will come up and I get on my little girl high-pitched voice 'I am getting marriiiiiied next month.' haha I am getting so giddy. I was saying to my FI last night that I am starting to get really excited about the wedding. And he says- just starting? I have been since the beginning. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight, LOL
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Billisa I do look back fondly but also glad it is over too. The best day and night by far was my wedding day. So that is all that matters, in the end! At the airport we ended up getting everyone on board. Sunquest (operated by SkyService) is INSANE. At one point, they told us that my SIL's baby was actually written down to sit with my FI...I'll never forget the look on her face when FI went over to her and said I have to board with your daughter, pass her over. LOL !!! That got straightened out too, but not before keeping us waiting on pins and needles for 30 minutes. O.M.I.G.O.D.......... dude, you have to admit, you have some pretty friggin funny stories that will keep you laughing for years. I was home over the holidays and expressing some of my 'concerns' with my dad, and you know what he said? 'whatever happens, it's all part of the experience...' and this is coming from someone who is pretty high strung, lol
  8. marak- that's a good idea! but may be difficult if they are planning on a legal ceremony with the three day Mexican rule.
  9. Sounds like things are coming together! YAYAYAY Mmmm a candy buffet, that sounds like fun!
  10. Oh and btw- I don't know what it is about the ROR but a co-worker of mine went in November and came back early because she was so miserable. She is also a pretty half is glass empty miserable person already but... still. She really didn't like the ROR.
  11. Well that sux plain and simple. I am pretty worried about the weather already, but it's not like I can control it. Once the dissapointment fades I hope you'll be able to look back on your wedding with happiness and fond memories. What ended up happening at the airport? I have never even heard of that before!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by krista.baird Unfortunately, my FI's dad has chosen not to come to our wedding, because he doesn't like to leave home, and so my FI has said to me that he doesn't want his mom to force his dad to come, because then his dad will be grumpy and ruin the party. If he doesn't want to come, we wont force him, but at the same time, we are not going to let that stop us from enjoying our time! That's not to say it's not hard to deal with, I know it is! Try to stay positive and enjoy as much as you can! Dude that sux Is he very old? It's funny but today would have been our original wedding date! *My mom made us change it, LOL I am curious- who are you all using as a photographer? I hired Samuel Luna and I am soooooooo excited!!!! Flash Portfolio | Top Mexico Photographers | Mexico Destination Wedding Photographer Samuel Luna Susie I don't know how you can work... I leave in three weeks and I just want to spend my days on here reading peoples reviews and looking at pictures. Guys, I am so excited my MOH (best friend) is going to sing at my wedding! It's such a nice last minute surprise... I think everyone will enjoy it. YAYAY
  13. You can't start changing your wedding date to accomodate others- family or not. There is no guarantee that she will even come if you move it to August. Sure right now everyone is saying oh I'll be there, I wouldn't miss it, but believe me, alot of people are all talk, and when it's time to take out the credit card... you'll have a lot of no shows. That being said, #1 rule of planning a DW- do what you want, when you want and where you want. You are never, ever going to please everyone. We changed our wedding date once, because my mom asked us too. We had originally planned for today actually, but moved it to Feb. 18th. Reason: my mom felt it was too close to Christmas vacation. Fair enough so we bumped it by three weeks. Then that pissed off an aunt and uncle because it meant missing the Olympics. It also meant another uncle couldn't come because he was working for a company that did a lot of structures for the Olympics and needed to be in Vanacouver... c'est la vie! You moving your wedding to August, would have been like me moving my wedding to April. It just wasn't going to happen. Stick to your guns. The sooner people see how serious you are, the sooner they will get on board (or not!). It's not about being selfish, but it's about you and your FI in the end, and you really truly have to do what you want and that is have a November wedding. good luck!!!!
  14. Congrats Teshy on your legal day!!! Brooke- wow babe! that is some racey stuff. It was hard to look at here at work (lol)... the thumbnails are too small but when you click on it you get a life size image of you!! haha I see it's on your wedding website... I hope your guests don't have access to that? Justin's gonna love it! Susie- dude do I know how you feel!! I seem to be surrounded by divorce, break ups and/or bitterness. There is this new lady at work... she has taken to having lunches with us, but I sooo try to avoid her now because all she talks about is her divorce. Sorry but I am getting married in four weeks, I don't need to sit and listen to that. A bunch of girls from work went out for drinks last Friday after work (I didn't go because I didn't want to miss the gym), anyway so I was asking my friend who is married who went how it was, and she responded with- what? you mean the lonely hearts club LOL We are not mean, but come on!! When you are happy and things are really good no one wants to be around all that negativity. I stear clear of these situations. I don't need any new friends, find another shoulder to go cry on. Ali, I love the idea of a panty shower! That's too bad they feel too uncomfortable to go. Don't let it bother you though, go and enjoy. Respect their decision to not go, if it makes them uncomfortable there is not much you can do about it... peoples feelings are so personal. Find another way to bond with his sister and don't let this get in the way. Some people are just so conservative. Today is four weeks until I say I DO!!! *off to peruse Brooke's website, LOL
  15. What did they do at Christmas? Just hide from everyone? I am sorry but what a psycho bitch. There is just no excuse for such behaviour unless you are certifiably crazy. Thank goodness for all the other babies around. Poor Amalie. She is going to grow up without all that love extended family can offer.
  16. lol, I am sorry but that is pretty funny. Don't worry about it. She should be at the bottom of your concerns. Just focus on all the family and awesome friends that will be there. Oh, and seat her at a table with your most annoying relative!!! lmao
  17. Wow that is awful. Just concentrate on getting better. I'll send positive thoughts your way. Your health is so much more important!! I hope for you you get both! A clean bill of health and your dream wedding.
  18. Sandra, was your JP a lady? and is she wearing white?!%"! *the nerve..... LOL
  19. We are only 40 people, so everyone was informed of the dress code verbally. If not by me directly, but through other family members. My family is generally pretty well dressed so I am not afraid, but I have had to mention to my Future In Laws that the resort does not allow shorts in their à la cartes so... pack appropriately. My MOH called the other day (she lives in another city) with a bunch of questions about the wedding and what her FI should wear. I flat out said no shorts. I said- nice khaki's or something... if he really wants to wear shorts go for it, but he'll look stupid. It is a wedding after all. It may be on the beach but it's pretty traditional in every other way.... *said with a smile!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by SusieQ No Way Baby.... I can feel the sunshine already... 7 more sleeps and I am on that plane.... One week today I'll waiting for the airport limo to arrive... I swear I'll need meds by that time. My Gfriend that is going was here last night and she is the same... freaking and she doesn't leave until the Friday with the rest of the group..... Bring it on!!!!!!! Ooooh limo! I like that idea!!! I think I will have to look into that.
  21. So happy to see gerbera daisies in your bouquet!!! That's what I want! YAYAY beautiful wedding, can't wait to see more pictures.
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