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Everything posted by march132010

  1. Welcom another Bahamas Bride--- Happy Planning!!!
  2. Congrats and welcome to the fourm you will find all types of great idea here...
  3. I love the way my man will support any idea that I have weather it's stupid it or not, not only will he support me he will think of a way or help me carry out my out of the world idea's. I know no matter what in the world would happen he has my back. He has the greatest eyes in the world looks like he wear eyeliner (he hates that)
  4. Congrats and welcome to the forum!!!!
  5. Congrats and welcome you will find so much information here--- Enjoy the ride....
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Kathie I think everything but the flip flops are gone. I'll let you know if anything falls through. How cool is that you sold all the stuff w/o pictures WTG!!!!!!
  7. Congrats ladies--- what a way to start the new year!!!!
  8. Claire Danes : Terminator 3
  9. Congrats and Welcome you will find all types of "STUFF" here.
  10. Congrats and Welcome!!!!
  11. My FI and I are heading to the Bahamas to meet our WC and take care of somethings. If anyone wantt me to check out anything out LET ME know!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Welcome from another Carolinian!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Welcome and congrats!!!!!!
  14. CONGRATS, my FI asked me to marry him on Christmad Day also (200
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