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Everything posted by march132010

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by KarenM ooh, that one's fun too! So this is what we came up with. The first one was my initial inspiration board - just getting the colors together & finding things that gave me inspiration for an overall look/feel. Then I did this one the other day as an update, including the things that we're using (our invite, my shoes & jewelery, the BM dresses, cake topper, centerpieces, etc). The guys are wearing the guayabera shirts shown on the left, in ivory, with embroidery matching the girls dresses (one green, one blue, one yellow). FI is wearing a linen suit with white shirt (we think) & these fun chuck taylor allstars I had made for him at converse.com. I don't have a good pic of them since we haven't received them yet, but this one's from the website. The back stripe has "xoxoxo" all over it and I had our date stamped on the side (small). I love these shoes I <3 those shoes
  2. Congrats and welcome sit back relax and enjoy the ride!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Its my last 28 days before we leave and I'm on a mission to lose 15 pounds..... so I'm watching what I eat and working out 3 times a day, so I'm posting for you ladies to cheer me on!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Wow going to try the Red Velvet, my baby loves Red Velvet. This may be dessert for Sunday dinner.
  5. Our Plays--- We are watching as money movies as we can, all weekend...
  6. We went to see Shrek the 3rd, and we been together every since
  7. Congrats it feels good to book things....
  8. My 7 year old is my only bridesmaide I ordered her a bridal pinwheel Pinwheel Bridal Bouquet Set of 3 by Rule 42 by rule42 on Etsy I will post pictures as soon as I get it...
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by jerseykitten I have a personal trainer too - I don't hate him but I hear his voice in my head all the time and think about him constantly because I am SORE! This is only my second week - How long have you been going for? This is my 3rd month and yes my confession tonight I still hate him...
  10. This is a great question, I want to be a travel agent...
  11. Four Weddings and a Funeral: James Fleet
  12. St. Augustine College-- (HBCU) Historically black colleges and universities in Raleigh NC Falcon Pride
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